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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
Our coffers are limitless, unless that is Iron decides to remove people from peace mode that have been there for over 60 days and have a war chest the size of my daily income[/quote]
Well, you're a big 'ole slice of humble pie aren't you?

[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
maybe if IRON or DAWN actually came to the gremlins forums and asked the questions that Lord Brendan has they would get the answers they desire.[/quote]
[17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> Tell Peron that it doesn't really matter how many different people he sends over to query me (or who do it on their own).
[17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> I have nothing to say to IRON until you surrender and lay down your arms.


[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']O and how do i join the Ramerious hate group that seems to be forming, and what is your irc?[/quote]
I'm not sure who that guy is, but sounds fun...

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[quote name='Matthew PK' date='12 April 2010 - 05:47 AM' timestamp='1271047650' post='2257090']
If I found myself defeated I shouldn't think I would refuse.

I'm calling BS.

[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
[b]maybe if IRON or DAWN actually came to the gremlins forums and asked the questions that Lord Brendan has they would get the answers they desire.[/b] It amazes me that the only person whom even comes to our forums and ask us questions is not even involved. The embassies for IRON have not even been used in over three months on the gremlins forums, the last time anyone posted in the IRON embassy was December 26th 2009. And DAWN does not even have an embassy that i can find on the Gremlins forums. This really shows and showed a lot of initiative to incite peace in this conflict.

AS for "unconditional surrender" nobody ever said "hand me your keys," it is basically just another term for what is already been done and is being done currently. Just being called a different name and all hell breaks loose from assumptions and innuendos.[/quote]

This is a funny statement. If I recall correctly there are logs floating around in these threads somewhere that have Ramirus saying something to the effect of: "Tell Peron to stop sending people to talk to me. I will not talk to IRON until they lay down their arms."

But really though, keep pretending like you guys are trying to work with us. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Matt Miller found the logs. See his post above.

Edited by The Warrior
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[17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> Tell Peron that it doesn't really matter how many different people he sends over to query me (or who do it on their own).
[17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> I have nothing to say to IRON until you surrender and lay down your arms.



forums and irc are quite different.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='11 April 2010 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
maybe if IRON or DAWN actually came to the gremlins forums and asked the questions that Lord Brendan has they would get the answers they desire. It amazes me that the only person whom even comes to our forums and ask us questions is not even involved. [/quote]

I suspect it's very difficult to find people who can stomach the stench.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
I hope my wall of text gets communications open and people realize Gremlins are not bad people, until you get them wet, feed them after midnight, or subdue them to bright lights.
So THAT'S what happened!

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 09:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
As far as gremlins graph. O-no we are loosing pixels from small to smaller more inactive nations fighting 3 vs 1 against nations that were previously over 50K NS. So of course we will be loosing pixels, but even if they all fight for the alliance to ZI, they will and would be rebuilt bigger and better than they were before and faster. The Gramlins National Bank is ready and willing to rebuild every nation that lost even one pixel for the alliance. Our coffers are limitless, unless that is Iron decides to remove people from peace mode that have been there for over 60 days and have a war chest the size of my daily income, just to try and attack our banks, but that would be suicide for them so i do not see that happening, even though they are finally doing some spying on our larger nations. I hope that means something. Even though we have all your nations intell from start of war to present.

Exactly why, there is nothing for IRON to gain from this war. We cant start rebuilding, we cant start paying reps, we're under effective economic embargo and our nations that would kick-off the rebuilding process are numbered 15 against Gre's 37 incase they're brought out to fight.

As long as there is no military or political deterrence for GRE, they shall continue to do what is being done and in effect supported by proxy.

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote name='Shamshir' date='11 April 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1271021639' post='2256590']

[*]blood oath to never raise arms against a gremlin ever again
You raised arms on us, silly rabbit.
Enjoy your ruination, er... reputation. :)

[quote name='Matthew PK' date='11 April 2010 - 09:47 PM' timestamp='1271047650' post='2257090']
If I found myself defeated I shouldn't think I would refuse.
Defeat me. I implore you. If you can pause a moment from defeating yourself, that is.

Edited by PrideAssassin
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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 06:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
maybe if IRON or DAWN actually came to the gremlins forums and asked the questions that Lord Brendan has they would get the answers they desire. It amazes me that the only person whom even comes to our forums and ask us questions is not even involved. The embassies for IRON have not even been used in over three months on the gremlins forums, the last time anyone posted in the IRON embassy was December 26th 2009. And DAWN does not even have an embassy that i can find on the Gremlins forums. This really shows and showed a lot of initiative to incite peace in this conflict.

AS for "unconditional surrender" nobody ever said "hand me your keys," it is basically just another term for what is already been done and is being done currently. Just being called a different name and all hell breaks loose from assumptions and innuendos.

