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The Phoenix Federation Response to war.


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It's like TPF put ZH into a trojan horse. Then they moved the horse behind the walls, but the war ended and the horse was still there, but the guys in the horse never really liked Agememnon. Though they might have been dating. So after the peace the trojan's made friends with the guys in the horse and the horse guys told them about what the greeks had planned. So the trojans attacked them. Then the greeks said, "but we had peace", and the the trojans were like, "but we didn't know you had planned this dastardly plot behind our walls. Also you were technically fighting the... uh Macedonian Kings. And we didn't have any idea we should have been involved in those talks because we didn't know about this horse." So then the greeks allies were like, "that's totally not a valid reason," and then the trojan's allies were like "we disagree," and then the greek's allies didn't really do anything, but it's totally just like that. Analagies are so fun.

Although not entirely right lol, you did an excellent job putting that together. :)

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As a new player and someone who doesn't like TPF and mhawk from the history i've read, the aggressors against TPF do not have a leg to stand on.

But shame on their "allies" for not honoring their defense treaties when TPF needs... defense. Isn't the event of war the reason these things are signed? or is this concept something I learned wrong

Edited by Kalabac
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As a new player and someone who doesn't like TPF and mhawk from the history i've read, the aggressors against TPF do not have a leg to stand on.

Well if you say so, I guess I'll talk to Athen's about calling off the war. Good thing you pointed this out before anyone else got involved.

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As a new player and someone who doesn't like TPF and mhawk from the history i've read, the aggressors against TPF do not have a leg to stand on.

But shame on their "allies" for not honoring their defense treaties when TPF needs... defense. Isn't the event of war the reason these things are signed? or is this concept something I learned wrong

That's just it. If they believe so much in TPF, then why don't they defend them? Something here is foul.

Not only that, but it just seems odd to me that ZH would want ALL of TPF killed, or TPF's allies.

Edited by Earogema
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Well if you say so, I guess I'll talk to Athen's about calling off the war. Good thing you pointed this out before anyone else got involved.

Point is, I am a completely objective observer pointing out something when something is wrong. In fact, I am biased AGAINST TPF.

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So you know all about CN history yet you're not quite sure why MDPs are signed but you THINK it's for war? :rolleyes:

And no, I can't prove it. So what?

ok, so it's clear you can't pick up on sarcasm even when made really really obvious. Alright. And you can't even find anything that vaguely implies is. So what? So it means you have nothing to say

I don't know if I can prove you are a shill for tpf, but I can prove you are evil.

According to your side profile, sex is illegal in your country.

Only procreative sex. Human Capital is manufactured via artificial wombs. We are working on eliminating that pesky STD known as "pregnancy"

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ok, so it's clear you can't pick up on sarcasm even when made really really obvious. Alright. And you can't even find anything that vaguely implies is. So what? So it means you have nothing to say.

Edited out because I reread it and realized it was sarcasm. I'm still not buying it, but nice try.

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congratulations. But just know that reasonable and 100% objective people know the war is ridiculous.

Actually reasonable people can debate whether during a war launching plans to internally destroy a community is acceptable. Only TPF or their allies say it's "100% ridiculous". Others think it's acceptable, or a good CB, and some think it's a great CB. But very few discount the entire thing except for TPF and its allies.

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Actually reasonable people can debate whether during a war launching plans to internally destroy a community is acceptable. Only TPF or their allies say it's "100% ridiculous". Others think it's acceptable, or a good CB, and some think it's a great CB. But very few discount the entire thing except for TPF and its allies.

Ok, so why is GATO not attacking NPO for nukes in GW3?

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Ok, so why is GATO not attacking NPO for nukes in GW3?

Because nukes aren't a covert, deceitful, and underhanded attempt to infiltrate and destroy a community from within?

And NPO didn't conveniently forget to mention that it used nukes?

Edited by Yerushalayim
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nukes are explosive, infra eating, mad making meanyheads. Why do you think your adjectives make one act of war OK to dredge up?

Nukes still have nothing to do with the CB.

TPF set in motion an op that pretty much all of us can agree is unacceptable. They targeted an alliance they were not in open hostilities with. And they didn't think it would be a good idea to, y'know, inform Athens "Hey, so, we set this thing up, and it's done now, but you might want to watch those new friends of yours"?

By the way, why Athens? Why not an alliance TPF was actually at war with? I ask out of curiosity.

Edited by Yerushalayim
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By the way, why Athens? Why not an alliance TPF was actually at war with? I ask out of curiosity.

I think its been said that they believed Athens would have been the easier alliance to infiltrate due to Athens being a "merger" alliance. Also one can assume that Athens would have been a good choice due to their closeness to MK and other karma alliances. I don't understand it completely tho.

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