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Mea Culpa

Londo Mollari

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Your PR is surprisingly good right now. The world should be against you but instead its only a part of it.

You didnt spell it out very well. You just repeated yourself pretty much. He did not screw up.

There you go again. Defending Athens? Go for it. Even tho for some reason, probably MK, no one is attacking you right now. If you want to argue me, defend Londo and yourself. While Athens is not my favorite alliance, this topic and my argument concern solely the leadership, or lack thereof, of you two.

New thread? Nah. It'd be far too long and you need no additional smear compaigns against you. Plus the leadership of Londo is on topic. And since you jumped in, so are you.

Probably MK? More like 100% MK. I'm not self delusional.

And feel free to explain why we'd have an issue with caesar if he didn't screw up. Londo and I each have our own little pet grudges, but to get us both going in the same direction is usually quite the accomplishment and takes a lot of [doin it rong].

I think you missed the part where I said it was not Athens muscle, but that of their leaders. While the alliance was under surrender terms, Londo and Rsox were still the leaders in charge.

So what did we do? Make frownie faces at caesar until he changed?

(Where is caesar anyway? He started this tangent.)

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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Probably MK? More like 100% MK. I'm not self delusional.

And feel free to explain why we'd have an issue with caesar if he didn't screw up. Londo and I each have our own little pet grudges, but to get us both going in the same direction is usually quite the accomplishment and takes a lot of [doin it rong].

So what did we do? Make frownie faces at caesar until he changed?

(Where is caesar anyway? He started this tangent.)

Why did you? I honestly don't know. You may have just wanted a rebound. Maybe you didn't like him. Whatever it was it was most certainly, and proven that it was not what you accused him of.

Caesar did not change. He merely moved on from what you were killing for him.

(Caesar probably went back to driving cross country. I'm honestly shocked he posted, and equally astonished I happened to check these boards right after he did so.)

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Why did you? I honestly don't know. You may have just wanted a rebound. Maybe you didn't like him. Whatever it was it was most certainly, and proven that it was not what you accused him of.

Caesar did not change. He merely moved on from what you were killing for him.

(Caesar probably went back to driving cross country. I'm honestly shocked he posted, and equally astonished I happened to check these boards right after he did so.)

Your opportunistic bandwagoning on negative PR in an apology thread would be worth more if you actually had weight behind your claims and accusations. As it does not, feel free to either make a rational argument detailing how we've wronged you or stop your pseudo-slander of alluding to our evil past deeds without any more info other than "Athens were really super mean even thought they had no military strength and just about the same amount of political strength."

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So you say you cant remember what i did but you keep repeating i messed up. The situations that are apologized for are the same as my situation. The only difference in the current error is this time athens got publicly called out by more people then just me.

Oh I remember what you did. You recruited from Athens and tR. Specifically you recruited Jgoods from Athens and you recruited from tR in their public channel and when we called you on it as their MDoAP partner you tried to play it off as a joke.

Don't waste my time by trying to get out of it by saying "Oh Athens did x,y, and z wrong so they must have done this wrong too." That's not how it works.

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Your opportunistic bandwagoning on negative PR in an apology thread would be worth more if you actually had weight behind your claims and accusations. As it does not, feel free to either make a rational argument detailing how we've wronged you or stop your pseudo-slander of alluding to our evil past deeds without any more info other than "Athens were really super mean even thought they had no military strength and just about the same amount of political strength."

Opportunistic bandwagoning? I am pretty sure Caesar and I talked negatively on Athens before many of these people were around. Certainly before whoever this new small alliance you decided to kill existed.

The thing about apology threads? They are expected of you. It means nothing to me because one does it because he should. I am sure there are logs in channels, either with MK or Athens gov saying, "Hey guys do you think I should post this?" It wasnt on his own. It was basically forced by the public out cry.

True or False: You accused Caesar of something that would validate the threat of killing our small alliance?

True or False: Our alliance died because of those accusations?

