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The Athenian Federation


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Greece, one of the last anarchies in Europe. For months already the people had asked for a strong power to rise and take over the government or rather the excuse of a Government. In this time nationalism had increased too, Athens one of the most important cities saw a mass immigration with it being one of the few stable places, a small City State had been formed there. Slowly the City State expanded to cover more parts of the country spreading a stable force on the way. Due to Military and technological superiority most factions surrendered fast. Today was the day it would all be completed, the nation had been taken over and order was being set up, now was the time to announce.


For months we have had no on to control us, for months were we without any form of stability. I come today before you to announce our Sovereignty again. With permission from my people I hereby form the Athenian Federation.

Our nation will not force its will on other people however we will protect our security and independence. Do not try to take over land while you think we are weak. To our neighbors and fellow Europeans I extend a hand of friendship and goodwill. We will be sending out diplomatic missions soon but first we need to help our people.

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We welcome the Athenian Federation to the world. Seeing as the region is now stable, we will work with our Athenian counterparts in our pullout, turning over our various police and defense institutions in the country to them. Rebel Army eagerly looks forward to working with Athens in the future.

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People of the Athenian Federation,

Your rise to existence onto the world stage brings nothing but sheer joy into my heart, the Queendom of Australia is presently going through a Revival of Antiquity and many of our influences come from the history of not only Greece and Rome, but especially Athens. The creation of this state is something to celebrate and I with you the best of luck, I hope that the philosophies of humanitarianism, democracy, and liberalism, which were inspired in Athens centuries ago will come to grace the world again. Know that whilst we may be on other sides of the world, you have a friend in Australia. May Athena's graceful eyes ever watch over your cities and may she lead you as well as she has personally aided me.

-H.R.H Hannah Asgeirsson


Lillia Palace Gardens,

Hannah sat on the stone side of the fountain of Athena and looked up at her ever watchful gaze. "So the culture of democracy and free thought returns to the world." She tapped her finger against her cheek. "I pray that this is not a facade, freedom has had too many facades as of now. But I trust this, the culture of antiquity may still return." Hannah looked down at her own gold bracelets and smiled. "And bring liberal thought back to the world."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Jordosaur94' date='18 March 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1268937966' post='2229417']
The Reich recognizes and welcomes the Athenian Federation into the world, and we see that the Federation is the direct descendant of democratic city-state of Athens of ancient times, the very birth place of Democracy and Western Values.
"Disparu echoes the Imperial Hudson Reich's statement. Welcome, indeed. We wish the Athenian Federation good luck in its future."

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[quote name='Shadowsage' date='18 March 2010 - 07:33 PM' timestamp='1268937555' post='2229414']
The Holy American Empire recognizes the Athenian Federation.

[quote name='Jordosaur94' date='18 March 2010 - 07:40 PM' timestamp='1268937966' post='2229417']
The Reich recognizes and welcomes the Athenian Federation into the world, and we see that the Federation is the direct descendant of democratic city-state of Athens of ancient times, the very birth place of Democracy and Western Values.

[quote name='Pikachurin' date='18 March 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1268938464' post='2229424']
"Disparu echoes the Imperial Hudson Reich's statement. Welcome, indeed. We wish the Athenian Federation good luck in its future."

[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' date='18 March 2010 - 08:06 PM' timestamp='1268939503' post='2229441']
"The state of Lübeck recognises the truly magnificent Athenian Federation and hope that they bring a new golden age to the shores of Europe."

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='18 March 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1268939804' post='2229446']
New Canada recognises the Athenian Federation, welcome to the world stage.

[quote name='Lynneth' date='18 March 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1268940838' post='2229460']
"The GDR does recognise the Athenian Federation."

[quote name='Drakedeath' date='18 March 2010 - 09:36 PM' timestamp='1268944931' post='2229516']
"The Slavic Federation recognizes our new neighbor."

-HRH King James II

[quote name='kitex' date='18 March 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1268945442' post='2229525']
"Blue Heaven recognizes the Athenian Federation and wishes them luck."

Thank you all for your well wishes.

[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='18 March 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1268945395' post='2229522']
The Republic of Finland welcomes the Athenian Federation to Europe and hopes they do better than previous Greek states.

"Believe us, so do we"

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[quote name='Sargun' date='18 March 2010 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1268945680' post='2229533']
The Sarnungian government has issued an edict demanding a diplomat be sent to the Athenian Federation, and one has been applied for.

Mere hours after the request an aircraft departed from Athens carrying a full Diplomatic Staff.

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Burgundy recognizes the Athenian Federation.


The Reichprotektor looks up from the report of the new Greek state.

"I expect some ignorant libeal idiots to welcome the return of democracy. Those Greeks, they're nothing but boylovers who took the credit for what was accomplished by the blood, sweat and tears of Frankreich."

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OOC: Back in Europe again, eh? :P


"We officially recognize the Athenian Federation and welcome it to the world. We inquire of whether we could establish a precedent for a future pact?"

It was a well-known fact that President Lyndon Johnson was an ardent admirer of Greece, its culture and history, and well, everything about Greece. Why, the President kept a huge library dedicated to Greece for that fact.


In their living room in their home in Melbourne, New South Wales, two certain Byzantine brothers and a German Shepherd dog were sitting on the couch, in front of a new 46" HDTV screen that Aaron bought. Jed and Aaron Constantine remained silent as they listened to the announcement of the formation of a new nation in Greece.

Finally, Jed broke the silence. "[i]Well, a new nation rises out of Greece.[/i]" The former prime minister chuckled, grinning. "[i]Why, I remember it used to be a part of Byzantium. Ahh, Byzantium.[/i]" He paused as he remembered the great country he used to lead. It was, what, ten years ago?

"[i]Don't forget Rebel Army, the Soviet states or whatever they calls it.[/i]" Aaron drawled, stretching his legs out on a small table between the couch and the TV. "[i]Man, I really miss the glorious days when I was Emperor...[/i]"

"[i]Oh, yes. We all know you miss your royal days. Get over it.[/i]" Jed rolled his eyes sarcastically.


The aging Henry barked softly. Jed ruffled the German Shepherd between the ears.

Edited by JEDCJT
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