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So, uh, Athens...


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Now that it has emerged that Knights of Ni! are protected, even if it's seemingly mentioned nowhere other than, I presume, in the announcement thread on these boards, circumstances are a bit different. I'm confident Athens will do the right thing here (which would include working towards a peaceful, amicable resolution to this clusterfunk of a situation, in cooperation with both M*A*S*H and Ni!). MK will do what is needed to assist here, if our assistance is so desired.

Classy as always, Princess ^_^

Acts of aggression towards purple, acts of aggression doesnt only mean war but rogue alliances, mass raids, harrassment and pushing for a war.

Not everyone's out to get you Alter. Or Purple for that matter.

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No, but now some of the Karma alliances are challenging the status quo. Something people were scared to do with NPO around, even if NPO had nothing to do with these general rules the community accepts. Such as, a 40 man alliance is big enough to be recognized by most of us. So it's not okay to attack them just for tech. Thing is, there was nothing wrong with the status quo.

The only 4 alliances who think it is actually ok to raid a 40 man alliance is Athens, PC, Belair and FoB. And I agree with you, there was nothing wrong with the status quo in this regard.

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The point is not to destroy. It is to steal.

Steal for tech = War of Resources

Regardless if it's "right" or "wrong", it's still an undeclared war. You can declare war with the intent to destroy, you can declare war with the intent to steal resource or you can declare war just because you feel like it. Whatever the reason - it's still declaring war.

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So, everybody is rambling on about morality and picking on poor Athens :(

Lets hear something from the people actually being raided >_>

Unless they already made a statement in the last 50 pages.

They did post... and revealed that they share a mutual Ally with Athens.

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Hehe, so naive. Things weren't so bad under NPO, it just got old seeing them on top. All these efforts by NSO, Stickmen, Athens, etc, this is your revolution. Hope you're happy. :)

I am, actually.

Competition rages, while this wasn't the case when NPO was on top.

Don't you think the world is so much more exciting now? B)

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Such optimism from the Sith. Paying Reps would prove that Athens is in the wrong.

Athens is a respectable alliance with honest and upright leadership. A vain attempt to shirk responsibility is beneath them. I am confident they will do, are already doing, the right thing.

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I thought Bob Janova went over this?

Oh, and everything Bob Janova says is immediately the Holy Truth or something?

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for Bob Janova, but now you just made yourself look like a fool. :P

(Also, read the thread...)

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The only 4 alliances who think it is actually ok to raid a 40 man alliance is Athens, PC, Belair and FoB. And I agree with you, there was nothing wrong with the status quo in this regard.

I'd like to hear NSO's official position on this. XD

Anyway, I'm not saying NPO would have protected this alliance, I'm just saying that their presence caused people to think twice about taking such bold action. Maybe things are more entertaining this way, but it's at the expense of this small alliance.

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With C&G & co as the aggressors yet again.
Acts of aggression towards purple, acts of aggression doesnt only mean war but rogue alliances, mass raids, harrassment and pushing for a war.

First, this doesn't have anything to do with CnG as a bloc, other than the fact that Athens are a part of it. This isn't a bloc move, it's not condoned by said bloc, and the only way this would end up having anything to do with CnG would be if Athens got attacked by some upstanding gentlemen.

Rogue alliances, mass raids and pushing for war? Now I'll be the first to admit saying we'll roll purple was fun and all that, but where in that did we harass, mass raid and rogue them?

Athens made a stupid move, true enough, but you're just feeding on it for the sake of smearing some !@#$ on them and their friends.

A raid is a raid, Athens was not out to destroy anybody, that we're speaking about a 40 member alliance or a 5 member alliance, the act itself is the same - you're raiding somebody who can't defend themselves. Athens thought they had no treaties, and somewhere in their faulty logic thought their size wouldn't be a problem.

I'm not condoning what they did, I'm just calling it what it is: a retarded raid that could get easily fixed in countless other ways than to start smearing crap at each other, making pseudo philosophical "brave new world" remarks, and acting as the moral crusaders of this here fine planet.

Edited by delendum
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Is this all it takes to cause drama now a days?

People are so stuck in old sentiments, all they do is talk, talk and talk...

Edit: oh hai Tromp inactive I am. ;)

Hey SoH... I miss you around, please stop by more often.

Screw RL, CN is way more important! :P

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Ugh, i read about 15 pages and got bored of the bawwwing. The point still remains that its ok to raid a 10 member alliance but you add that extra 29 guys and all of sudden its global terrorism.

And maybe i missed it since i only read half the thread but has KoNI responded yet? Seems like everyone cares a hellava lot more about this than they do.

CN has been stale since the karma war. Thats the only reason people would care this much over this. Something actually happened! OMG I HAVE TO START A THREAD ABOUT IT!

By this standard GPA can be justly hit in a tech raid. They don't have any treaties. And membership limits don't matter apparently.

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I'd like to hear NSO's official position on this. XD

NSO does not allow tech raids on aligned nations.

edit - although we may have to revisit that policy in light of these events, keep up with the times and such. Gotta be trendy.

Edited by Heft
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Now that it has emerged that Knights of Ni! are protected, even if it's seemingly mentioned nowhere other than, I presume, in the announcement thread on these boards, circumstances are a bit different. I'm confident Athens will do the right thing here (which would include working towards a peaceful, amicable resolution to this clusterfunk of a situation, in cooperation with both M*A*S*H and Ni!). MK will do what is needed to assist here, if our assistance is so desired.

Can I insert a screenshot here somehow? I will then provide what you need. That will be tomorrow morning though. Because I have places to be right now. In fact I had to be there about half an hour ago.

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Can I insert a screenshot here somehow? I will then provide what you need. That will be tomorrow morning though. Because I have places to be right now. In fact I had to be there about half an hour ago.

you can host it somewhere and provide us with a link.

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<Tick1|FoB> Mind if I query you?

[14:17] <Supreme_142[MASH|SDI]> Not at all, what do you require?

<Tick1|FoB> can you confirm if MASH has a treaty with Knights of the Ni! on your forums?

<Supreme_142[MASH|SDI]> Okay, hold on.

[14:20] No, we do not....

Not that I can see from active treaties...

<Tick1|FoB> Thank you for your time, you'll understand if you read the cybernation forums topic of the day :S

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