As far as gremlins graph. O-no we are loosing pixels from small to smaller more inactive nations fighting 3 vs 1 against nations that were previously over 50K NS. So of course we will be loosing pixels, but even if they all fight for the alliance to ZI, they will and would be rebuilt bigger and better than they were before and faster. The Gramlins National Bank is ready and willing to rebuild every nation that lost even one pixel for the alliance. Our coffers are limitless, unless that is Iron decides to remove people from peace mode that have been there for over 60 days and have a war chest the size of my daily income, just to try and attack our banks, but that would be suicide for them so i do not see that happening, even though they are finally doing some spying on our larger nations. I hope that means something. Even though we have all your nations intell from start of war to present.

I hope my wall of text gets communications open and people realize Gremlins are not bad people, until you get them wet, feed them after midnight, or subdue them to bright lights. How about we all go and watch a movie together?

O and how do i join the Ramerious hate group that seems to be forming, and what is your irc?
1. I myself and others from DAWN have an account on your forum, but DAWN was considered too small by your standards to qualify for an embassy.
Check them before making any insinuations.
2. So, just another name for what is being done? Sorry to be the one that has to say this, but it's never been done. And if you are just trying so hard to give us peace, why not say what you really wants from us - before we give you the keys to our alliances, which is exactly what unconditionaly surrender, combined with a previous demilitarization is...
3. Sorry, your WoT simply repeats all the empty phrases that every gRAMlin who has posted before came up with, and it does make it obvious you either all are living completely isolated and still haven't realized what you are doing, or worse, you think this is fun to do and don't give a damn.

[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1271057645' post='2257205']
forums and irc are quite different.
Oh, right, I will keep this in mind.

Regarding that codex of yours: those who helped write it all seem to tell me you are breaking it, so sorry if any reference to it isn't gonna convince me of your good intentions

Edited by shilo
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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
And DAWN does not even have an embassy that i can find on the Gremlins forums.
It has a public thread in your Diplomatic Lounge. Stop looking.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 03:34 AM' timestamp='1271057645' post='2257205']
forums and irc are quite different.

Yes they are. Nobody uses forums for diplomacy, in fact many alliances have started giving up the forum embassy all together. That being said your pathetic leadership has already said they do not want to talk. Why is it eveyone else has a better idea what your leaders have been saying then your members do? I understand they would not want to tell you they have managed to turn everybody against you and are completely incompetent but, you can see their very words right here.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 02:34 AM' timestamp='1271057645' post='2257205']
forums and irc are quite different.

Yes IRC, is real-time feedback, people tend to lose the diplospeak a tad there. All and all a better median in my opinion. You're not making a better point for Gremlins, if anything just worsening it. In regards to the Ramirous hate group, ask Omas or inferno for the password and access to the list.

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[quote name='LiquidMercury' date='12 April 2010 - 03:52 PM' timestamp='1271083926' post='2257337']
In regards to the Ramirous hate group, ask Omas or inferno for the password and access to the list.
Is this for real? How lame.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 08:34 AM' timestamp='1271057645' post='2257205']
forums and irc are quite different.

This is a matter of semantics and a poor excuse for not speaking with us.

[quote name='The Big Bad' date='12 April 2010 - 12:03 PM' timestamp='1271070186' post='2257260']
Yes they are. Nobody uses forums for diplomacy, in fact many alliances have started giving up the forum embassy all together. That being said your pathetic leadership has already said they do not want to talk. Why is it eveyone else has a better idea what your leaders have been saying then your members do? I understand they would not want to tell you they have managed to turn everybody against you and are completely incompetent but, you can see their very words right here.

IRC allows one to actually communicate with another human being in real time. If the gRAMlins were only willing to speak with IRON and DAWN via your forums, it would take [b][i]years[/i][/b] for this situation to find a resolution based on the in-activeness of your membership and the run-around that every single member of Planet Bob has been given in regards to the current situation. Although based on what we've all seen so far, I get the feeling that you guys won't mind this lasting years.

Edited by The Warrior
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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 06:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
maybe if IRON or DAWN actually came to the gremlins forums and asked the questions that Lord Brendan has they would get the answers they desire. [/quote]

You are presenting a completely new era of gRAMlin arrogance. What is the difference between Forums and IRC, based on the matter? Why do you want them, to come to YOUR Forums instead of talking to them on IRC?
Because you need years to invent these smart $@! answers to escape their questions?
That said, Matt Miller completely destroyed this point.

It amazes me that the only person whom even comes to our forums and ask us questions is not even involved. The embassies for IRON have not even been used in over three months on the gremlins forums, the last time anyone posted in the IRON embassy was December 26th 2009. And DAWN does not even have an embassy that i can find on the Gremlins forums. This really shows and showed a lot of initiative to incite peace in this conflict.[/quote]

I think no one, not even your own leadership refuses to accept the fact, that IRON and DAWN have made enough peace approaches.
Don't try to claim that they have never asked for peace. They asked for peace a billion times, but you don't want peace. You want them to kiss your feet, and unconditionally surrender, I think your leaders have made that clear. Read the OP, and read (again) Matt Miller.

