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Lol, you have no idea what you're talking about. Who are you to be talking about TOP policy? You do realize you're talking to kriekfreak right? Stop babbling about things you have no knowledge of and leave it to the people who are actually informed like kriekfreak.

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Lol, you have no idea what you're talking about. Who are you to be talking about TOP policy? You do realize you're talking to kriekfreak right? Stop babbling about things you have no knowledge of and leave it to the people who are actually informed like kriekfreak.

Tee-hee. I love you Epik.

Seriously though, Arrexes, he made it clear in his resignation post that he won't be applying to return anytime soon.

And we don't look kindly on members who leave to go fight a war elsewhere anyway.

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\m/? Principles? That's the whole point of this war. Over their lack thereof

Interestingly enough, there's such a thing as principles different than your own.

Amazing show Poison Clan, this is to showing Planet Bob how it is done. You remain one of my favourite alliances out there.


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I guess we can expect The Dark Templar's DoW next update? I see them honoring that MADP with PC and all, y'know...

Such things are not discussed with children.

Unless DT is in possession of some sort of ancient planet killer technology obtained from a Mars base, that comment is a bit over the top.

Surely the possibility that this could expand into a global conflict was planned for when you decided to play town marshal.

I have consulted with my advisors and they have suggested that I inform the CN community that our ancient planet killer technology is indeed in Supa's pants. :P

Also: Agreeing with ChairmanHal - rut roh!

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Awesome thank you pinkos... :wub::nuke::ph34r: See you soon, Love Dixie...

STA is going to war with PC? News to me. Don't make comments you can't back up.

In regards to DT's treaty, it is a MDoAP if PC is attacking due to treaty obligations. Thus, DT is not obligated to enter and PC has already said they will not ask them to join in.

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Welcome to the Tussel PC. The fireworks shall be fun and may both alliances gain a nice healthy green glow. :)

I thought u would have more then 1/3 of ur alliance fighting. you guys thinking your fighting an already lost cause?

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First off I do believe the war could have been ended quickly and without massive bloodshed, that option is pretty much over now. NpO will be able to soak up the damage and rebuild much more easily. \m/ is going to take the brunt of the damage while PC for the most part will sit in the higher tiers. So for some good PR they go balls deep....sorta....and in the process have not actually defended \m/ as they could have but instead have brought more ruin upon them. But hey, you go ahead and see it how you like to. The truth is though this could have been much smaller and despite all the bravado this is going to seriously hurt \m/ now and part of the responsibility for that lies on PC's shoulders.

Nice spin, that would be the shallow way of looking into my words. Try digging a little deeper. To me a good ally in this case would have helped to get quick peace for their ally that could potentially get seriously damaged over insults given. That truly is a shame. While \m/'s actions were horrible they do not deserve to receive massive damage over it but PC has decided to turn this into positive PR for them after a few bouts of seriously negative PR.

I think what PC's old leader might be getting at when he says failure to police themselves is that they have let their desire to get some good PR overwhelm any good sense. I hope their good PR is worth the destruction of \m/.

The destruction of \m/? And here NpO has been preaching throughout this war that they would avoid just that. I'm glad the addition of 4 million NS is so terrifying you must now destroy \m/ to make it through. If \m/ wanted to apologize and surrender because they angered Grub, they could have. You would have turned your argument against Poison Clan from "looking to gain PR" to "looking to hide" should we have waited another day to enter this war. Who is really fighting a PR battle? Grub telling ComradeGoby in query that this entire war is all just to make sure that people take Polar seriously? Grub do you really need the self-validation this bad? \m/'s actions were neither horrible nor worthy of a CB-less war. At the least, Poison Clan should have been attacked along with \m/. Who is looking to hide now? So sad that you had to ask Fark to convey your request for us to keep allies out. Pathetic.

It's amusing you make \m/ out to be some little kid who can't think for themselves; they know as well as I do how hypocritical your actions your actions have been in this war, and to be honest, I have no issues dragging this into as long of a war as we can make it. If \m/ would like to surrender, I have no problem with it. I think our members would prefer to be ZI'd than to live under your boot. We took our opportunities with TPF, and we'll take our opportunities with you.

There's no dodging the situation, the solution is our nuclear stockpile.

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The destruction of \m/? And here NpO has been preaching throughout this war that they would avoid just that

It is your deployment (and rhetoric and discussion of 'tactical peace mode') that makes it look as though you want to fight a long war, which will result in the destruction of \m/ and yourselves. The only tactical use of peace mode is to throw the nukes in waves and force a 25 day nuclear collection – so the fact that you're keeping peace mode reserves while talking about 'fighting to 0 nukes' means that you want this to be at least a 25 day war.

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The destruction of \m/? And here NpO has been preaching throughout this war that they would avoid just that. I'm glad the addition of 4 million NS is so terrifying you must now destroy \m/ to make it through. If \m/ wanted to apologize and surrender because they angered Grub, they could have. You would have turned your argument against Poison Clan from "looking to gain PR" to "looking to hide" should we have waited another day to enter this war. Who is really fighting a PR battle? Grub telling ComradeGoby in query that this entire war is all just to make sure that people take Polar seriously? Grub do you really need the self-validation this bad? \m/'s actions were neither horrible nor worthy of a CB-less war. At the least, Poison Clan should have been attacked along with \m/. Who is looking to hide now? So sad that you had to ask Fark to convey your request for us to keep allies out. Pathetic.

