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Concerning the use of the Karma moniker


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Two: If the crux of your argument (and trust me, most of you *are* pushing this train of thought) is that Karma is as bad, if not worse, than the Hegemony, then you're certainly acknowledging that the Hegemony was bad.

You are close to the crux, but didn't really nail it. Let me help you.

Listen, voice of karma, you have in the last war claimed a moral high ground in the battle against "hegemony" which you depict as evil (and you did it here as well) by the actions they took that you categorized and painted as bad and evil. It wars, it CBs, its curbstomps of its political opposition, in short.

Now, voice of karma, you are doing and backing the same. The crux is, some are just using YOUR OWN LOGIC on YOU now, and pointing out your HYPOCRISY.

They arent equalizing themselves with "hegemony" per say, at least not all, but just having a field day with your ever changing morals.

Edited by Branimir
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The war will escalate when or if it escalates. Complaining about it doesn't really mean much. You gave them no warning of an approaching war, all preparations and organization had to begin after your initial attack, so an unusual delay should be expected.

Well that's the point. It takes MK an hour from we get notice until our declarations start rolling out.

It has so far taken them 3 days to do the same.

Hence, we are so very smug and so very much better. And we like to brag about it.

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It was rammed into our heads during a big war not long ago, think it was called the karma war or something similar, that NPO were really bad people for doing curbstomps and that was one of the many apparent 'crimes' we were being punished for. 6 months on and what do we see? BS CBs, another thing we were 'punished' for back then, and a good old curbstomp. Nice to see nothing has changed since that war which was supposed to create some brave new bob, but the alliance names committing such henious crimes.

You mean that one war you started? Where you declared during the peace process? That one?

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It was rammed into our heads during a big war not long ago, think it was called the karma war or something similar, that NPO were really bad people for doing curbstomps and that was one of the many apparent 'crimes' we were being punished for. 6 months on and what do we see? BS CBs, another thing we were 'punished' for back then, and a good old curbstomp. Nice to see nothing has changed since that war which was supposed to create some brave new bob, but the alliance names committing such henious crimes.

In other words you're mad because you aren't on the giving end anymore?

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The war will escalate when or if it escalates. Complaining about it doesn't really mean much. You gave them no warning of an approaching war, all preparations and organization had to begin after your initial attack, so an unusual delay should be expected.

Wait... Wut?

I believe that things are generally done in this manner. ;)

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One: If you call the people assailing TPF "Karma", that makes you folks the "Hegemony." This is a fact, because Karma was a wartime coalition that existed to oppose the Hegemony and ceased to exist afterwards, just as the CoaLUEtion fought the NPO and ~ fought the Unjust Highway. Coalitions don't magically reform (note: the alliances you're calling Karma did not comprise the entirety of Karma), and as they're not really de jure entities in the first place they don't really magically reappear anyway to suit your PR needs. But, on that note...

I should point out that, whilst the greater coalition ceased to exist, a "core" group of alliances that formed it continued to be bound together by treaties and friendship, to the extent that they could be viewed as a distinct group in international politics. In that same sense, the core of the CoaLUEtion remained together for GWII and III, though it eventually adopted new names for itself. In the case of the latter, the change in name initially came through the use of a multi-alliance treaty - in this case, no treaty exists that represents the political block in question - so instead, since they are most strongly associated with the recent Karma war, that is what they are called.

In effect, they are currently called "Karma", because there is no other word that exists to describe them. Should this war expand, this status quo will probably change, either by this "group" adopting a new name for themselves, or by enemy propaganda assigning one to them.

Edited by Letum
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We mobilized to hit TPF on 15 minutes notice at 2 AM EST. This is not rocket science, it's point and click.

That was pretty cool, gotta admit.

Come get us... B)

It seems lots of people would love to ;) Now if you would follow your treaty, they could get on with it.

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Next time we'll call first?

Generally there are signs of an approaching war... like diplomacy. That didn't happen. It takes time to organize target lists, decide who's going to attack who, and that only comes after debate of if or when an alliance will enter the war. As no bloc was directly attacked in this case there isn't a centralized structure of treaties. In short this war is different, so expect things to be different. Besides, the only thing that really matters is how the war ends.

Edited by iamthey
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I should point out that, whilst the greater coalition ceased to exist, a "core" group of alliances that formed it continued to be bound together by treaties and friendship, to the extent that they could be viewed as a distinct group in international politics. In that same sense, the core of the CoaLUEtion remained together for GWII and III, though it eventually adopted new names for itself. In the case of the latter, the change in name initially came through the use of a multi-alliance treaty - in this case, no treaty exists that represents the political block in question - so instead, since they are most strongly associated with the recent Karma war, that is what they are called.

In effect, they are currently called "Karma", because there is no other word that exists to describe them. Should this war expand, this status quo will probably change, either by this "group" adopting a new name for themselves, or by enemy propaganda assigning one to them.

So your argument is that they say karma because they're too unimaginative to come up with anything else?

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I agree with you a bit, I suppose. Though I'm not really seeing the issue as all that important. People are just saying that the actions of those attacking TPF now are similar to what the "Hegemony" was beatdown for by those very alliances.

And I don't think this is quite the right forum for this. Unless you're claiming the use of the term Karma belongs to MK or something of the sort.

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Generally there are signs of an approaching war... like diplomacy. That didn't happen. It takes time to organize target lists, decide who's going to attack who, and that only comes after debate of if or when an alliance will enter the war. As no bloc was directly attacked in this case there isn't a centralized structure of treaties. In short this war is different, so expect things to be different. Besides, the only thing that really matters is how the war ends.

It's not our fault that most alliances in the game have poor OPSEC, what can I tell you.

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Generally there are signs of an approaching war... like diplomacy. That didn't happen. It takes time to organize target lists, decide who's going to attack who, and that only comes after debate of if or when an alliance will enter the war. As no bloc was directly attacked in this case there isn't a centralized structure of treaties. In short this war is different, so expect things to be different. Besides, the only thing that really matters is how the war ends.

So you guys are just completely not prepared for war normally...?

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I should point out that, whilst the greater coalition ceased to exist, a "core" group of alliances that formed it continued to be bound together by treaties and friendship, to the extent that they could be viewed as a distinct group in international politics. In that same sense, the core of the CoaLUEtion remained together for GWII and III, though it eventually adopted new names for itself. In the case of the latter, the change in name initially came through the use of a multi-alliance treaty - in this case, no treaty exists that represents the political block in question - so instead, since they are most strongly associated with the recent Karma war, that is what they are called.

In effect, they are currently called "Karma", because there is no other word that exists to describe them. Should this war expand, this status quo will probably change, either by this "group" adopting a new name for themselves, or by enemy propaganda assigning one to them.

What did CoaLUEtion turn into, exactly?

Anyone calling this Karma's doing is ignorant of history.

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