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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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The New Polar Order claims to have given all 3 alliances a diplomatic way out, including \m/.

The New Polar Order claims that during the diplomatic process Grub was called a racial term and thus diplomatic talks fells through.

The New Polar Order's Emperor openly stated he hates \m/ and that all of us are racist nerds.

The New Polar Order states the war was not started over an insult, which contradicts itself, especially considering it did not attack the other two alliances involved in the raid.

Wait, what? We got declared on because one guy insulted you, then you turn around and personally attacks us all?

I hope they put you down for good. Thugs like your alliance were the cancer Karma tried to fight.

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So now we are resorting to personal attacks?

You still aren't getting it. This is nothing more than Polar chosing one alliance, \m/, to DOW because \m/ has performed some actions that Polar doesn't like, but the catch that makes this Polar situations hypocritical is that Polar has done nothing to other alliances who did the same thing as \m/,

But really, continue to attack me personnally instead of Polar's hypocricy because we all know if you yell it loud enough you will become right :rolleyes:

Actually at this juncture I will state clearly for the record you have no idea, no concept and no clue. I don't think I have ever said I am attacking \m/ for the tech raid, nor for the other crap or for their arrogant attitude towards our community, but rather all of the above plus.

GOONS were contacted immediately, resolution was made. If you have any clue you will know some of the details, if not, too bad.

Poison Clan haven't annoyed me in the same manner as \m/, but I will be more than happy if they want to. If you are completely dense you may well understand the concept of allies and their requests relating to certain things. \m/ could have been equally protected by the same sort of requests but instead they choose to exceed my patience and thereby override the patient requests from their ally with whom we share a treaty, a lot of trust and a lot of respect.

If PC want to be attacked, they can wait, I have nothing to prove by attacking every alliance on Bob just to satisfy your agenda or perceptions. \m/ have been declared on and what happens from here will largely dictate what else occurs as we move forward. Consider this a social experiment, we do not need to conduct multiple processes at once.

While we are at it, we are not tech raiding \m/, we have declared war, you know that little post I made where I said we declare war on you for this reason. You can object to the CB, I have no issue with that, but do not think I hope to see my alliance benefit financially from this, this will cost and cost dearly, but I believe in what we are doing. You are free to not agree. The world is good like that.

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This situation is very clear. You got offended while going into another alliances soveriegn territory (their IRC channel) and take it out against their whole alliance, all the while hiding behind a false sense of morality while remaining allied to alliances who do the same things you are condemned \m/ for.

So essentially you throw up a bunch of smoke screens and really the DOw is because you don't like \m/.

Just say so and be done with it, don't hide behind these smokes and mirrors anymore.

I'm pretty sure he said that. Keep working on that wall though.

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Omg ... this is hilarious.

"No, we will not ask any of our allies to jump in if you do thesame"

How very noble of you to try to have a 1 vs 1 duel. Thats like a boxer taking on a twelve year old and pretending its fair because its 1 vs 1.


If this was about the tech raid then I could understand, but if this is over a breakdown in diplomacy I don't understand why there was a need for diplomacy in the first place. What were NpO trying to achieve through this alleged diplomacy that went horribly wrong?

As far as I can tell, this war is because NpO doesn't like \m/

PC said above that diplomacy was not resorted to, and I am not sure if ROK got a heads up atleast.

This reminds me of when NpO attacked VE's protectorate FIST with no warning to the VE (when VE and NpO had a MDAP)

Remember how well that went. Hey NpO, guess what, you can't attack whoever you want whenever you want, no matter how much you hate them. This isn't a game of war, but it is politics.

And justifying your war by saying it can be over easily and soon if you are allowed to do what you want ? That is yet once again hilarious.

Edited by leprecon
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Omg ... this is hilarious.

"No, we will not ask any of our allies to jump in if you do thesame"

How very noble of you to try to have a 1 vs 1 duel. Thats like a boxer taking on a twelve year old and pretending its fair because its 1 vs 1.

"For those concerned, we will require NO assistance from our allies in dealing with this matter. If this matter is to escalate that will be by your choosing alone. I understand that a treaty partner of \m/ will choose to defend, we will await your deployment, also alone."

I sort of interpreted that part to mean that \m/ can bring in allies, Polaris will not do so (although Polar allies could come in of their own free will).

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The New Polar Order claims to have given all 3 alliances a diplomatic way out, including \m/.

The New Polar Order claims that during the diplomatic process Grub was called a racial term and thus diplomatic talks fells through.

The New Polar Order's Emperor openly stated he hates \m/ and that all of us are racist nerds.

The New Polar Order states the war was not started over an insult, which contradicts itself, especially considering it did not attack the other two alliances involved in the raid.

Wait, what? We got declared on because one guy insulted you, then you turn around and personally attacks us all?

We know at least GOONS and \m/ were contacted. GOONS took the diplomatic route. Also it was an \m/ member that claimed Polaris talked to Pc not Polaris. Facts straight, get them.

Provide logs that he said that. Until then it's hearsay and rather slanderous and more than likely misread and distorted to fit your agenda. The nice part is since you're making the accusations and making the distortions I ask you this Starfox where is your proof?