It's amusing you make \m/ out to be some little kid who can't think for themselves; they know as well as I do how hypocritical your actions your actions have been in this war, and to be honest, I have no issues dragging this into as long of a war as we can make it. If \m/ would like to surrender, I have no problem with it. I think our members would prefer to be ZI'd than to live under your boot. We took our opportunities with TPF, and we'll take our opportunities with you.

There's no dodging the situation, the solution is our nuclear stockpile.

My friend, \m/ is with you to the bitter end, we shall dine in hell together.

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when will TPF just learn its lesson and die already. you're basically halfway in the grave as is. for all that is good, give it up. go out with whatever dignity you have left.

Hi CTB, I'm fine, how are you?

....also, welcome back.

Can't argue with this. I love Polar, but your word, is your word.

Good to see you back CTB, and TR, you know I love ya.

Some things I will never get used to seeing.

MK indeed. :P

Enjoy yourselves PC, I know I am. ;)

Hi T.

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I don't really like you guys PC. But this is the way you honor treaties. Everyone can learn a lesson here, even alliances you think are crap have enough honor to step up and defend friends in the face of overwhelming odds. Yes, we can all learn lessons here indeed.

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It is your deployment (and rhetoric and discussion of 'tactical peace mode') that makes it look as though you want to fight a long war, which will result in the destruction of \m/ and yourselves. The only tactical use of peace mode is to throw the nukes in waves and force a 25 day nuclear collection – so the fact that you're keeping peace mode reserves while talking about 'fighting to 0 nukes' means that you want this to be at least a 25 day war.

Bob you are being obtuse. It is wise strategy to expect and plan for the worst. Why wouldn't they prep like it is going to be a long haul? All the cards are in NpO's hand and there is no indication that they have peace in mind.

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I think they stated that peace was up to \m/...

Yeah that can mean a multitude of things. NPO always used to say that peace was up to the other party and look at all the things they did? So for those of us on the outside who can just speculate on things, we are all in wait and see mode. No matter what anyone says, if they are beating the crap out of your friends, you always prepare for the worst. It is called planning ahead. So they either can extend the damage that they can do or have more to rebuild with. It is assenine to mock them for planning for the worst.

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Obviously Polar wasn't, otherwise they would have attacked them directly.

Let's assume the plan was to fight PC and \m/ all along (just going in hypothetical here). An attack on PC would bring in a bunch of random alliances that Polar has no beef with. Attacking \m/ and dragging PC in eliminates those that Polar doesn't have any desire to fight.

Pragmatic implementation of your goals isn't necessarily bad.

Anyway, kudos to PC for responding quickly. Best of luck to my Polar brothers, but I think you'll be fine.

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Indeed they did say that peace would come when M asked for it.

So, one could make the situation similar to when the Centauri Emperor was whipping G'kar with a whip that would kill a Narn in 19 stirkes and said Narn wouldn't receive peace until he screamed. G'kar ended up screaming after the 18th strike.......

Sounds totally fair. /sarcasm

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First off I do believe the war could have been ended quickly and without massive bloodshed, that option is pretty much over now. NpO will be able to soak up the damage and rebuild much more easily. \m/ is going to take the brunt of the damage while PC for the most part will sit in the higher tiers. So for some good PR they go balls deep....sorta....and in the process have not actually defended \m/ as they could have but instead have brought more ruin upon them. But hey, you go ahead and see it how you like to. The truth is though this could have been much smaller and despite all the bravado this is going to seriously hurt \m/ now and part of the responsibility for that lies on PC's shoulders.

As far as the comment about me, you mind explaining further because if you are intending to infer that I have run from responsibilities at the first opportunity at some point then I would kindly ask you to point out when that was the case. Seriously, do try.

Actually you guys "So for some good PR they go balls deep....sorta....and in the process have not actually defended \m/ as they could have but instead have brought more ruin upon them." You guys brought more destruction upon yourselves when this whole war could have been averted. You thought it was the best plan to attack \m/ for their raid and yet you could have just helped rebuild FoA. Instead you chose a path of destruction and mindless violence. Also had PC not jumped in defense your own members would have taunted them stating what bad allies they are and giving them nicknames such as the people that taunt ODN to this very day by saying "Optional Defense Network."

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I think they stated that peace was up to \m/...

Now that is blatantly untrue. I saw Grub say peace was up to \m/, well, \m/ wasn't the group that declared war on Polaris, it happened the other way around. Grub says he's offered terms, and \m/ says they've counter-offered, well, it seems as though the burden of peace rests on both alliances there.

You know, I'd be willing to bet a good amount of money that Grub offered peace once \m/ agrees not to tech raid any more. I'd love for that to be officially confirmed or denied, and I really hope it's not true, because if that truly is the reason, then I would be ashamed to have respected NpO and Grub.

Regardless of all this, props to PC for a proper and prompt response, good luck to you. As for RoK, I hate to see my friends there caught between two warring allies, clearly the best decision is to declare on them both, then fight yourselves in their defense.

So, I'd say the whole "It's up to \m/ and PC when they get peace" thing is complete !@#$%^&*, and say that it's up to the man who started this war to end it, and not with terms that attempt to fundamentally change the nature of (a) sovereign alliance/alliances.

Also, GL, HF.

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