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The Titans in a Longboat Treaty

Article 1

Kronos and Valhalla do hereby acknowledge a mutual relationship of peace, defense and trust between their respective alliances..

Article 2

Kronos and Valhalla shall refrain from any actions that would compromise the safety and security of each others alliance.

Article 3

Should either alliance receive intelligence that would indicate actions being taken by a third party would place either alliance in harms way, they are required to share this intelligence with the other alliance.

Article 4

Should Kronos or Valhalla come under attack, the other is required to join battle against the offending alliance. The Alliance that is attacked as part of the original offense, can choose to waive this obligation. Should this clause be activated as a result of retaliatory treaty obligations against a signatories offensive military actions, then this clause becomes optional.

Article 5

Should one Alliance engage in an offensive war, the other may choose to aid them through any means desired. These methods may include, but are not limited to, military, political, and or economic assistance.

Article 6

Kronos and Valhalla do not believe in spying, bullying, or intimidation as methods of achieving a goal. Should either signatory be attacked because of the aforementioned, defense of that signatory is optional.

Article 7

Kronos and Valhalla pledge to attempt to reconcile any disagreements between their alliances diplomatically before any further action is taken.

Article 8

This treaty can be cancelled by either party so long as section 6 has been satisfied. Cancellation requires 72 hour notice. After the 72 hour cool down period has expired, this treaty becomes a non renewable Non Aggression Pact with a duration of 6 days.

Article 9

This treaty will come into review 60 days from the initial signing. Should the treaty be upheld after this initial renewal, then the treaty will be up for renewal every 90 days following. There is a grace period of 7 days for renewal. This grace period can be waived by canceling this treaty as delineated under section 7. Failure to renew within the 7 day grace period automatically activates a mutual cancellation and this treaty becomes a non renewable Non Aggression Pact with a duration of 6 days.

Article 10

In the case of either signatory being discovered utilizing the tactics detailed in clause 6, or acting in violation of the spirit of this treaty, an immediate review of this treaty will be conducted as detailed in Article 9.

Signed on Behalf of Kronos

Harbingers of Light: Epiphanus, Snowbeast, White Majik

Harbinger of Prosperity: Masterof9Puppets

Harbinger of War: Napoleon

Signed on Behalf of Valhalla

Regent: ChefJoe

Vice Regent: Tronix

Security Consul: Levistus

Marshall: Benjamin Smythe

Emissary: Akasha

Chancellor: Get_Sum

Signed on August 9th 2009

Ammended and Resigned on November 22nd 2009

Signed on Behalf of Kronos

De Caelo - Harbinger of Light

Epiphanus - Harbinger of Light

Vesalius - Harbinger of Light

Masterof9puppets - Harbinger of War

Phetion - Harbinger of Prosperity

Signed on Behalf of Valhalla

Regent: ChefJoe

Vice Regent: Buds The Man

Security Consul: Lykme

Marshall: Havamil

Emissary: Seipher Caim

Chancellor: Lord of the Dark

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I'm really happy to see this treaty finally upgraded. I personally didn't like Valhalla when I joined Kronos, but I was open-minded and found out they're a more-than-awesome ally.

Here's to seeing this treaty last for a long time!

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