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My Apologies


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Fellow Bob inhabitants,

As a former executive of the Blackstone Collusion, I dedicated myself to the ending of global hegemony. I agreed with its philosophy – after years of domination by blocs such as Q, it became clear that unorthodox tactics would be necessary to bring peace, freedom, and prosperity to the cyberverse. While others had the same visions, seemingly, results did not come fast enough by utilizing traditional operating schema. The rest, as you know, is history.

After returning to the cyberverse and seeing the new landscape that has been formed as a result of countless nuclear strikes, it has become very clear to me that this is not the world that I had envisioned, nor is it the world that other opponents to global hegemony had envisioned. Those of us that had dedicated ourselves to ending it, have been unknowingly used as pawns to perpetuate it, and strengthen it to grotesque proportions.

Amidst Bob’s awakening to this notion, I offer my sincerest apologies. Words cannot express the horror that I feel each day when I see the results of what I contributed to – as much or as little as that may have been. I know that I’m not the only contributor who feels this way.

Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to help to fix what I have helped to break. I stand true to my beliefs of ending tyranny, and I hope that everyone who has been misguided whilst embarking on that endeavor will also stick to those beliefs.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='13 February 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1266128462' post='2180441']
Blackstone Collusion was a joke. Some think it was designed that way by Pacifica. Others suggest that the humor was unintended.

Either way, it had zero effect.

If it was designed by the NPO, then NPO controlled literally every event leading up to their demise in the Karma War. NPO made a lot of tremendous mistakes in that time period, but contrary to popular belief there are people there that aren't complete morons and it's difficult to believe they would have designed their own destruction to that extent.

Either way, it's nothing short of hilarious to see a former Blackstone leader complaining about how their vision of the post-war world did not meet what they wanted, since it was the stated goal of the Blackstone Collusion to [i]replace[/i] the New Pacific Order as the top alliance in the game. An unrealistic goal, but their goal nonetheless.

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[quote name='Windsor' date='14 February 2010 - 06:04 AM' timestamp='1266127476' post='2180394']
Fellow Bob inhabitants,

As a former executive of the Blackstone Collusion, I dedicated myself to the ending of global hegemony.[/quote]
Wait, what? You guys dedicated yourselves to [i]replacing the leadership of said hegemony[/i], not ending it. Do you seriously think our memories are that short? We're not goldfish.

[quote name='Moridin' date='14 February 2010 - 06:51 AM' timestamp='1266130268' post='2180509']Either way, it's nothing short of hilarious to see a former Blackstone leader complaining about how their vision of the post-war world did not meet what they wanted, since it was the stated goal of the Blackstone Collusion to [i]replace[/i] the New Pacific Order as the top alliance in the game. An unrealistic goal, but their goal nonetheless.
And they wondered why we in Vox didn't want to work with them.

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[quote name='Electron Sponge' date='14 February 2010 - 08:11 AM' timestamp='1266135080' post='2180595']
Wait, what? You guys dedicated yourselves to [i]replacing the leadership of said hegemony[/i], not ending it. Do you seriously think our memories are that short? We're not goldfish.
You know, if some of us were, that would explain a [i]whole[/i] lot.


Alright, it would also bring up several other questions, but it would still explain many things. Also, it would seems Blackstone is as ridiculous as Ive been told.

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[quote name='Windsor' date='14 February 2010 - 12:04 AM' timestamp='1266127476' post='2180394']
result of countless nuclear strikes, it has become very clear to me that this is not the world that I had envisioned, nor is it the world that other opponents to global hegemony had envisioned.
That's what I wanted. :awesome:

EDIT: Also I noticed this was a thread where former Voxians point and laugh. :awesome:^2

Edited by Earogema
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I don't really believe Blackstone was effective, although they did manage to get Ordo Verde attacked. Which was only carried out by the leadership. Half of Blackstone was members of Mushroom Kingdom who were just in it to have fun with something that couldn't work anyway.

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[quote name='Katsumi' date='14 February 2010 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1266167537' post='2180872']
Half of Blackstone was members of Mushroom Kingdom who were just in it to have fun with something that couldn't work anyway.

Eh, to be fair, we only had one or two who took screens of their hilariously dumb !@#$ for our internal newsletter.

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[quote name='Windsor' date='14 February 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1266127476' post='2180394']
Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to help to fix what I have helped to break. I stand true to my beliefs of ending tyranny, and I hope that everyone who has been misguided whilst embarking on that endeavor will also stick to those beliefs.
If NPO was better than what we have now, why not work to bring them back to what they were? You know, backtrack and start over. :awesome:

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[quote name='Windsor' date='14 February 2010 - 06:04 AM' timestamp='1266127476' post='2180394']

Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to help to fix what I have helped to break.

If only you had a time machine, or maybe a warp in time.


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