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Questioning the Morality: AlmightyGrub


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I lol'd pretty hard.

I am a wannabe thug nerd afterall. Pretty sad I had to go there though.

Your alliance (and two others - you didn't even have the balls to do it all on your own) attacked an entire alliance just because you could, and then yelled "If you don't like it, do something about it" when people complained.

If you are allowed to attack other alliances for no reason at all, then you have little room to !@#$%* when someone attacks you.

Again, I don't care about my nation and such. This is a call-out to reveal the real reasons for the war which by Grubs own admittance is far beyond the raid. If we were only attacked us over that and didn't attempt to label us racists, there would be nothing to discuss.

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Again, I don't care about my nation and such. This is a call-out to reveal the real reasons for the war which by Grubs own admittance is far beyond the raid. If we were only attacked us over that and didn't attempt to label us racists, there would be nothing to discuss.

If you don't want to be labeled as racists, then you probably shouldn't say those things.

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First off, I personally yelled at the member in private. I never said what he did was right. I'm defending that it is incredibly stupid to attack an entire alliance for one guy calling someone a racial term. Secondly, I stated if it offends you, then don't come in our channel. Thirdly, I've had the racial term thrown at me so many times by my enemies it's getting sickening. TPF claimed I was an anti-semite, now NpO is claiming I hate black people? It's funny because I guarantee I have more black friends than any of you, but keep it coming. And lastly, I've never used a racist term against Grub or any of you.

Using this strategy is even lower than the moralist strategy.

well then, you might have wanted to state that you at least did something about the insult. your leadership on the other hand did not. i apologize to you for lumping you with the rest of \m/.

and it was not over one member, it was the fact that 2 of your leaders did nothing about it. and as we all know, the alliance does pay for the crime of their leaders. if ya'll don't like the reasons that \m/ was attacked, then i would suggest ensuring that your leadership does something about the racial crap that goes on in #\m/. again, your irc chan is where diplomacy gets done, if people cannot join your channel in order to use diplomacy, don't !@#$%* if diplomacy with \m/ ceases from some alliances.

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If you don't want to be labeled as racists, then you probably shouldn't say those things.

How convenient for me...I didn't say anything to Grub.

well then, you might have wanted to state that you at least did something about the insult. your leadership on the other hand did not. i apologize to you for lumping you with the rest of \m/.

and it was not over one member, it was the fact that 2 of your leaders did nothing about it. and as we all know, the alliance does pay for the crime of their leaders. if ya'll don't like the reasons that \m/ was attacked, then i would suggest ensuring that your leadership does something about the racial crap that goes on in #\m/. again, your irc chan is where diplomacy gets done, if people cannot join your channel in order to use diplomacy, don't !@#$%* if diplomacy with \m/ ceases from some alliances.

While I was not on the moment that it happened, I do recall Marx being quite angry and telling everyone to leave Grub alone. Perhaps if Grub told us he was angry and wanted something done, I guarantee it would have. Instead, he said nothing until his DoW.

For someone so offended by an insult, you would think he wouldn't go around calling someone, who at worst called him a snake in the grass, a racist nerd.

It's amazing you all see past that, and then are outraged at what a common member said to him.

The only difference in these attacks:

Common \m/ member calls NpO Emperor a racial term

NpO Emperor calls common \m/ member a racist nerd

No outrage at all for his insult? Amazing hypocrisy here.

Edited by Starfox101
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The reason for not applying the \m/ standard to other alliances is probably (1) due to \m/ being less compliant/ruder than the others and (2) \m/ being the strategically easiest one to attack. I don't think the decision to choose the softest target takes away from the fact that it is, nonetheless, a bold move. I also don't think it takes away from the underlying principals behind the attack--I can't eliminate world hunger, or stop all criminals, but do what I can within my limitations (and of course self-interest).

Besides, the GOONS menace is already being taken care of by the might of the SVOF.

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It's only a matter of time really, we're talking about an alliance that has destroyed multiple alliances, and chased numerous players out of the game. Yes Polar, you are abolished for CIN, \m/, Genmay, NAAC, GOONS, and such, because you are truly just.

Wait, I remember this from last year. Is this the new meme; everytime you decide you don't like an alliance they get accused of disbanding CIN, \m/, Genmay, NAAC and GOONS?

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Wait, I remember this from last year. Is this the new meme; everytime you decide you don't like an alliance they get accused of disbanding CIN, \m/, Genmay, NAAC and GOONS?

Your list was a bit different.

However I wouldn't use it if it weren't the truth.

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Your list was a bit different.

However I wouldn't use it if it weren't the truth.

You forgot what the truth was a long long time ago, also your reading comprehension is incredibly poor. But do continue berating me, I don't value your opinion and never ever have, but keep rolling.

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You forgot what the truth was a long long time ago, also your reading comprehension is incredibly poor. But do continue berating me, I don't value your opinion and never ever have, but keep rolling.

It doesn't matter if you value my opinion, we are enemies.

Where have I lied to lead you to believe I forgot the truth?

You, my good sir, are the liar, who has declared on an alliance using false reasons by your own admission. Just more hypocrisy for me to use.

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No, no, no Starfox you misunderstand.

Polar attacked you for acting like a collection of aggressive morons. You attack alliance after alliance with no real reason other than for your raiding pleasure. You have assaulted communities so you can get your precious technology and land, and you do all of this because there's no Continuum, or there's no WUT anymore. You think you can get away with it, it's a free world tralalalalala.

Granted it is a free world, there are no oppressors, but that does not give you the right to act like a complete jackass, and that's exactly what your alliance has done since it's formation. So don't twist this into a case of "declaring because we called him a racist slur" because you know, and everyone else knows that it's absolute horse!@#$. Don't try to spin this at all, you need a swift kick in the behind to learn. You cannot go around attacking alliances for no real reason other than your own satisfaction. At least when Pacifica did it, they at least tried to fabricate a reason, you however do not.