AS for "unconditional surrender" nobody ever said "hand me your keys," it is basically just another term for what is already been done and is being done currently. Just being called a different name and all hell breaks loose from assumptions and innuendos.[/quote]
The problem is, that you don't say what you want. You want them to buy a surprise box. You want them to surrender without knowing the terms. That is a [b]huge[/b] difference. Because if your terms were awesome and light, or at least "acceptable", you could make them public. That you refuse to reveal these terms, shows, that they aren't acceptable.

You don't buy a something before looking at it first, and see if it's worth the money. Pretty simple.

As far as gremlins graph. O-no we are loosing pixels from small to smaller more inactive nations fighting 3 vs 1 against nations that were previously over 50K NS. So of course we will be loosing pixels, but even if they all fight for the alliance to ZI, they will and would be rebuilt bigger and better than they were before and faster. The Gramlins National Bank is ready and willing to rebuild every nation that lost even one pixel for the alliance. Our coffers are limitless, unless that is Iron decides to remove people from peace mode that have been there for over 60 days and have a war chest the size of my daily income, just to try and attack our banks, but that would be suicide for them so i do not see that happening, even though they are finally doing some spying on our larger nations. I hope that means something. Even though we have all your nations intell from start of war to present.[/quote]

You can save your propaganda for the Grämlins Forums. Keep believing that. I remember Grämlins having 116 nations before the Karma war. Last I checked you had 68 nations. That means, you lost almost 50% of your nations and some very prominent heads. (Syzygy, Bob Janova....) On these Forums, Grämlins was seen as a fair and just alliance, and that is gone now. I think SpacingOutMan is right. You will never recover from that, because people in Grämlins will not be able to adopt to this new situation. More Members will leave and in a few years, you'll be forgotten.

I hope my wall of text gets communications open and people realize Gremlins are not bad people, until you get them wet, feed them after midnight, or subdue them to bright lights. How about we all go and watch a movie together?

O and how do i join the Ramerious hate group that seems to be forming, and what is your irc?

I think the lines of communication are open on IRON's and DAWN's end. You guys, only have to pick up the damn phone and stop being unreasonable. It's that easy.

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[quote name='Mad Mike' date='12 April 2010 - 12:55 AM' timestamp='1271048128' post='2257103']
O and how do i join the Ramerious hate group that seems to be forming, and what is your irc?

I'm sorry, IRC is not an acceptable form of communication. Should you have any inquiries about membership, the organization itself, or our policies, you'll need to come visit our forums.

[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='12 April 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1271085346' post='2257352']
Is this for real? How lame.
I know right, who uses passwords anymore?

Edited by Titus Pullo
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[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='12 April 2010 - 07:03 PM' timestamp='1271091780' post='2257439']
I'm sorry, IRC is not an acceptable form of communication. Should you have any inquiries about membership, the organization itself, or our policies, you'll need to come visit our forums.

We don't have written policies... <_< But that doesn't mean we don't have them!

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[quote name='Baden-Württemberg' date='12 April 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1271091855' post='2257441']
We don't have written policies... <_< But that doesn't mean we don't have them!

We ignore the policies we do have whenever it's convenient anyways. So why even write them down? That would just be a waste of time.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='12 April 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1271091780' post='2257439']
I'm sorry, IRC is not an acceptable form of communication. Should you have any inquiries about membership, the organization itself, or our policies, you'll need to come visit our forums.

Well played.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='12 April 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1271091932' post='2257442']
We ignore the policies we do have whenever it's convenient anyways. So why even write them down? That would just be a waste of time.

Indeed. Even making up policies would be a waste of time... we can just exist in a state of anarchy for all that it matters.

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='12 April 2010 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1271093151' post='2257461']
The real pity here is that it's distracting from what a detestable bunch DAWN are,
IRON are beaten and well beaten at that,
DAWN deserve nothing but the contempt and pain due to failed bandwaggoners

Glad to see you finally recognize your alliance as "failed bandwaggoners".

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='12 April 2010 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1271093151' post='2257461']
The real pity here is that it's distracting from what a detestable bunch DAWN are,
IRON are beaten and well beaten at that,
DAWN deserve nothing but the contempt and pain due to failed bandwaggoners

I personally have no issue with 'bandwagoners', but honestly if you're going to call DAWN a bandwagoner then you have to call yourselves the same. Something the Codex forbids BTW.

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='12 April 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1271093151' post='2257461']
The real pity here is that it's distracting from what a detestable bunch DAWN are,
IRON are beaten and well beaten at that,
DAWN deserve nothing but the contempt and pain due to failed bandwaggoners

Some might point out the irony of this statement, considering your treaties.

I know, I know your policy, but that sort of precludes you from judging other in terms of bandwaggoning.

Edited by Lackistan
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[quote name='SynthFG' date='12 April 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1271093151' post='2257461']
The real pity here is that it's distracting from what a detestable bunch DAWN are,
IRON are beaten and well beaten at that,
DAWN deserve nothing but the contempt and pain due to failed bandwaggoners

No. The real pity here is that you attempt to paint DAWN in a negative light, when in reality it is your alliance who has "bandwaggoned" twice in order to hit IRON and your government cites you attacking us aggressively as a reason to keep us in a perma war. The numbers aren't adding up here.

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