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The Phoenix Federation - Official Announcement


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Your Evil Overlord can basically just get rid of people who disagree with him and put his friends in all the high offices, just like the NPO system.

TPF deserves better than this.

Correct me if I am wrong but MOST if not all alliance leaders can get rid of those who they dont "like". Those not in a Democracy that is...

I hope this works out well for you TPF, I have lots of faith that you will make it work with that stellar cast leading you.

o/ TPF

Edit: added the bit about Democracy

Edited by Brenann
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Your Evil Overlord can basically just get rid of people who disagree with him and put his friends in all the high offices, just like the NPO system.

TPF deserves better than this.

The charter only covers our upper government structure. We still have all the other positions such as Directors, Generals, etc. Just thought it best to exclude them from the charter, as our point was to try and streamline the document. The Evil Overlord has no more power than he had before, none of that has changed from the previous charter.


As for other concerns, like with the tech raiding policy. The tech raiding policy was not drastically changed from the previous document, as we felt much was still suitable. But, as apparent, may be needing to be amended soon, to make a few slight alterations. We will reevaluate that section, and amend as needed.

A charter is never set in stone, unless its the ten commandments, then it sort of is. :P

Edited by Airikr
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Your Evil Overlord can basically just get rid of people who disagree with him and put his friends in all the high offices, just like the NPO system.

TPF deserves better than this.

Democracy is not the best form of government. Monarchy is always best so long as you have a just leader.

I'm assuming of course that you are not pushing a democratic peace theory.

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Democracy is not the best form of government. Monarchy is always best so long as you have a just leader.

I'm assuming of course that you are not pushing a democratic peace theory.

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones.

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Democracy is not the best form of government. Monarchy is always best so long as you have a just leader.

I'm assuming of course that you are not pushing a democratic peace theory.

Every form of government is desirable assuming you have a good group of people to lead and a just leader. Monarchies lend themselves more naturally to abuse.

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Every form of government is desirable assuming you have a good group of people to lead and a just leader. Monarchies lend themselves more naturally to abuse.

Perhaps they may be more likely to abuse the power and become a tyranny but they are the most effect government when run properly and the least destructive when run poorly. Ochlocracy is quite possibly the worst thing that could happen to a government.

Planet Bob requires an even greater emphasis on military and a strong executive to lead an alliance quickly and in a single unified direction. Without a doubt it is always best to have one person in control.

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Perhaps they may be more likely to abuse the power and become a tyranny but they are the most effect government when run properly and the least destructive when run poorly. Ochlocracy is quite possibly the worst thing that could happen to a government.

Planet Bob requires an even greater emphasis on military and a strong executive to lead an alliance quickly and in a single unified direction. Without a doubt it is always best to have one person in control.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There are numerous examples of dictators abusing their powers, and too often the focus of a despotic government is on keeping power, not good governance. Democracy ensures a means of oversight by the people being led.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There are numerous examples of dictators abusing their powers, and too often the focus of a despotic government is on keeping power, not good governance. Democracy ensures a means of oversight by the people being led.

I disagree. There are examples of despots in history but there are also numerous just monarchs and tyrants (in the traditional meaning of the word) throughout history. In Cicero's The Republic one of the greatest defendants of the republic admits that all of the kings of Rome except for the last one (I assume we all know what happened there by the work of Junius Brutus) were just and fair rulers who developed Rome into the power it became. If we go back even further to Greece and its "Age of Tyrants" we see many fantastic rulers like Peisistratus, Cypselus, and Periander. I don't think anyone can say that Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar were despots. They dissolved the republic and were extremely ambitious but they were just and ruled in the interest of Rome, not themselves. If we look at the numerous monarchies of Europe until the last couple centuries we can see many single rulers who are governing the way they should. There may be numerous examples of abuse but there are even more examples of just rule.

A polity can easily fall into ochlocracy because the people are fickle and focus so much on the short term and personal gain. As great as equality is, sometimes you need the aristoi not the kakos to be making the important decisions.

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James that is a brilliant aphorism you came up with there. I'm gonna use that in some other forums I belong to. May I quote you?

James Dahl is Winston Churchill!

I'd change your tech raid policy to "TPF will not tech raid." It rolls of the tongue better :P.

Charter looks good. Good luck with the new changes

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