I'm going to say it again. The members of the New Polar Order government really only give Grub their opinions. He then thinks about his decision. Grub's decision is ultimately his own and speaks for the entirety of the alliance. Those individual ministers, I'm really curious as to who said that the war wouldn't be started over an insult if it was said in public there'll be logs, deputy or smaller really don't decide what the Order will do. You can not comment on how Polaris is ran if you have no knowledge of how Polaris works. One member can have an opinion but it doesn't matter when Grub speaks and decides what is going on. I'd really like to see where the New Polar Order says the war wasn't started over an insult because there's an entire OP that begs to differ that this really escalated over an incident that \m/ did. Again that tipping point being a tech raid of a 31 member alliance which by a majority of alliances would consider an alliance.

Edited by Fireandthepassion
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As expected, it was just a personal vendetta to roll \m/. At least you're not lying about it. My soldiers are with \m/ here, live by the sword, die by the sword. Friends > Infra

Yes, there was certainly no other cause. Its not as though this stems from another incident. They jumped \m/ out of nowhere, it was crazy. /sarcasm

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Omg ... this is hilarious.

"No, we will not ask any of our allies to jump in if you do thesame"

How very noble of you to try to have a 1 vs 1 duel. Thats like a boxer taking on a twelve year old and pretending its fair because its 1 vs 1.


As far as I can tell, this war is because NpO doesn't like \m/

PC said above that diplomacy was not resorted to, and I am not sure if ROK got a heads up atleast.

This reminds me of when NpO attacked VE's protectorate FIST with no warning to the VE (when VE and NpO had a MDAP)

Remember how well that went. Hey NpO, guess what, you can't attack whoever you want whenever you want, no matter how much you hate them. This isn't a game of war, but it is politics.

And justifying your war by saying it can be over easily and soon if you are allowed to do what you want ? That is yet once again hilarious.

Do you just make crap up to satisfy your own ego?

I think before you run off at the mouth you should actually ask Hoo whether we spoke to him, when we spoke to him, why we spoke him and what the resolution was. While you are there, if you want to speculate as to why we are at war, fine, but do try to resort to actual facts and not retarded assertions. Oh and we have other allies we spoke to as well, over the last two days... why even \m/ was informed 24 hours ago that we would be declaring...exactly how much notice do you normally give your opponent? your allies? anyone else with a stupid grin and a smart comment? I think we covered all those bases fairly well, perhaps you were living in your little dream world and missed it all?

Politics you say, I don't think you even know what the term means. Polaris has been playing politics since its inception, I think we know what we are doing. Ifwe don't then we will be held accountable as we have been before.

While we are at it, do you have any concept of what \m/ has to do to end this? No I didn't think so. Go away.

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diplomacy can not be conducted when one side resorts to the use of racist, offensive and degrading language to describe the other and diplomacy can not be attempted when neither side is prepared to concede anything at all.

This reminds me of the time \m/ was all racist and then tried to pretend nothing happened.

Like yesterday when \m/ didnt post an apology and when \m/ wasn't prepared to accept the blame of racist remarks. Also, babies grow in cabbages and yesterday smelt like yellow.

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This reminds me of the time \m/ was all racist and then tried to pretend nothing happened.

Like yesterday when \m/ didnt post an apology and when \m/ wasn't prepared to accept the blame of racist remarks. Also, babies grow in cabbages and yesterday smelt like yellow.

Quite an epic apology too.

Here is their blame.

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Right now, I don't actually give a toss what you as Poison Clan want. Of course if you really want to know I will make some attempt to contact your alliance, of course I am not doing so well with the diplomacy thing lately, so do try to keep up when I explain it you. I have made no demands of you, so I think you could safely assume there are none right now... or whatever if it keeps you awake at night wondering.

I have selected \m/ for my current self-righteous crusade of imposition of moral order and we shall see where this path leads before dancing with multiple partners. OF course you are fully entitled to cut out the dance card and look me up yourself or just declare on me for being a self-righteous !@#$%^&.. any way works for me, I am currently busy with \m/ so you work it out and come back to me if you want to

I love how everyone claims NpO is 'a new alliance' and has 'changed' since Electron sponge departed.

Reading this takes me back, its like Electron sponge injected himself into the body of AlmightyGrub, the best part is where TOP members applaud this action, where as the same action prior to the No-CB war was frowned upon.

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Actually at this juncture I will state clearly for the record you have no idea, no concept and no clue. I don't think I have ever said I am attacking \m/ for the tech raid, nor for the other crap or for their arrogant attitude towards our community, but rather all of the above plus.

GOONS were contacted immediately, resolution was made. If you have any clue you will know some of the details, if not, too bad.

Poison Clan haven't annoyed me in the same manner as \m/, but I will be more than happy if they want to. If you are completely dense you may well understand the concept of allies and their requests relating to certain things. \m/ could have been equally protected by the same sort of requests but instead they choose to exceed my patience and thereby override the patient requests from their ally with whom we share a treaty, a lot of trust and a lot of respect.

If PC want to be attacked, they can wait, I have nothing to prove by attacking every alliance on Bob just to satisfy your agenda or perceptions. \m/ have been declared on and what happens from here will largely dictate what else occurs as we move forward. Consider this a social experiment, we do not need to conduct multiple processes at once.

While we are at it, we are not tech raiding \m/, we have declared war, you know that little post I made where I said we declare war on you for this reason. You can object to the CB, I have no issue with that, but do not think I hope to see my alliance benefit financially from this, this will cost and cost dearly, but I believe in what we are doing. You are free to not agree. The world is good like that.

So what does PC have a deadline or not? Please make up your mind.

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