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\m/, I just want to help


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\m/, I get that tech is profitable for you from raiding, but what do you gain from being complete and utter !@#$% bags?

I'd guess less stress, since the rest of Planet Bob generally tries to hide it :P

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Hmm... shows even more what type of people you are. Nice of you to make more of a joke of us. Can't approach this man to man I see... cowards.

We have nothing to discuss, nor approach. This matter is resolved, and for the initial raid you get nothing. Not yours.

And as to makeing you into more of a joke, you do that wonderfully without my help.

Edited by Atanatar
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They are also cowards

I understand from your post here that you believe nations which do not automatically attack larger nations are instant cowards. Can you please cite for me which larger nations you are constantly attacking?

Because if you're not and we apply your logic, then you're an coward. I don't know if you are or not. I'd just like to know if you apply the same ideas to yourself.

I believe that our Leader performed a noble act, and should be the one who should receive the “significance” as you put it.

But that guy didn't say anything about your alliance's significance. I did. One of these days, people will stop latching onto cults of personality, lavishing praise on the individual, and start working for the whole of an alliance.

I, for one, am trying to seek justice for these harsh behaviors. I applaud and have the gravest gratitude for all of those sending us aid now because \m/, GOONS and PC wont own up to there actions. I will also personally make notice to all of those who have helped out the FoA in our time of crisis. You are the people who make this a fun community.

And you, as well, have made this fun, I assure you. Case in point: I'd like to ask a quick question after reading that mangled attempt at rhetorical prose. Do you believe \m/, GOONS, and PC have violated the treaty of peace written on every man's heart?

The Courts are the People of Planet Bob. They decide, not us, I was merely making my case.

So the decision makers are a rhetorical device with no direct influence. In the future, I would like it if you made your case to trees and grass as well. You'll get a similarly decisive result.

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Please note the Corporation`s position remains unchanged. We will protect FoA, and get them reps in any future attacks, but maintain reps are not warranted in this case.

It should also be noted that DarthCyfe6 has given his notice from FoA, and as such The Corporation does not recognize his comments as coming from a member of FoA gov. We will do our best to resolve the situation.

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Posts: 700+

Pages: 35

Number of Complaints: Too Numerous

Rebuilding aid sent: 12 million dollars

For everything else theres mastercard or kleenex


What are you try to accomplish?

Nobody has the obligation to pay for the others stupidity, neither they have the obligation to show opinion only if they help those who were suffering.

I'll repeat to GOONS, \m/ and PC the same thing that I said in Athen-KoN treaty: Wan't to raid an alliance with no treaties? Raid GPA, TDO or may be you can try to raid Grämlins now, they just have one treaty, stop to raid defenseless alliances, cowards. And if you guys like so much tech, raid me, I'm full of tech.

Link to "I"m not just a coward, I have balls" raiders: Here

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All wars are tech raids.

This is funny. Right here Marx takes great pains to distinguish the attacks against FoA as a tech raid by saying that only ground attacks were used rather than CMs, etc., and that peace offers were sent immediately the quad attacks were done. Does not compute. If \m/ really believes that "all wars are tech raids," a weak argument at best, then why did Marx bother to explain at such length?

Also, why set forth a policy in your charter if it does not guide the actions of your leaders? Why not just edit that part out? Just saying....

Don't get me wrong. Regardless of my opinion of tech raids, \m/ is doing something to keep things interesting, which is sorely needed these days.

Edited by Valdemar
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What are you try to accomplish?

Nobody has the obligation to pay for the others stupidity, neither they have the obligation to show opinion only if they help those who were suffering.

I'll repeat to GOONS, \m/ and PC the same thing that I said in Athen-KoN treaty: Wan't to raid an alliance with no treaties? Raid GPA, TDO or may be you can try to raid Grämlins now, they just have one treaty, stop to raid defenseless alliances, cowards. And if you guys like so much tech, raid me, I'm full of tech.

Link to "I"m not just a coward, I have balls" raiders: Here

I believe his point is that outrage doesn't exactly do anything for FOA. If you want to help them, actually help them. Send cash and help them rebuild. IMO, Wicked is right.

I encourage everyone who actually wants to help FOA to contact Darth, FOA gov, or Corp gov and ask how they can help rebuild. I did it, and it only took 5 minutes. I'm sure you can too ;)

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Darth is no longer even in FoA. He resigned. Unless of course he decides to go back on his resignation, but in my opinion FoA would be better off without him.

You and your ODP ally seem to be think you know whats best for FOA. Do you know whats good for FOA? not getting a beating from three larger alliances and running their own affairs. If they want to pursue reps and your ODP ally wont let them then perhaps they need a new protector who will put them first and not their ally who gave the beatdown for a laugh.

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Darth is no longer even in FoA. He resigned. Unless of course he decides to go back on his resignation, but in my opinion FoA would be better off without him.

This is good to know...were he actual FoA govt., I would be appalled by the lack of respect he displayed for Kevin.

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This is good to know...were he actual FoA govt., I would be appalled by the lack of respect he displayed for Kevin.

Seriously, you are a GOON and you are concerned about the lack of respect shown to someone. You and \m/ pride yourselves on showing no respect to anyone, including the alliance who went out on a limb and protected you when you reformed.

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Seriously, you are a GOON and you are concerned about the lack of respect shown to someone. You and \m/ pride yourselves on showing no respect to anyone, including the alliance who went out on a limb and protected you when you reformed.

The wave has reached shore. It's time to paddle back out and catch another one.

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The wave has reached shore. It's time to paddle back out and catch another one.

I wont have long to wait, waves are predictable and cant change the direction they are going.

edit: bad edit.

Edited by Alterego
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People that are whining just stop. Do you really think that PC, \m/, and GOONS care what you think of them?

If you're so outraged by the tech raid, then do something about it.

3 things you can do.

1. Declare war on those who tech raided FOA.

2. Send aid to FOA members so they can rebuild their alliance.

3. Keep whining.

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Good luck with that but those alliances clearly lack any sense of decency. They are also cowards and wont give up their easy tech. You really should have fought back so it wasn't so profitable for them. They'd cry if they came across any actual resistance and lost their precious tech & infra. Thats what's really pathetic about tech raiding alliances.

I think my entire alliance would agree when I say we would welcome a fight back.

Funny that with four open slots, all you can do is whine. Where is your part of the rebuilding aid to FoA? Do you think your words will magically rebuild them? That's the thing about moralists. They !@#$%* and moan about all things not concerning themselves, always implying their thoughts and beliefs are all that is right, but never actually do a thing about it, waiting for someone else to fight their fights for them. How hard would you cry if someone blew up a piece of your 22k infra? That's what's pathetic. When war comes, I can expect you to be one of the first to run and hide in peace mode. Coward.

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This is good to know...were he actual FoA govt., I would be appalled by the lack of respect he displayed for Kevin.

Boo friggin' hoo. You and your ilk raid an alliance for no reason and then complain about the lack of respect your victims show you afterward? Who do you think you are? You act all tough and bad, yet when someone "disrespects" you after you punch them in the face, then all of your insecurities start to show.

For the record, he is not disrespecting Kevin or Corp. He's opinion is directed towards you and yours. So trying to play white knight by claiming to defend Kevin, when it is actually you who is upset, well, it ain't going to work this time sweetheart.

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