You are performing the same actions that you spent almost a year fighting against. So quit your god damn whining and take your beating like a man.

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No, no, no Starfox you misunderstand.

Polar attacked you for acting like a collection of aggressive morons. You attack alliance after alliance with no real reason other than for your raiding pleasure. You have assaulted communities so you can get your precious technology and land, and you do all of this because there's no Continuum, or there's no WUT anymore. You think you can get away with it, it's a free world tralalalalala.

Granted it is a free world, there are no oppressors, but that does not give you the right to act like a complete jackass, and that's exactly what your alliance has done since it's formation. So don't twist this into a case of "declaring because we called him a racist slur" because you know, and everyone else knows that it's absolute horse!@#$. Don't try to spin this at all, you need a swift kick in the behind to learn. You cannot go around attacking alliances for no real reason other than your own satisfaction. At least when Pacifica did it, they at least tried to fabricate a reason, you however do not.

You are performing the same actions that you spent almost a year fighting against. So quit your god damn whining and take your beating like a man.

Really, is that why they attacked us? I would never know with their dressed up CB that attempted to demonize us. And please, don't get so hyper claiming we're destroying alliance after alliance, when we've raided one alliance and they are still around.

Also, why on earth would anyone be quiet when people are going around calling you racist and attempting to (OOC:) character assassinate your entire alliance? You wouldn't either.

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Alright, when you knew about all this and Polar really just wants to kill \m/ because, you know, they're \m/... why did you give them a reason? Nobody forced you to attack a souvereign alliance for fun. Just like nobody forced NPO to attack OV.

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Alright, when you knew about all this and Polar really just wants to kill \m/ because, you know, they're \m/... why did you give them a reason? Nobody forced you to attack a souvereign alliance for fun. Just like nobody forced NPO to attack OV.

I stated that was a mistake on our part in the initial announcement.

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Really, is that why they attacked us? I would never know with their dressed up CB that attempted to demonize us. And please, don't get so hyper claiming we're destroying alliance after alliance, when we've raided one alliance and they are still around.

Also, why on earth would anyone be quiet when people are going around calling you racist and attempting to (OOC:) character assassinate your entire alliance? You wouldn't either.

So because it's just one alliance, that makes it acceptable?

Has it occurred to you at all, that people actually still find the word you throw around carelessly and freely on your public channels offensive and racist? [OOC] and don't give me any of this 'its just the internet' rubbish[/OOC] It's no wonder that people might think of you as racist with actions like that. C'mon man, think.

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Please stop with this racist debate. We all know \m/ is getting attacked because they are meat heads, so deal with it and change if you don't want to be labeled. The whole fact that a member made a racist remark about/to Grub was just another black stain on colorful history of \m/.

I want to know if hypocrisy is our word of the week

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[OOC] I will state this again in this thread. What goes on in #\m/ is not racism. What goes on in groups like stormfront or the british nationalist party is. What you people do when you label \m/ racist is devaluing the meaning of the word. You are helping the racists. You might even be racists yourself, of the real kind. Of the dangerous kind.

You !@#$@#$ disgust me.[/OOC]

I don't like \m/, but this situation really shows me that polar can never be trusted. Who will they attack next for vague moral reasons?

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So because it's just one alliance, that makes it acceptable?

Has it occurred to you at all, that people actually still find the word you throw around carelessly and freely on your public channels offensive and racist? [OOC] and don't give me any of this 'its just the internet' rubbish[/OOC] It's no wonder that people might think of you as racist with actions like that. C'mon man, think.

No, it was a stupid move. I was just pointing out that we haven't assaulted multiple alliances like you stated we did.

And quite obviously it has occured to me. I don't use it and while I am not government I told the offender he was a dumbass and was giving them PR material. So I'm not sure why you're addressing me as if I used it personally.

Come on man, think.

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I stated that was a mistake on our part in the initial announcement.

And the best thing you could think of was insult him and make a half-assed apology on the OWF? Did you learn nothing from NSO, Athens etc..?

You bring up NpOs old fallacies and forget to mention that they:

- happened while Sponge was in power

- Polar paied a high price for it

- Nothing the like has happened since Grub is in power

Your claim that the moralist view is just a pretext just doesnt hold a lot of ground. You are desperately trying to find arguments in the OP to support your view. Sure, Grub could have been even more diplomatical and let it slip, but if i was \m/ i would have made damn sure he was satisfied with your reaction. Grub does not bluff. What you give is what you get. And no, it is not hypocritical of NpO to "techraid" \m/. Is it hypocritical for a judge to sentence a murderer to death? Of course not. It would have if they attacked a random defenseless alliance, but they didnt.

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I really dont see a moral matter here. Let's forget moral for a second. \m/ wanted to raid an alliance that had no protectors. Polaris declared on an alliance who is kind of unprotected since their allies are the same of polaris.

I think every action has a consequence. The second was a consequence of the first.

If you don't want to get wet, don't go to play on the rain.

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Except a judge is given the power to sentence a murderer to death and is not bias. That's a bad analogy.

Who watches the watchmen?

Polar have no affiliation with FoA, nor beef with new \m/ – in fact they have a shared ally with new \m/, which would if anything make them biased towards you.

You bring up NpOs old fallacies and forget to mention that they:

- happened while Sponge was in power

- Polar paied a high price for it

- Nothing the like has happened since Grub is in power

I'm just going to give this a QFT

Also, Crymson and Grub can be 'snakes in the grass' together! (Or was it Saber? I forget.) What a spectacularly ironic insult to give to a Polar emperor!

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