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An Address from the Grandmaster


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I do find it interesting though how on one hand a group can hold up a CB and assure everyone that the actions of TPF add up to something worse and equivalent to spying, and then on the other hand criticize TPF's allies for not rushing to their defense...

You're right.

Geez, should we keep a Karma hypocrisy count? They are so pro at being hypocrites.

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So. question..IRON was part of the original CoC. what should we call THIS group of people?

I do find it interesting though how on one hand a group can hold up a CB and assure everyone that the actions of TPF add up to something worse and equivalent to spying, and then on the other hand criticize TPF's allies for not rushing to their defense...

Doesnt mean they deserve to be left hanging by their allies. my conversation with Zetadefender of NPO the night the original CoC came to shame

<WickedJ[Fark]> i dont like NPO, i dont think thats too big of a suprise though. but ill say this you guys were done wrong

<ZetaDefender> I noticed, mass removals, it will be interesting who actually stays and who comes. Also some alliance will be losing massively from some of what people are saying in nsa

<WickedJ[Fark]> this was suppose to be a pretty big and pretty fair fight...not some cowardly !@#$ its turned into

<WickedJ[Fark]> either way, may we meet on the battlefield

And obviously Fark went on to fight IRON

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I know! How in the world did he catch Doitzel!? Were you surprised? I know I was! I never knew Doitzel was such a blatantly dishonest person that he would copy a speech about IRON from John Lennon.

I seem to have acted without dignity or decency.

No white peace for Doitzel. D:

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That was me toning down the cynical :P. Seriously though, if this is not supposed to be an OOC war then why is anyone blaming TPF's allies? The only reason TPF's allies should be blamed is if the CB really isn't that great, or if the war isn't truly IC. But hey I'm just going by what the aggressors of this conflict have been saying ;).

Please IRON, escalate so we can get at TOP!

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I think this goes well with my previous piece How Karma made me better than all of you. We might be on our way developing a real ideology here.

Badgers are yellow. But yes, harboring old grudges and letting them fester into such strong resentment certainly is very un-jedi-like of you.
I'm not sure it's appropriate for a Jedi to have access to uranium. What would you need nukes for?

Could you please be less boring?

Like this guy,

I believe the first two paragraphs are are clips from an interview with John Lennon. I am looking.
Edited by Sal Paradise
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Doesnt mean they deserve to be left hanging by their allies. my conversation with Zetadefender of NPO the night the original CoC came to shame

Oh so now you're just CONCERNED for TPF. I see. Anyway, I haven't seen any mass cancellations on TPF yet. What I have seen is more and more hypocrisy from the Karma camp.

EDIT: As for the OP, it's just a glorified assumption.

Edited by Canik
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That was me toning down the cynical :P. Seriously though, if this is not supposed to be an OOC war then why is anyone blaming TPF's allies? The only reason TPF's allies should be blamed is if the CB really isn't that great, or if the war isn't truly IC. But hey I'm just going by what the aggressors of this conflict have been saying ;).

Three have MADPs with TPF, and there's a good number of MDoAP's in their collection too. That's probably what they're focusing on. Also, I suspect that a large number of people *want* a war. Even if the spying were considered an aggressive action on TPF's part, those three having not said or done anything yet tends to make wonder at the value of a treaty with them. I think there's a saying... 'fair weather friends', or something along those lines.

OOC: Doitzel, I've been wondering -- what series is your avatar from? It looks semi-familiar but I can't quite place it.

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I seem to have acted without dignity or decency.

No white peace for Doitzel. D:

I've had it with you! First you are against the Hegemony because they like war too much, now you want IRON to fight a war and are calling them cowards for not doing so. You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world. But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out.

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Oh so now you're just CONCERNED for TPF. I see. Anyway, I haven't seen any mass cancellations on TPF yet. What I have seen is more and more hypocrisy from the Karma camp.

Still doesn't do TPF any good.

I've had it with you! First you are against the Hegemony because they like war too much, now you want IRON to fight a war and are calling them cowards for not doing so. You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world. But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out.

I told you he was a madman!

Edited by Earogema
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Forgive me for a moment, but out of the Coalition of Cowards, who did not fight?

They were ridiculed, goaded and shamed into finally coming to NPO's aid.

Hey... you're a smart cookie aren't you? I mean look at the brilliant illuminations you've provided us in this thread. Notice anything? Hmm?

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Oh, they all did.


After trying not to.

So, what you're saying is, if TPF's allies actually never show up to fight, they're worse than cowards? What does that make them then?

Eventually, as in, a single day. Come on people, give this time. You can't call people cowards for not fighting until you're sure they're not fighting.

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Doesnt mean they deserve to be left hanging by their allies. my conversation with Zetadefender of NPO the night the original CoC came to shame

In the case of CoC I wholly agree with you, that was an awful decision on the part of IRON, and I believe all of the gov at the time, including myself would acknowledge that. That being said there are legitimate times for dissolving defensive obligations. If this CB is legitimate, and if this war is IC then the I think TPF's allies are more than justified in taking the time they have taken to come to a decision. Following the logic of the aggressors I would even say, it would be fully warranted to see those treaties dissolved without the slightest insult being deserved. That being said if in fact the CB is garbage, or rather the war is OOC, then sure I think you in that case would be warranted in a measure of criticism. The point is those who want to see TPF burn in this can't have it both ways. Its either a righteous war against TPF for their plot, or its an OOC proxy war against ex-hegemony and anyone tied to them.

Edited by iamthey
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They were ridiculed, goaded and shamed into finally coming to NPO's aid.

Hey... you're a smart cookie aren't you? I mean look at the brilliant illuminations you've provided us in this thread. Notice anything? Hmm?

Or maybe, just maybe, they were going to come in to fight anyway. NAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that's too obvious of an answer. It must be that all, what, 10 alliances succumbed to peer pressure.

For the love of FSM...

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