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Official Announcement from La Cosa Nostra

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I am not a man of many words, so without further adieu, I come before you all today to announce the existence of a new alliance to Planet Bob. LCN has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I am finally getting the chance to put it into action. LCN is going to be doing a lot of growing over the next few months, and will be focused on internal growth alone. We will be accepting embassies and establishing embassies throughout Bob, but will not be seeking treaty obligations until we feel we are able to defend ourselves, much less someone else. LCN will be selling lots & LOTS of tech, and will be working with many alliances on selling tech in bulk quantities.

[i]Technology Trading Syndicate[/i]
[b]Team Color:[/b] [font="Arial Black"][/font]Black
[b]IRC Channel:[/b] [font="Arial Black"]#LCN on Coldfront[/font]
[b]Forums:[/b] [url][font="Arial Black"]http://www.cnsyndicate.ipbfree.com[/font][/url]
[b]Wiki:[/b] [url][font="Arial Black"]http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/La_Cosa_Nostra[/font][/url]
[b]Government of LCN:[/b]

[b]The Administration[/b]

CapoFamiglia - "The Don"
Sotto Capo - "Underboss" - 2nd in command
Consigliere (Personal Advisor to the Don)


Caporegime of Foreign Affairs
Caporegime of Internal Affairs
Caporegime of Defense
Caporegime of Economics[/center]

LCN does not have the standard "Charter" like most alliances throughout the Cyberverse, but we do have the Omerta. Which is given to potential recruits upon application to join the family, in which the applicant can then determine whether they are ready to Oath themselves into LCN or not. This Omerta is not "private" information, but I feel are useless information to you. So I will not post it here.


[size="7"]The Godmother Accords[/size][/center]

Preamble: With respect and admiration for the strong, knowledgeable background and promising leadership of members of La Cosa Nostra, and in the hopes of forging an even stronger, prosperous friendship for both, the Amazon Nation and La Cosa Nostra hereby gladly enter into the following Protectorate Agreement:

[center][u][b]Article I: Makin the Mob[/b][/u][/center]

The government of La Cosa Nostra may freely request diplomatic assistance at any time regarding matters of Foreign Affairs. However, in the spirit of mutual respect and friendship, it is also understood and agreed that the sovereignty of each signatory shall be respected at all times, and shall not be infringed upon.

[center][u][b]Article II: La Famiglia[/b][/u][/center]

Neither signatory shall initiate acts of aggression or espionage in any form against the other. Members of each signatory shall address each other with dignity and respect at all times, in all forums and media both public and private. Disrespect in any form shall not be tolerated by either signatory against the other.

[center][u][b]Article III: Bustin' Kneecaps[/b][/u][/center]

In the event of any unprovoked aggressive action against members of La Cosa Nostra, the Amazon Nation shall freely offer aid and assistance first and foremost through diplomatic channels. Should all attempts at diplomacy fail, Amazon Nation shall vehemently defend La Cosa Nostra to the utmost of its abilities. However, to most effectively allow La Cosa Nostra to continue to prosper and grow under the spirit of this Protectorate Agreement, La Cosa Nostra shall not be required or obligated to provide assistance in the event of any aggressive action against Amazon Nation.

[center][u][b]Article IV: Shake Down[/b][/u][/center]

In the spirit of respect for the sovereignty of each signatory, La Cosa Nostra shall be required to consult with the Amazon Nation in the event that they wish to participate in any mandatory defense or protection treaties with other alliances. Furthermore, each signatory shall give the other at least 24 hours notice before declaring war on any alliance, regardless of size or standing in the community.

[center][u][b]Article V: An Offer We Can't Refuse[/b][/u][/center]

For the enhanced economic well-being of both alliances, preferred trading status should be conferred between the signatories of this Agreement. Resource trades, tech sales, and aid chains should consider signatories of this Agreement as primary partners before pursuing any arrangements outside of this Agreement.

[center][u][b]Article VI: Sleeping with the Fishes[/b][/u][/center]

Should either signatory decide to draw an end this Agreement for any reason, each shall be required to notify the other through private diplomatic channels. The Agreement remains binding and in full effect for an additional 72 hours from the time of notification.

[i][b]Signed for Amazon Nation:[/b][/i]

Randalla, Queen
Amarynth, Queen's Consort
Kerdor, Master of War
Elbryan, Master of Finance

[i][b]Signed for La Cosa Nostra:[/b][/i]

[size="6"][center]Feel free to come visit our forums and IRC channel![/center][/size]

[font="Impact"][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]EDIT: OBLIGATORY WOO FOR YAWOO!


Edited by Blind Murder v2
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It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with BM as he has gone through this often grueling process. I always have been and will be willing to work with anyone who puts forth such an effort, and I'm pleased to see it all pay off as this creation is unveiled to you tonight.

I couldn't be happier for BM and the folks of La Cosa Nostra, and the Amazon Nation looks forward to seeing many good things to come.

Also, welcome to the black sphere. We wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

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[quote name='Blind Murder v2' date='26 February 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1267245647' post='2205840']
[font="Impact"][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]EDIT: OBLIGATORY WOO FOR YAWOO![/color][/size][/font]
That's how you know this is going to be an amazing alliance. Congrats my friends!

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[quote name='Zikawe' date='27 February 2010 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1267246429' post='2205859']
You should merge with OTS. :awesome:

I thought something similar when I first heard about them :P
Supposedly they have no connections to the other Cosa Nostra though. :(

I still plan on these guys being just as awesome though :D

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Congrats to BMv2. True, mafia has been done before in CN but it didn't pan out. Those that are wondering if LCN here is affiliated with the former LCN of CC may be wondering because of the announcement banner. BMv2 came to me asking for rights to the irc channel and I gave it to him. After that, we began discussing a few things and I gave him the banner and a few other graphics, which is why you recognize it. Beyond that, there is no affiliation.

BMv2 has presented himself as a highly motivated, hard working individual and I believe that he can have success with his alliance. BMv2, I wish you well and I'm happy to see this announcement!

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[quote name='Lunagron' date='27 February 2010 - 09:27 AM' timestamp='1267284655' post='2206517']
Welcome to the family my friends. I hope any of you that read this consider joining. That is, if you are not already in an alliance.

and even if you are ...LCN is much sexier than your current one..

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[quote name='mmansfield68' date='27 February 2010 - 10:53 AM' timestamp='1267289794' post='2206624']
Welcome LCN, especially to Black! :awesome:

Looking forward to working with you all at strengthening the economic ties in the ebony sphere.

Same goes for LCN, we cannot wait to get to know you guys better and get workin on building black sphere better than it already is.

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