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TYR Announcement

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[b][size="5"]An Announcement from Through Yggdrasil's Roots[/size][/b][/center]

I'd first like to say we've had a lot of fun with Teen Titans. We've gone through good times and bad: we've grown together, we've partied together and at times we've stood side by side in combat, always emerging triumphant.

That said however, the time has come for TYR to move on. We hereby announce our resignation from the Teen Titans bloc. We look forward to continued friendship with our allies, to a strong maroon sphere and more good times to come.

Good luck to all!

-IKrolm, TYR Councilor of Defense

-The TYR General Assembly,

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='18 May 2010 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1274159721' post='2301963']
Well, I guess that marks the end of the Teen Titans.
Not yet. ARES has plans for continuing the Teen Titans.

Edit: At least, from what I was told. It's been some days since though.

Edited by Star Gazing
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I was not at all expecting to see ARES be the last in TT, considering the political climate when I stepped down. I do not see a future for TT, Though I am Interested to see what Caossal and his FA minister come up with. Assuming SF doesnt cancel TT themselves. Though Technically they are seperate entities, TT is a faction of SF, who ultimatly has the final say.

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[quote name='Barix9' date='18 May 2010 - 05:20 AM' timestamp='1274174413' post='2302053']
I was not at all expecting to see ARES be the last in TT, considering the political climate when I stepped down. I do not see a future for TT, Though I am Interested to see what Caossal and his FA minister come up with. Assuming SF doesnt cancel TT themselves. Though Technically they are seperate entities, TT is a faction of SF, who ultimatly has the final say.

Well, no. SF can decide they no longer want to be affiliated with TT, but they can't cancel TT.

It's just symantics, though, as I don't really see ARES having the capacity to do anything, let alone rebuild the bloc from scratch.

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This isn't a particularly good time for either of us in my opinion.

Kevin is right. SF does not have the final say, but they have a say in TT's final say. It'd be a good thing to see TT continuing, but it's not for us in our new situation.

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[quote name='fluffyewunga' date='18 May 2010 - 06:02 AM' timestamp='1274180532' post='2302071']
I've been expecting some1 to leave TT since the war. Was 50/50 who.

yeah, and I've been hoping you disband that excuse you call an alliance. (although the rest of us call it UPN's meat shield)

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

On the other hand, good luck TYR and I have high hopes for ARES and TT

Edited by CptGodzilla
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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='18 May 2010 - 08:33 AM' timestamp='1274189562' post='2302126']
Well, no. SF can decide they no longer want to be affiliated with TT, but they can't cancel TT.

It's just symantics, though, as I don't really see ARES having the capacity to do anything, let alone rebuild the bloc from scratch.
Remember the good ole days? You, Fireguy, god knows who from Halsa. Oh well even the best things must end sometime. I wish the best to TYR

@Zilla.. ROFL!

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Maybe u should follow your own advice.

My comment could neither be considered good or bad but purly neurtal. Your on the other hand is fueled with hate about an allaince u know nothing about. USN is no1's meatshield. If u would care to show when we have ever wared due to our UPN treaty i'd be greatly ammused since i must have slept through that 1

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