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Wolfpack Announcement

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Great deflection. Please explain why we deserved to be destroyed by GOONS. What cause was so great and mighty that our micro alliance should be destroyed? We did not overstep our boundaries. Every decision we made we asked Wolfpack about. Our ODP with PoPR? Permission given by cookiemonster himself. ES explaining to someone that Wolfpack protects us to avoid being destroyed? According to cookiemonster, our protection was not an MDoAP. Wolfpack had no obligation to protect us, apparently. None. (Even though the treaty said they did have an obligation to defend us.)

It's not Wolfpack's fault that Wolf Empire didn't run a tighter ship, causing Wolfpack to cancel, because if you had a tight ship, they wouldn't have.. then you get raided by another alliance? That isn't Wolfpack's fault.

And finally, you're only a 6 man alliance. Most larger alliances wouldn't even recognize you as an actual alliance. You're just a group of friends who thought it would be tag up together or something along those lines probably.

Edited by Canik
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This thread is great. I especially loved all the 'moralists' coming out of the wood work to bad mouth what they thought was an easy target. And as always they were ignorant to the facts, and did not give their judgment a second thought.

People talking crap is not a moralist trait, it's been with us as long as there has been politics. Please do not tar everyone who has a moral conscience with those who can't be bothered to look at an issue before getting the outrage out of its box.

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so justice can just freely run and declare on any alliance?

then expect Wolfpack to get into a war they didnt start and have nothing to do with? i smell !@#$%^&*


I think you misunderstand the concept of treaties and friendships. Also, justice did not declare war on any alliance.

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I think you misunderstand the concept of treaties and friendships. Also, justice did not declare war on any alliance.

CSN declared war on Justice because of the conflict which started with Justice's aggressively rogue actions towards TYR.

Personally, I fully understand this action by Wolfpack.

Edited by CreativName
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I think you misunderstand the concept of treaties and friendships. Also, justice did not declare war on any alliance.

Aiding a rogue is considered a declaration and considering the leader also attacked.

Concept of friendship? I would not consider it very friendly towards Wolfpack that Justice would place them in such a position.

You are trying to make something over nothing. Even CSN has come and shot it all down, that alone should tell you something.

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Also, itt CSN agrees with CDT, further more Haflinger agrees with myself and Goose....thats it the world is ending. Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Actually, I agreed with GOD. CSN I was thanking for your contributions.

A careful observer might suggest that the world had already ended and we have obviously entered


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It's not Wolfpack's fault that Wolf Empire didn't run a tighter ship, causing Wolfpack to cancel, because if you had a tight ship, they wouldn't have.. then you get raided by another alliance? That isn't Wolfpack's fault.

And finally, you're only a 6 man alliance. Most larger alliances wouldn't even recognize you as an actual alliance. You're just a group of friends who thought it would be tag up together or something along those lines probably.

An alliance is two or more people. a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.

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People talking crap is not a moralist trait, it's been with us as long as there has been politics. Please do not tar everyone who has a moral conscience with those who can't be bothered to look at an issue before getting the outrage out of its box.

It seems to me that most people who label themselves as moralists are the first ones to hop in a discussion and decry another for not conforming to their values.

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It seems to me that most people who label themselves as moralists are the first ones to hop in a discussion and decry another for not conforming to their values.

I'm sorry that I've offended you so terribly.

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I'm sorry that I've offended you so terribly.

You haven't offended me so no need to apologize, you were the outraged one in the first place. Though you've since retracted your statements, so I guess you realized that you were wrong in this case.

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It seems to me that most people who label themselves as moralists are the first ones to hop in a discussion and decry another for not conforming to their values.

That's not really what you were complaining about in this thread, though – the problem here is that several people jumped in and reflexively bashed Wolfpack for 'not following through with their treaty commitments' (something I think all of CN thinks is important, not just 'moralists' – NPO for example has always made a big deal of that and they're as far from moralist as it gets) without actually getting the context first.

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That's not really what you were complaining about in this thread, though – the problem here is that several people jumped in and reflexively bashed Wolfpack for 'not following through with their treaty commitments' (something I think all of CN thinks is important, not just 'moralists' – NPO for example has always made a big deal of that and they're as far from moralist as it gets) without actually getting the context first.

Goes to show the danger of assumptions, heh.

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