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The Announcement of a Really Big SNAFU


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The theme song from the 1993 hit show Dr. Quinn the Medicine Woman slowly grows in volume as a bright point of light shines on the screen and expands out to reveal...


From off stage a quiet voice is heard, getting louder and louder...

"Guys! What's going on!?!? Where's Eye of the Tiger...and WHAT IS THAT!!!! Who sent out the war flag?"

An collective gasp echoes over the auditorium as a frantic man comes running on the stage as the crowd erupts into a cacophony of questions. Reaching in his pocket he presses the button on the microphone.

Speaking unamplified only the first row hears, "Ladies and gentlemen, please settle down," realizing his mistake he presses the button again "PLEASE SETTLE DOWN...SNAFU is NOT going to war and we by no means support the feminization of the Old West!"

As the crowd begins to settle down the man approaches the podium pushing his hat back as he wipes his brow and clears his throat.

"Ahem...gentlepersons of SNAFU and the world, I come before you today September 4th, 2009, to celebrate a momentous occasion! The SNAFU Alliance has of this day officially turned 1 year old!"

A stunned silence seems to settle over the crowd and the man looks around expecting wild cheers and applause. Seeing everyone staring blankly back at him he continues.

"Today marks not only the passage of time, but also the threshold upon which SNAFU gazes into the future..."

"Today's December 9th," shouts a little old lady from the audience.

"We shall continue this great adventure with full hearts and open eyes," the speaker trails off to a whisper "We shall move forward..."

The man puts his finger to his ear, listens for a few seconds. As he listens his face turns red and he chuckles desperately.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we've had something of a SNAFU, and the atomic clock we built to commemorate our 6 month anniversary doesn't actually run on our biggest national export."

An image flashes on the screen.


"On a positive note, now that we've realized the mistake it seems our alliance treasury has tripled in size! Free ice cream for all nations!!!"


Cheers erupt from the crowd.

Enjoying the applause the man yells into the microphone…”And we’ve broken 1million nation strength! Take a look!”


As the image appears on the screen, the crowds slowly falls silent again and then begins to laugh. Looking behind him the jubilant leader’s smile disappears.

”But, but, we were over 1million, I swear…” Again putting his hand to his ear, he hangs his head and shakes it back and forth.

”I’m sorry folks, but it appears we were premature in that announcement.”

”Close enough!” yells a man wearing rabbit ears and a bathrobe from the back row.

”Yeah, it’s just a little SNAFU,” the man on stage responds.

The crowd erupts in cheers once again.

Blasting over the speakers, the dulcet sounds of Zamfir’s pan flute.

"On that note, I'll leave you fine people to celebrate. Please pick up a pamphlet distributed by our trained helper monkeys, and we hope to see you in #snafu to continue the party."

As the man walks off the stage waiving to the crowd and enjoying their adulation he trips over a speaker cable and falls out of sight.


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Epic. Much love from your friends in OSA, you guys have been terrific friends and supporters as far back as there has been as OSA and we are very happy to see you reach yet another milestone, sure you've had the odd snafu here and there, but somehow, despite our best attempts at sabotage, you always get back on track!

Fake edit: Stets and Pansy, how's about we make that a three way race to 2M?

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