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An Address from the Grandmaster


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I'm going to pull a Vladimir and suggest you read my published works. Autographs on request.

Where can i get an autographed picture send me the adress i would love one

Forgive me for a moment, but out of the Coalition of Cowards, who did not fight?


They were ridiculed, goaded and shamed into finally coming to NPO's aid.

Hey... you're a smart cookie aren't you? I mean look at the brilliant illuminations you've provided us in this thread. Notice anything? Hmm?

Wow just wow keep on saying it someday it might be true

Doitzel, that avatar is hilarious.

Shouldn't sign treaties with dirtbags then. Didn't you learn during the Karma war?

Im sending a cancellation to IRON as we speak

There is too much talk in CN nowadays. Wheres the proof of the labours, stand up for what you want and believe in.

Doitzel, has been here long enough to state his "taunts", so stop breaking down and crying when it happens.

- I guess all thats left to say is, well said.

Well said

I for one am enjoying the taunts. Well done doitzel you sir keep it interesting I await further posts that shall keep the masses entertained.

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First of all, I am not angry...not in the least. I believe you are in FB though...If so, then You were with NpO/Grub in the aformentioned situation...you were going to hit Athens and allies. If not please point me in the right direction. Either you were with Grub and NpO, or you were going against them/FB.

I doubt it was the latter. Come again.

BTW, I am clearly aware of you and NpO/FB being allied to MK/C&G. Kinda proves my point.

Or maybe, my point was that FB would look to take out SF, or Cit. Maybe that is above your head...I'm taking leave of this.

Before I do...back on topic, which side will the Jedi be on? ;)

Tyga, point is Grub is your leader whether you like it or not. Don't play semantics...you were with him in hitting Athens the very alliance that is the catylist, cause that would be to your advantage. We were there for honor. I understand you don't understand that concept.

Talk trash more, but it doesn't change the facts.

No worries amigo, I've done the same thing before...

Facts have been laid out..sorry if you are too naive to understand them.

Hey. I understand that due to my immesne naivity you are doing me a favour by simply inhabiting the same planet as someone of my low level intellect, let alone participating in the same discussion as me and *gasp* directly responding to me. I really do appreciate the favour, but due to a combination of this low level of intelligence I have, my obvious naivity, and the fact you use long words like catalyst I seem to have missed where the facts were laid out, in particular those relating to the remarks I have highlighted.

I apologise profusely for taking up more of your time when you have so patiently responded to me before, and without a hint of disdain shown towards me too, but since you are obviously so clever and experienced could you help out a stupid and naive ruler such as myself and point these facts out to me?

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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Keep dancing. If you are not with NpO/Grub against C&G maybe you should reconsider? Pretty obvious to me...
Do you know anything? First of all, almost all of Frostbite and CnG have some sort of treaty with eachother. Second, you don't know what actually happened with the Athens situation so don't assume anything. You're not Grub. You're not Tyga. You had nothing to do with that situation.
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To the OP:

Thank you Doitzel! your salute is well appreciated! IRON will continue to follow the path righteousness, honor, and justice demonstrated by you in the past year or so!


o\ Doitzel

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Hey. I understand that due to my immesne naivity you are doing me a favour by simply inhabiting the same planet as someone of my low level intellect, let alone participating in the same discussion as me and *gasp* directly responding to me. I really do appreciate the favour, but due to a combination of this low level of intelligence I have, my obvious naivity, and the fact you use long words like catalyst I seem to have missed where the facts were laid out, in particular those relating to the remarks I have highlighted.

I apologise profusely for taking up more of your time when you have so patiently responded to me before, and without a hint of disdain shown towards me too, but since you are obviously so clever and experienced could you help out a stupid and naive ruler such as myself and point these facts out to me?

My pleasure, Grub stated if Athens and C&G didn't back down he would nail them to the floor. TOP backed him as we thought Londo was being a !@#$%. C&G back peddled and made Londo change his ways...cause if not it would be everyone VS. C&G (much like the current situation less the obvious !@#$%ness.). MK made sure that didn't happen while making a statement of being the protector. Londo scrambled, crying for forgiveness.) Answer your question?

Do you know anything? First of all, almost all of Frostbite and CnG have some sort of treaty with eachother. Second, you don't know what actually happened with the Athens situation so don't assume anything. You're not Grub. You're not Tyga. You had nothing to do with that situation.

Actually, I know quite a bit of all the situations. I spoke with Grub, and I spoke with my gov...but who did you speak with? Yeah, didn't think so...and the fact that FB and C&G have treaties only proves my point. Furthermore the fact that I get so much attention in this thread only shows I know what the hell I'm talkin about.

Like I said before, and will honor now, I'm going to bed. Talk your BS all night, but the truth is just that, and it sure as hell isn't on your, or the OP's side....

Good night all. For those with a reasonable head, read the posts, cause there is a ton of BS here.

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I do find it interesting though how on one hand a group can hold up a CB and assure everyone that the actions of TPF add up to something worse and equivalent to spying, and then on the other hand criticize TPF's allies for not rushing to their defense...

Well, typically speaking, treaties are signed to help your allies in times of need. I know they mean nothing in this day and age, so some folks are just yearning a little too much for the past.

I'm stating the obvious here probably, but the whole purpose is to attack ex-Hegemony again (considering they're attack for actions that occurred in the last war), so it's only to be expected.

And you'd be wrong. Perhaps I can be allowed to show you logs from back channels one day. Of course, they're dumped and fabricated so often you probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

That was me toning down the cynical :P. Seriously though, if this is not supposed to be an OOC war then why is anyone blaming TPF's allies? The only reason TPF's allies should be blamed is if the CB really isn't that great, or if the war isn't truly IC. But hey I'm just going by what the aggressors of this conflict have been saying ;).

