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Celestial Being Announcement

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This looks to solve the only issue I had. A heads up warning like this should remove any possible misunderstandings.

Glad to have that cleared up.

8. Tech Dealing

Celestial Being members are forbidden from doing tech deals with any nation that tech raids. We will not fund their aggression.???

you fund a nation that is in an allaince that tech raids, you are funding that allaince which helps fund more tech raids....

We're making the distinction between the nation and alliance when tech dealing. I know several nations in several raiding alliances are opposed to raiding thus their own nation improving would not be used to raid.

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8. Tech Dealing

Celestial Being members are forbidden from doing tech deals with any nation that tech raids. We will not fund their aggression.???

you fund a nation that is in an allaince that tech raids, you are funding that allaince which helps fund more tech raids....

The argument that they'd be funding a tech raiding alliance doesn't seem to work here, unless the nation buying the tech then went on to send tech to other alliance members. Given the odds of this happening, I'd say Celestial Being should be fine with this policy.

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I demand he who posted the OP be raided swiftly and with a great vengeance.

I see what you did there. :)

On topic, Avalon is glad to see that it is not alone in this notion. It is always splendid to see another alliance emerge to place such a high value on just values. Glad to be working with you in this WC.

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Look, this guy has a point.

I like the idea of placing "Sanctions" on tech raiders.

If you raid, we wont do business with you.

I believe all the alliances that dont like tech raiding should come together and stop Tech Raiders by not Tech Dealing with them.

This will eventually eliminate tech raiders and make Planet Bob much more cleaner.

Not to offend anyone's feelings.

But think of Tech raiders from this perspective:

Tech Raider = Terrorist

You go in another guy's house terrorize them for thier property and leave. If they rebel and fight you, You cry and bring your other terrorist buddies in and play whack a mole with the poor nation.

Now to the point,

Dont Tech Raid instead just buy the darn thing, if you are bored and tech raiding is a way out. Then sit in your room with some lotion and choke the chicken or something :P

dont ruin the game for others,

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I like it.

My only concern is that the discontinuance of dealing with raiders may be an incentive to raid more.

It really depends on the raiders stance..and whether they put more emphasis on gaining tech, or warring for war's sake.

edit: spelling

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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I like it.

My only concern is that the discontinuance of dealing with raiders may be an incentive to raid more.

It really depends on the raiders stance..and whether they put more emphasis on gaining tech, or warring for war's sake.

edit: spelling

I agree, but at least our conscious is clear as we know we won't be funding nations whom are raiding ^_^

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No his alliance is adding a clause to tech deals that if you are a raider you are not eligible to recieve tech. If someone sends cash and then raids they are the ones who violated the agreement.

Not at all, unless his member informed them of that rule.

Before you attempt to argue it, WC already said that his members will be informing anyone they conduct a tech deal with of this policy. At this point, you would be correct.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Clarifying a question I just received. If we send a nation 3 million for tech and the nation then raids we still expect the tech or the money back. They are the ones violating the agreement and they will be expected to follow through on that or the money will end up being completely used for their raiding.

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Clarifying a question I just received. If we send a nation 3 million for tech and the nation then raids we still expect the tech or the money back. They are the ones violating the agreement and they will be expected to follow through on that or the money will end up being completely used for their raiding.

They will be messaged as well and informed?

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here ill help : just a few allainces you cant tech deal with

active raids NEW, CIA, NNK, NSO GOONS,USN, legion, UA, peace high order, MHA, UCIN, UPN, FAN, GDA,....Celestial Being Applicant (also have a tech raid going on) LOLS...PPO iFOK...

Those wars are aggravated territorial advancements for the purpose of sating our requirement for machinery and electronic components.

Nutty North Koreans does not participate in tech raids.

Clarifying a question I just received. If we send a nation 3 million for tech and the nation then raids we still expect the tech or the money back. They are the ones violating the agreement and they will be expected to follow through on that or the money will end up being completely used for their raiding.

That was my question ^_^

Edited by Kaiser Gutenhagen
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Interesting policy. As long as the terms are made clear to nations requesting a deal then I don't see how people can have a problem with it (and to their credit, they don't).

I have a question about how long a raid 'counts' for a nation. For example, if a nation raided last week, will you sell to them? If they complete a deal, raid, and come back and ask for a new deal next week, will you sell to them? Is this just for active wars?

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Interesting policy. As long as the terms are made clear to nations requesting a deal then I don't see how people can have a problem with it (and to their credit, they don't).

I have a question about how long a raid 'counts' for a nation. For example, if a nation raided last week, will you sell to them? If they complete a deal, raid, and come back and ask for a new deal next week, will you sell to them? Is this just for active wars?

This is for as far as our search wars screen will take us as it's the most feasible. At the moment I don't expect there to be any trouble however as the main alliances we're looking for tech dealings with are alliances whom don't raid such as VE.

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