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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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Anyone who is complaining about the war, would you rather live in a world where alliances are free from consequences for their action? \m/ said to everyone to bring it to them if they had a problem with it, and now someone finally did, are we all now going to say "that's not what they meant!" and back down from their very claims?

But really, would you rather live in a world where no one was held accountable for their actions, and alliances were free to shove around other alliances merely because they're without treaty, even if they're 50 or so members large? Or would you rather live in a world where people are held accountable for their actions?

I would like to live in a world when people actually, ya know, didn't meddle in issues that were not even remotely relevant to them. By all means, Polaris can be the World Police all they want, but they look like absolute idiots doing it. GOONS (as far as I am aware) raided an alliance before this, slap on the wrists, do it again, and get a slap on the wrists again.

Members of the Poison Clan are saying Polaris never approached them (correct me if I am wrong here on this measure). That means that PC could not have accepted some backroom deal, meaning that they are just as culpable in this ordeal, meaning that if NpO was truly outraged by this tech raiding of an alliance, they would have declared on PC as well. But there has been only a declaration of \m/, and it just shows opportunism at its finest.

So you're just whining because this is a fight you can't win then?

I have lost a great deal of respect for GOONS because of this and the fact that \m/ said "lolno" to NpO is, in my opinion, worth a lot more than infra-hugging. It's sad that defending one's position is a foreign concept to Polaris members, even such as yourself AJ. ;)

Are you the same alliance that a few weeks ago was foaming at the mouth for an opportunity to hit TPF over an expired CB that occurred in the middle of a war they already got peace for? Polar comes along with a legit CB and doesn't call in its allies at all (which it easily could I'm sure) and you go whine and cry foul.

Wait, a legitimate CB? Oh man, this is classic coming from someone such as yourself (Pacifica reference, etc.). So, by that logic, can any alliance declare on another alliance for tech raiding anyone? Can any alliance exercise its sovereignty and declare on anyone now by coming up with any CB? Cool, I expect the next war to be a ton of fun.

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I actually laughed out loud at this.

You quit the Sith because you wanted to fight NPO in the Karma War and I said no. Two days later we entered the war via another front and you stated then that had you known you would not have left.

We have never ran from any fight and will not now. In fact, you can thank us for your alliance being left to burn more or less alone because everyone pretty much knows that if it escalates beyond your one most "immediate" ally we are going to enter and the whole world will burn.

I have a smallish, inexperienced alliance full of warmongers with just over a 1000 nukes. Not a hyperpower, but a loose cannon just the same.

I think you are confusing me with someone else Ivan. I fought in those wars with NSO, should I chock it up to old age or more of Polars allies talking !@#$%^&*.

Edited by Merrie Melodies
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I find it funny that while there is no crying or whining going on thats all you jokers can come up with to throw at us. BTW just because we will lose our infra and the military battles doesn't mean we won't win in the end.

You have no other means of victory. You have no capital of any kind, outside of what is invested in your individual nations.

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Are you the same alliance that a few weeks ago was foaming at the mouth for an opportunity to hit TPF over an expired CB that occurred in the middle of a war they already got peace for? Polar comes along with a legit CB and doesn't call in its allies at all (which it easily could I'm sure) and you go whine and cry foul.

There is no crying of foul by me, I embraced this from the very moment rolled up at started acting like a tool over.

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I think you are confusing me with someone else Ivan. I fought in those wars with NSO, should I chock it up to old or more of Polars allies talking !@#$%^&*.

Ah yes, you quit to fight PC or someone and then joined NPO. I had you confused with Nigras I believe, who is also in \m/.

And of all the people that you could accuse of "talking !@#$%^&*" I believe most know that I don't really fit that bill. I have been ranting in back rooms for months about all these potential major wars fizzling out at the last minute. I enjoy war.

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I find this rather depressing really. While the op was extremely well written, I still can't get beyond the alliance that is doing the attacking and the former relations that alliance has to it's target. Regardless i do see fault, but I don't see the need to be the law maker.

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I would like to live in a world when people actually, ya know, didn't meddle in issues that were not even remotely relevant to them. By all means, Polaris can be the World Police all they want, but they look like absolute idiots doing it. GOONS (as far as I am aware) raided an alliance before this, slap on the wrists, do it again, and get a slap on the wrists again.

Members of the Poison Clan are saying Polaris never approached them (correct me if I am wrong here on this measure). That means that PC could not have accepted some backroom deal, meaning that they are just as culpable in this ordeal, meaning that if NpO was truly outraged by this tech raiding of an alliance, they would have declared on PC as well. But there has been only a declaration of \m/, and it just shows opportunism at its finest.

