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DoW on TOP for war crimes.


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[quote name='HHAYD' date='10 February 2010 - 07:31 PM' timestamp='1265848287' post='2173469']
Wait, I thought an alliance were suppose to be two or more members to actually be considered as an alliance.

Have fun launching your ferocious ankle biter fury against TOP. I am sure that TOP would be concerned about a 300 NS alliance declaring water with all of the attacks TOP is receiving.

Who knows? This might be the wee nudge that changes the world.

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[quote name='Letum' date='10 February 2010 - 07:34 PM' timestamp='1265852082' post='2173580']
I've got an even better one for you: VE declared war on Polar, therefore declaring war on Pacific, therefore declaring war on themselves as per the surrender terms.
Ha, VE has to declare war on itself. Classic.

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[quote name='Lennox' date='10 February 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1265856245' post='2173701']
The OoO will still be in effect.

What the hell? What is with you people? Sure it didn't have a cancellation clause but jesus, that doesn't make it immortal. If an alliance no longer wishes to be party to a treaty, then that's their own choice. It's hilarious to see someone from the NSO, famed for its Moldavi Doctrine that asserts an alliance's sovereign right to do just about whatever it wants, claiming that alliances are bound by their treaties to the grave and can't choose to withdraw from them whenever.

OOC: Take the Warsaw Pact, for example. It had no cancellation or withdrawal clause, but after 20-30 years had to be renewed or it would cease to be in effect. It was renewed around 1985, starting another 20-30 year term, but guess what? After political upheavals at the end of the Cold War, the Warsaw Pact no longer exists, and indeed some of its signatories are now in NATO, which was forbidden by the Warsaw Pact.

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I know your alliance was overjoyed and everything to show off your shiny new DoW, but could I give some helpful hints for the future ...
[list][*]Grow some before you issue a DoW. (Remember that scene from the "Austin Power's" where Dr. Evil demanded one million dollars ransom for the world? Yea.)[*]As your first outing, start small. Taking on an alliance several orders of magnitude larger than yourselves doesn't appear valiant, only idiotic. You will not be taken seriously and instead it will be seen as some desperate cry for help.[*]Be a little more catchy. Adopt a theme. Use some graphics (you're bees, I can think of several delightful and amusing themes). Be funny.[/list]
I hope the next time we see the Angry Bees we can all root for you in a good, stand-up fight.

Edited by Kahnite
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I like it how some of you take it too seriously by saying he's bandwagoning, or that he's doing this for reps. He's doing this because it's a game, and it's amusing. Is it literally completely impossible and unheard of for some of you to laugh at yourselves and a dumb thread of someone having fun with it?

Editted out a real world reference, I don't think I can do that in this section.

Edited by Comrade Korey
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[quote name='Comrade Korey' date='11 February 2010 - 10:20 AM' timestamp='1265901659' post='2174774']
I like it how some of you take it too seriously by saying he's bandwagoning, or that he's doing this for reps. He's doing this because it's a game, and it's amusing. Is it literally completely impossible and unheard of for some of you to laugh at yourselves and a dumb thread of someone having fun with it? Seriously, I think some of you think this virtual war is more important than the wars in the Middle East.

Problem was, it was not funny, it had all the humor of a root canal.

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[quote name='Kahnite' date='11 February 2010 - 10:22 AM' timestamp='1265901767' post='2174776']
Problem was, it was not funny, it had all the humor of a root canal.
His reasoning for this was literally more sound than half the CB's on Planet Bob (as much of a stretch as it is). I didn't tear up over it laughing but it was at the very least amusing. If some other people on CN are amused and you aren't is it really necessary to express that it isn't amusing to you? Just ignore it and hope it dies if you really hate it that much.

Edited by Comrade Korey
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