This made no sense whatsoever. War, no matter what reason, is something that you, as allies, are supposed to aid your friends in. Really, is the spirit of a treaty truly lost in these days?

You're right.

Geez, should we keep a Karma hypocrisy count? They are so pro at being hypocrites.

Karma was a loose affiliation of alliances, most of which fought for a singular purpose and, sadly, several used as a means of furthering their own agenda. We know who was truly with us and who was using us, and relationships do suffer for it.

Forgive me for a moment, but out of the Coalition of Cowards, who did not fight?

All of them. Then they rejoined after being called the Coalition of Cowards. Then surrendered pretty quickly again.

Yes, I know I skipped about 7 more pages after these posts, but you people hurt my head.

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Hey O town, here is an image for you:


For people saying this is about TOP, how on earth did you come to that conclusion? This war has nothing to do with TOP and it isn't a conspiracy to keep NPO under terms either. Take your tinfoil hats and go home.

Doitzel, loved it.

Stumpy, that picture is godly.

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This made no sense whatsoever. War, no matter what reason, is something that you, as allies, are supposed to aid your friends in. Really, is the spirit of a treaty truly lost in these days?

Actually, you're meant to follow the word of your treaties.

Either TPF's actions were aggressive and thus the actions of those attacking are just, or IRON are cowards for not defending an MDoAP ally. Not both. That was his point, I believe.

I suspect there'd be far fewer calls of hypocrisy here if this topic were calling out one of TPF's MADP allies, but it isn't.

As for speculation to this being anything more than a war over TPF's actions, there's little need to argue on the subject--everyone has their own opinions, and are unlikely to change their minds.

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Actually, you're meant to follow the word of your treaties.

Either TPF's actions were aggressive and thus the actions of those attacking are just, or IRON are cowards for not defending an MDoAP ally. Not both. That was his point, I believe.

I suspect there'd be far fewer calls of hypocrisy here if this topic were calling out one of TPF's MADP allies, but it isn't.

As for speculation to this being anything more than a war over TPF's actions, there's little need to argue on the subject--everyone has their own opinions, and are unlikely to change their minds.

"Hey, we love you guys. We really do. But according to this piece of paper, we can't help you in your hour of need. Hope you'll still be friends with us!"


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"Hey, we love you guys. We really do. But according to this piece of paper, we can't help you in your hour of need. Hope you'll still be friends with us!"


Hey, shut your mouth, and beg for forgiveness . You f'd up, and we may let you fry! I believe that is what MK did.

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"Hey, we love you guys. We really do. But according to this piece of paper, we can't help you in your hour of need. Hope you'll still be friends with us!"


I suggest you not rely on soundbytes. Would you expect an MDP ally to back you up if you gave no warning and then attacked a third party on the CB of "I don't like you", and then the third party's allies defended them?

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Actually, you're meant to follow the word of your treaties.

Either TPF's actions were aggressive and thus the actions of those attacking are just, or IRON are cowards for not defending an MDoAP ally. Not both. That was his point, I believe.

I suspect there'd be far fewer calls of hypocrisy here if this topic were calling out one of TPF's MADP allies, but it isn't.

As for speculation to this being anything more than a war over TPF's actions, there's little need to argue on the subject--everyone has their own opinions, and are unlikely to change their minds.

Don't MADPs require people to aid after aggressive actions too? Or does the a stand for something like apples or maybe artichokes? Maybe I am just hungry.

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Don't MADPs require people to aid after aggressive actions too? Or does the a stand for something like apples or maybe artichokes? Maybe I am just hungry.

They do--and as I noted, the alliance being called out in this thread does not have an MADP, but an MDoAP.

As I also noted, there'd be far fewer calls of hypocrisy were those MADP alliances being called out instead.

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Hey, shut your mouth, and beg for forgiveness . You f'd up, and we may let you fry!

Forgiveness for what? I haven't done !@#$. Yet.

I suggest you not rely on soundbytes. Would you expect an MDP ally to back you up if you gave no warning and then attacked a third party on the CB of "I don't like you", and then the third party's allies defended them?

There are usually visible elements of instability that would alert a signatory to either not sign the mutual defense pact. These elements include, but are not limited to: Acts of desperation in previous times of war, last-minutes side-switching, blatant disregard for signed treaties and being noWedge.

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They do--and as I noted, the alliance being called out in this thread does not have an MADP, but an MDoAP.

As I also noted, there'd be far fewer calls of hypocrisy were those MADP alliances being called out instead.

Oh so in a scenario where this CB is valid they have the Option to defend TPF via that OA clause and they are CHOOSING to preseve their infra instead.

So that makes the OP and subsequent posts about IRON wrong how?

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To IRON, I must raise my hand in salute. Your impeccable devotion to self-preservation has shown me the light. I am no longer ashamed to say that my own alliance -- not accidentally modeled on an ideology that breeds inaction -- has modeled its policy of non-intervention after your own. I am no longer ashamed to say that I helped build, and was once a part of, the mighty infra-building army of the Independent Republic of Orange Nations.

Someone sounds a bit pissed off that he's missed out on sleep for a couple of nights in a row.

I suppose it also shows how little you know about what's going on. Or, more likely, since I know you're not that much of an idiot, you're using those who don't know what's going on to score some free PR points against IRON.

Good show.

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Affluenza, I 've been around a bit longer than you without even looking at your nation, and can tell you it is quite the opposite. But keep towing that line. ;)

What has creation got to do with anything? :huh:

As has been mentioned multiple times already...you really are simply rambling incoherently.

Edit: Hey Affluenza ^_^

Hi... ;)

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