\m/ was always the most vocal of the 3, well, goons were pretty vocal but apparently things got worked out in the back rooms, whereas \m/ merely tossed around some racist remarks in the back rooms. PC was largely ignored because they were largely silent when their actions were brought to light, but as Grub has said, if they want war.. well..

But, I like my planet bob where people are held accountable to the things they say and do. All alliances do it on the individual level, and although I applaud CSN and SuperFriends for their wannabe UjP nature, I can't agree with it. I can't agree with defending petty thugs, idiots, and my idols and watching as alliances around me, those that are supposedly my allies, turn into petty thugs, idiots, and my idols too.

That's all you guys are now. You call THIS opportunist, but you applaud and cheer when your allies wait 72 hours to raid an alliance that had the misfortune of not being able to find a protectorate quick enough. You applaud when all they do is say "don't like how we do things? do something about it." and then you call THIS opportunist when someone finally does?

!@#$@#$ pathetic.

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I liken the situation to some petty thug holding a gun to your head and trying to take your belongings, I'm sure many of you would be perfectly happy for an uninvolved individual to wallop said thug around the head with a cricket bat and beat him to a bloody pulp. I'm also relatively sure that when this story made the papers most of you would agree the individual got his just deserves. It's not morally acceptable to take another persons belongings in real life and Polar has made it perfectly clear they do not view it as morally acceptable to take another alliances resources in this game. \m/ was aware of Polars views on this due to previous issues with Athens but continued such practices anyway. Actions have consequences, this set were pretty transparent from the get go.

Yes this does set a precedent that you cannot raid unaligned random alliances for !@#$s and giggles. By the looks of things that is a precedent Polar is willing to maintain. Fair play to them I hope they have fun doing it. :)

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I liken the situation to some petty thug holding a gun to your head and trying to take your belongings, I'm sure many of you would be perfectly happy for an uninvolved individual to wallop said thug around the head with a cricket bat and beat him to a bloody pulp. I'm also relatively sure that when this story made the papers most of you would agree the individual got his just deserves. It's not morally acceptable to take another persons belongings in real life and Polar has made it perfectly clear they do not view it as morally acceptable to take another alliances resources in this game. \m/ was aware of Polars views on this due to previous issues with Athens but continued such practices anyway. Actions have consequences, this set were pretty transparent from the get go.

Yes this does set a precedent that you cannot raid unaligned random alliances for !@#$s and giggles. By the looks of things that is a precedent Polar is willing to maintain. Fair play to them I hope they have fun doing it. :)

Actually you can raid random unaligned alliances, just make sure you don't talk about it.

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I liken the situation to some petty thug holding a gun to your head and trying to take your belongings, I'm sure many of you would be perfectly happy for an uninvolved individual to wallop said thug around the head with a cricket bat and beat him to a bloody pulp. I'm also relatively sure that when this story made the papers most of you would agree the individual got his just deserves. It's not morally acceptable to take another persons belongings in real life and Polar has made it perfectly clear they do not view it as morally acceptable to take another alliances resources in this game. \m/ was aware of Polars views on this due to previous issues with Athens but continued such practices anyway. Actions have consequences, this set were pretty transparent from the get go.

Yes this does set a precedent that you cannot raid unaligned random alliances for !@#$s and giggles. By the looks of things that is a precedent Polar is willing to maintain. Fair play to them I hope they have fun doing it. :)

So what is this acceptable number allowed for raiding, remember your alliance raids before answering.

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So what is this acceptable number allowed for raiding, remember your alliance raids before answering.

You're simplifying things. It's never been about an arbitrary number, but in how the alliance in question behaves on their raid, and how they act after the fact. Your members are my idols, and they think they're funnier/cooler/whatever then they really are, which means they don't have much respect for anyone. If you take an alliance like Nueva Vida, which I believe at one point had a raid limit of 25 or so members, by all accounts they are highly respectable, they treat people properly, and no one ever complains about their raiding (former raiding, don't know if they still do) because there was nothing to complain about.

The very nature of your alliance, of PC, of GOONS mandates that you have the utmost respect for people if you expect to be able to do things the way you want to do them. If you fail to have respect for people, when your alliances are highly caustic to begin with, then people are going to start taking immediate notice.

You guys never learned that. No one in PC ever figured that out after I left. You have no personal accountability, and you absolutely NEED it.

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Invicta wishes Polaris success in her \m/arch to war. Let the \m/iscreants receive their comeuppance. Let the \m/ight of Polaris bring a swift and decisive victory.

How are we liking these \m/ puns?


o/ Polaris!

Edited by Jorost
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