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Dark Fist's reponse to NSO

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Umm "You have until update" to me very much implies you have until update or else we go to war. Also the log from STA where war is mention also kind makes me draw that conclusion. Now if you meant that you were gonna have a pillow fight with them, then i am sorry and am clearly in the wrong.

The STA MoFA does not speak for NSO under any circumstances, as is generally customary when you go from one alliance to another.

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So if we come in and demand reps and an apology from STA and give them an ultimatum, threatening to escalate the situation if they don't do anything.

That could be cool with you? :lol1:

Yep, I definitely said that.

I'm a bit confused, how did we get to the current argument? What does whether or not NSO threatened DF have to do with DF's baseless accusations?

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Ah, insinuation and plainly stating are not the same thing. Please provide me with a plainly stated comment from NSO threatening war and I will retract my position.

The greatest statesmen know that you never state what you mean plainly, especially if it regards war. Nuance and subtlety are the tools of this planet's greatest leaders.

I had always thought you and your subordinates in NSO could be placed in the category of 'great statesmen' Ivan.

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Sorry, I was answering his question. The deadline probably reflected that the evidence requested or the apology should not take long to produce and dragging the whole escapade out made no sense.

However, as I was not present for the discussions I'm only speculating. It seems speculation is the latest trend.

It was pretty clear that it was meant to intimidate him. Acknowledging basic, obvious facts won't undermine your argument, so there's really use in calling a spade anything other than a spade.

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They never plainly stated it. Insinuate, perhaps. But I don't know how much you've delt with Corinan, but he tends to be a little terse and gives discussions a time limit for his purposes.

It's the way he works.

Also do you honestly think the NSO would just go to war on a whim over a relatively small issue without having the Emperor present?

The militarization however, is entirely reasonable as a precautionary measure. CD did it too upon seeing SCM's thread.

Oh goodness. A time limit for his purposes? Really? And if they did not have an apology by update (a time chosen not because that's when DoWs are made, but because it's a really convenient time in... Hawaii), NSO would just be very very sad? Maybe give DF stern talking to?

No. Giving a time limit for an apology, at a time when when DoWs are made, has an obvious meaning. Particularly when pezstar, who from the logs was talking to someone in NSO who knew these talks were happening, certainly seemed to think war was coming.

And really, I don't think NSO are idiots. They know full well what was implied, and they know that in politics, it's not what you say, it's what you mean.

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So if we come in and demand reps and an apology from STA and give them an ultimatum, threatening to escalate the situation if they don't do anything.

That could be cool with you? :lol1:

Depends what the apology and reps were sought for. If you have any issue with a member of the STA, let me know and bring evidence of wrongdoing and I'll be happy to make good on the situation.

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NSO doesn't imply anything, ever. They are the most blunt, to-the-point people I know. Anyone reading one of Ivan's posts would know this.

NSO does, however, do an incredible job of giving the silent treatment.

Being that I'm one of their MDP partners, I think I would know first hand if they had any intentions of going to war. They did not. And being that they don't give into baiting easily, and rationally saw through it and simply asked for an apology, I think it's safe to say that no war was ever going to be started on the NSO side of things.

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So let me get this straight...

Saying "You have until update" to make a decision = We are going to attack you.

Saying "Furthermore, I think the New Sith Order should be destroyed." = We don't want war.

Interesting argument the fellows at DF have got there.

Alright, you can accuse me of wanting to see NSO rolled or not being involved in this or whatever. But in the 3 years I've been playing this game, 'you have until update' has always meant that you're either going to comply with the demands or go to war.

If that makes me crazy, then fine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I'm not even going to insult anyone in this post. If I'm wrong and someone has used that line without the advent of war, then show me and I'll be perfectly content.

Edited by Mixoux
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Trust me, I have no hope of you or any other member of NSO ever showing a backbone.

Ah yes, so you sidestep every legitimate point that I make, especially the points about your failing as a leader in posting that ignorant crap to begin with and basically fall back on "no u". Excellent. How expected.

Do you have proof of the claims you made against the NSO? No.

Do you have any reason to have posted that thread at all, except with the hopes of drawing NSO into a conflict? No.

Are you butthurt now that your brilliant plan crumbled and now you look like a jerk? God, I hope so but I doubt it, birds of a feather and all that.

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Alright, you can accuse me of wanting to see NSO rolled or not being involved in this or whatever. But in the 3 years I've been playing this game, 'you have until update' has always meant that you're either going to comply with the demands or go to war.

If that makes me crazy, then fine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I'm not even going to insult anyone in this post. If I'm wrong and someone has used that line without the advent of war, then show me and I'll be perfectly content.

And in the 3 years [ooc]you've played[/ooc], when an alliance leader starts a thread and in the OP says "Furthermore, I think [ALLIANCE NAME] should be destroyed," that means that alliance does not want to start a war?

Edited by lakerzz8
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Alright, you can accuse me of wanting to see NSO rolled or not being involved in this or whatever. But in the 3 years I've been playing this game, 'you have until update' has always meant that you're either going to comply with the demands or go to war.

If that makes me crazy, then fine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I'm not even going to insult anyone in this post. If I'm wrong and someone has used that line without the advent of war, then show me and I'll be perfectly content.

Your not, just apparently NSO is setting a precedent and changing everything! WATCH OUT!

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Alright, you can accuse me of wanting to see NSO rolled or not being involved in this or whatever. But in the 3 years I've been playing this game, 'you have until update' has always meant that you're either going to comply with the demands or go to war.

If that makes me crazy, then fine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I'm not even going to insult anyone in this post. If I'm wrong and someone has used that line without the advent of war, then show me and I'll be perfectly content.

Unless declared upon, or in response to an ally being declared upon, the NSO does not go to war when I am absent.

Any other conjecture on this is simply failure. I was not available, it would not have happened. I don't give a damn what anyone's opinion on "until update" means, it did not mean war because I was not going to be online until today. That is policy, that is a fact.

Conjecture and imply and insinuate all you wish.

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