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Poison Clan Announcement

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='13 March 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1268447739' post='2223904']
Don't you know? It's okay to betray your allies if it saves your skin.

Considering Echelon have taken a beatdown for their allies twice in a year, I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent.

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='13 March 2010 - 02:42 AM' timestamp='1268448474' post='2223916']
Considering Echelon have taken a beatdown for their allies twice in a year, I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent.
Considering it was a comment made in reply to a statement made in reply to crap The Big Bad said I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent. Maybe start with reading the thread.

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='12 March 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1268448474' post='2223916']
Considering Echelon have taken a beatdown for their allies twice in a year, I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent.
Reading threads before commenting? Preposterous! You're just as bad as Athens... I mean the hegemony... I mean PC

wait... where am I?

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='13 March 2010 - 02:54 AM' timestamp='1268449167' post='2223928']
Considering it was a comment made in reply to a statement made in reply to crap The Big Bad said I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent. Maybe start with reading the thread.

My apologies for thinking, in a wrong way I admit, that he was talking about Echelon in an Echelon related thread when the line he used had been played ad nauseum against Echelon :rolleyes:

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[quote name='AirMe' date='12 March 2010 - 07:32 PM' timestamp='1268440641' post='2223774']
Londo commenting on PC's honor is as funny as Hitler saying Ghengis Khan was a stand up and respectable guy.
Really? [i]Really?[/i] That's a pretty pathetic route to take when trying to put someone down.

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[quote name='Thomas Jackson' date='12 March 2010 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1268455142' post='2224031']
Really? [i]Really?[/i] That's a pretty pathetic route to take when trying to put someone down.

I urge you to read what follows before outrage sets in. It is always good to read ahead a little bit before commenting on something that is a few hours old.

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='12 March 2010 - 09:42 PM' timestamp='1268448474' post='2223916']
Considering Echelon have taken a beatdown for their allies twice in a year, I am pretty sure you could make your post look a little more intelligent.

Echelon wasn't the subject of my comment.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='12 March 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1268455299' post='2224035']
I urge you to read what follows before outrage sets in. It is always good to read ahead a little bit before commenting on something that is a few hours old.
The age of a post doesn't make it any less stupid than it was when it was originally posted.

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[quote name='Thomas Jackson' date='12 March 2010 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1268455598' post='2224040']
The age of a post doesn't make it any less stupid than it was when it was originally posted.

I don't disagree. I have also since taken responsibility, like an adult, for my comment and it didn't take me 10 days to do so. It took me about 2 minutes.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='AirMe' date='12 March 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1268455827' post='2224045']
I don't disagree. I have also since taken responsibility, like an adult, for my comment and it didn't take me 10 days to do so. It took me about 2 minutes.
Congrats, would you like a cookie?

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[quote name='Thomas Jackson' date='12 March 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1268455990' post='2224048']
Congrats, would you like a cookie?

No thanks, I am eating some blueberry muffins. Thanks for the offer though.

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[quote name='Neo Anglia' date='12 March 2010 - 08:44 PM' timestamp='1268444978' post='2223866']
:lol1: Okay 380. That one deserves a mention in Trashcat's Corner. Best one liner I've seen all week.
good to see some old names here, yours and mine.

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[quote name='hawk_11' date='13 March 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1268445728' post='2223879']
Oh come now Londo, sure we can; we just have to eliminate your massive exaggeration first.

For argument's sake, I'm going to play devil's advocate against my alliance here and say that we did have some EZI sentences on the books. However, we did not have "thousands" of EZI sentences carried out, as you would like to say.[/quote]

Just to clarify, Londo did not say that NPO carried out thousands of EZI sentences, he said "It's the difference between one state which has capital punishment on the books, and another state which executes thousands of people on the slightest of pretexts". Nowhere does he say what you are accusing him of.

[quote]They were also certainly not for the "slightest of pretexts." Your exaggeration is simply a way to make your "no EZI sentences" look fine in comparison to our four or five. However, having the sentence "on the books," [i]a means in which you were willing to punish someone given the opportunity[/i], is just as bad. The only difference between you and I is that I've pulled the trigger, Londo.[/quote]

EZI was a policy of Athens that was never acted on, that we never thought to act on, and it was rightly removed from our charter. Hell, I'm surprised we had it at all. There is more of a difference here between, "I've pulled the trigger" on several nations and "We had an EZI policy but got rid of it. We never used it; we never thought of using it."

Londo is right. In this, you cannot compare us to you.

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[size="5"]I am going to issue a public statement on this from the SBA.

We in the SBA have acknowledged Poison Clan's announcement and accepted a sum of reps. We will not discuss the amount of reps since it really is noone's business. We in the SBA would like to Thank those of you that sided with us and brought Poison Clan to a decision. Most of all, we in the SBA want to give gratitude where it is due. Let it be known that Echelon will continue to be the protectors of SBA. They have stuck by us when noone would and we stuck by them when few stood by them in the Karma War. We hope that Echelon and SBA friendship will last.

Thank you for your attention. Have a great day! [/size]

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[quote name='hawk_11' date='12 March 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1268445728' post='2223879']For argument's sake, I'm going to play devil's advocate against my alliance here and say that we did have some EZI sentences on the books.[/quote]

Instead of saying it for argument's sake, why not say it because it's true?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='15 March 2010 - 07:30 PM' timestamp='1268681775' post='2226434']
Instead of saying it for argument's sake, why not say it because it's true?


[quote name='Heft']Also Londo is a poophead, etc.[/quote]

yes and...

[quote name='Corinan']To sum this all up for the casual reader out there: lolPoisonClan[/quote]


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