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Dark Fist's reponse to NSO

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So what was with the post by you stating that they apologized...?

On a rather side note, your sig says "The strong will survive." so why not declare and let the strong survive. NSO is suppose to be the big bad sith alliance here, im just slightly confused why an alliance that trys to create an image doesn't want to live up to it when it has a great chance to.

How did Palpatine win?

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Dark Fist won't declare, they just won't. If half of the claims they made were true then they should have, but they won't. And that makes NSO the cowards? Weird.

Actually we have said many times that we do not consider OOC grievances like that a valid CB. Who's trying to provoke war now? ;)

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Actually we have said many times that we do not consider OOC grievances like that a valid CB. Who's trying to provoke war now? ;)

That didn't even make sense.

I just have to ask, why do the Sith have such a fascination with 1 vs 1? Are you guys still sour about the Qui Gon Jinn/Obi Wan win over Darth Maul?

Who wouldn't be? Total !@#$%^&*.

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I agree. If DF is really mad about what they think happened then they should declare. If NSO is mad at the baseless accusations then they should declare. If neither is true then most of CN should declare on the both of them for all this useless drama. No matter what there is war :war:
I am personally not very mad. It is extremely difficult to make me mad, as I am a very nice person :)
The NSO saw the issue as exactly what it is, a trap. Corinan asked for an apology because DF can not provide any evidence to support their accusations. At no point has NSO stated that it sees the issue as being worthy of a declaration of war and has not made such a declaration. It has acknowledged the failure of DF in hoping to gain one through this drivel but has done nothing else except defend its position on that matter.

Dark Fist will not be able to coax NSO into a declaration simply because they dislike us. Lots of people dislike us. We now have fairly complete lists of them. So what?

Anyway, I really do need to go to sleep. Have fun.

OK, so as both sides answered to that, I'm looking forward to the "xy declares war on NSO & DF" threads. :P

Edited by Andy P
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So what was with the post by you stating that they apologized...?

On a rather side note, your sig says "The strong will survive." so why not declare and let the strong survive. NSO is suppose to be the big bad sith alliance here, im just slightly confused why an alliance that trys to create an image doesn't want to live up to it when it has a great chance to.

No. Again, you fail.

Simply because I have no problem going to war does not mean that I will blindly declare just because people like you want me to. It will be on my terms and if another alliance does what we supposedly did to DF and there is actual evidence of it we will declare. Openly and boldly. We won't make a half assed effort to get that alliance to declare upon us instead so that we can call our allies in to save us.

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Ah, insinuation and plainly stating are not the same thing. Please provide me with a plainly stated comment from NSO threatening war and I will retract my position.

Well there is this...

He's just trying to force the lie that we actually did that into the readers heads with that post, Griff. Ignore him.

So SCM, have you actually produced evidence of this act that you alleged the Sith committed? It's pretty important to your alliances health that you find it.

That doesn't sound like Corinan was worried about DF catching a cold... <_<

Let's go back to the OP of this thread...

PS. I would like to re-affirm that we are unapologetic about the creation of the announcement which has resulted in this incident.

Ivan, it's simple. He attempted to publicly humiliate your alliance in one of the most damning ways possible and he's not sorry about it. Your lieutenant threatened his alliance over it. Much drama was had. These are the facts.

Declare war on DF or not. This drama has gone on with saber rattling for so long you're all beating your sword into plowshares.

Starcraftmazter, your alliance came forward with some circumstantial evidence in order to embarrass NSO. You don't like the way they roll. Fine. A lot of people don't. Your alliance was threatened over it and I honestly can't say I would not have done the same thing if I were in Corinan's shoes.

Don't play coy. Declare war on NSO or not. This drama has gone on with saber rattling for so long you're all beating your sword into plowshares.

That's right, my advice is the same to both of you. Fish or cut bait.

With that, I'm off here for a while...Valhalla needs my attention.

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How did Palpatine win?

What, maybe your post is lost on me. Can you broaden it out so I can respond with clear understand by what you mean.

And to further clarify what i meant, NSO is suppose to be big bad Sith who think war and anger is good and believe in this whole notion that the strong with survive. Just find it interesting they are trying for peace here when its clear many of their members want war and also NSO wants a 1v1 without usage of nukes...

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...I didn't say that at all.

So what exactly are you trying to say? If it's that this entire scenario is stupid, we're in agreement. If it's that somehow us not being interested in walking into someone else's shooting range somehow makes us cowards or backpeddlers, then I would rather say that simply makes us practitioners of common sense.

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Actually we have said many times that we do not consider OOC grievances like that a valid CB. Who's trying to provoke war now? ;)

OOC: And yet you felt the need to air your admittedly OOC grievances in the AP, an IC section of the boards, and call for the IC destruction of the NSO?

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but at least they have the back to throw claims and stick to their nuts rather than threatening war and backing off because of cowardice

I do not recall seeing a Dark Fist Declaration of War against the New Sith Order. Do you mind providing the link to Dark Fist backing their wish to see the New Sith Order destroyed?

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I just have to ask, why do the Sith have such a fascination with 1 vs 1? Are you guys still sour about the Qui Gon Jinn/Obi Wan win over Darth Maul?

There is no way that Darth Maul was worth more then Qui Gon Jinn. Thus i say the sith won that battle easily. Plus it led to Obi Wan teaching anakin which led to his path to the dark side which led to the creation of, and victory for the empire. So yeah terrible analogy man.

But anyway NSO just wanted to fight with no treaties because its obvious neither one wants to be the aggressor.

Edited by Caesar833
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but at least they have the back to throw claims and stick to their nuts rather than threatening war and backing off because of cowardice

Umm, no.

Have you read anything posted from DF today? They are complete cowards. They threw the claims and did absolutely nothing. Nothing. Corinan asked for an apology and implied...what exactly? Nothing. And yet NSO is called cowardly?

Stupid people are stupid.

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Actually we have said many times that we do not consider OOC grievances like that a valid CB. Who's trying to provoke war now? ;)

Considering that you're more than willing to nail us on the "implied" elements of doppelganger's discussion with y'all, I don't quite see how you can honestly claim to have started all this without any bellicose intent.

Edited by heggo
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