You, Caesar, Londo, and I all know the answer to both are true. Yet those accusations were false.

You and Londo, as Athens gov have now shown it was not a one time thing. Seems you are making a habit of picking on the small alliances. I am not surprised about this new mistake of yours.

No. However I am delighted to see this outcry has been taking publicly, like ours did. And I am surprised that this time it actually got support.

Everyone should have seen it coming.

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Oh I remember what you did. You recruited from Athens and tR. Specifically you recruited Jgoods from Athens and you recruited from tR in their public channel and when we called you on it as their MDoAP partner you tried to play it off as a joke.

Don't waste my time by trying to get out of it by saying "Oh Athens did x,y, and z wrong so they must have done this wrong too." That's not how it works.

Know what i did was get accused of recruiting from tR and Athens and then got penalized for it due to your spreading of said accusations. If you really think about it you will know that i have always disliked Athens and tR. And i have said it publicly. With few exceptions i would not want your crew to ever be in my alliance

Edit: Seems that i was beat by hoping. Good stuff

Edited by Caesar833
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Opportunistic bandwagoning? I am pretty sure Caesar and I talked negatively on Athens before many of these people were around. Certainly before whoever this new small alliance you decided to kill existed.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but first of all, I had nothing to do with this situation and I would have opposed the raiding had I been online when it was discussed. That said, I can't undo the past so I'm just rolling with the punches. Unless something change, however, 2 GAs (or a quad) don't kill an alliance. and I know it wasn't anyone's intent to kill an alliance

The thing about apology threads? They are expected of you. It means nothing to me because one does it because he should. I am sure there are logs in channels, either with MK or Athens gov saying, "Hey guys do you think I should post this?" It wasnt on his own. It was basically forced by the public out cry.

If Londo had only apologized to Ni! that would be a correct statement.

True or False: You accused Caesar of something that would validate the threat of killing our small alliance?

True or False: Our alliance died because of those accusations?



Not sure how you expected us to do anything while under 20% soldier terms.

You, Caesar, Londo, and I all know the answer to both are true. Yet those accusations were false.

We really didn't like what you did. Sorry if our demilitarized frownie face made it hard for you to get off the ground?

You and Londo, as Athens gov have now shown it was not a one time thing. Seems you are making a habit of picking on the small alliances. I am not surprised about this new mistake of yours.

Only alliance I've ever picked on was GRAN, and that was mostly a for fun thing and they were generally good sports about it. (PS GRAN SUCKS!)

No. However I am delighted to see this outcry has been taking publicly, like ours did. And I am surprised that this time it actually got support.

Everyone should have seen it coming.

Really? I'm #2 in the alliance and I didn't have a !@#$@#$ clue that we were going to raid a 39 man AA.

Hindsight is 20:20 and we have already begun making changes to make sure this incident is not repeated and that we do not get ourselves into this kind of situation again.

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"Sorry I attacked you guys without any reason at all, it was wrong of me, I'm really really sorry, I'm being all humble and !@#$, did I say I was sorry already? Oh reps, what reps? Lalalala I am forgiven."

Is that what Valhallans call class? Wait, no need to answer. ;)

You sound out of touch with what Valhalla is about.

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This topic pretty much shows that we're not in much of a position to judge anyway. :P

lol, Well actually I didn't judge Athens harshly for their recent actions, I'm in favour of tech raiding, and in my eyes raiding a 5 nation alliance which has no treaties (which alot of alliances do including my own) is similar to raiding a 40 strong alliance without treaties (putting aside the whole Mash thing, Imean even mash didnt know they had a treaty so how was Athens suppose to). It's just that Athens took a bigger risk than most tech raiding alliances, but thats just my view on it.

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I am upset that i did not receive a personal apology in this pathetic list. I agree with Jbone here


Let it go...


In other news, good move making those apologies Londo, I'm glad you've done that. Cleared up any beef some people may/may not of had with you

Edited by Skippy
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