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Declaration of Solidarity

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The responses in this thread demonstrate clearly that groupthink is alive and well on Planet Bob. How easy the spineless weaklings find it to mercilessly criticize those even weaker than themselves. I have no opinion about this so-called "Solidarity" organization, but the crass attacks on them say much more about the insecurities of the posters themselves than they do about their intended target.


False Statement.

It just so happens you side with the people that have similar ideologies as yourself. Highly unlikely its coincidental. Spineless? You have clearly never seen King Death II in action pissing on anyone he can find just read any thread hes posted in (if you doubt me I can provide plenty of examples). Furthermore, the attacks on Solidarity Alliances they brought on themselves and a good portion of them came from outside the red sphere. Though I'll forgive you as its apparent you have no idea what your talking about.

For the record I've failed to see anyone directly have issue with SU. The issue isn't entirely with the bloc its the alliances within it and the way they conduct themselves.

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It just so happens you side with the people that have similar ideologies as yourself. Highly unlikely its coincidental.

Or, put another way, we don't take kindly to threats, implied or indirect as they may or may not be, on our protectorate or on the protectorate of one of our closest allies.

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Or, put another way, we don't take kindly to threats, implied or indirect as they may or may not be, on our protectorate or on the protectorate of one of our closest allies.

No one was threatened. I have no idea why you keep insisting that this happened.

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No one was threatened. I have no idea why you keep insisting that this happened.

Well, there's King Penchuk wishing SWF would die, there's Astronaut Jones wishing NoR was "still attacking commies", and a couple others that I don't want to waste my time trawling through the thread looking for. You can see why we might be...concerned.

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Well, there's King Penchuk wishing SWF would die, there's Astronaut Jones wishing NoR was "still attacking commies", and a couple others that I don't want to waste my time trawling through the thread looking for. You can see why we might be...concerned.

None of those persons are members of Red Dawn, and they can hardly be construed to represent the views of any larger group. You're reaching for a threat that doesn't exist.

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For the sake of posting something germane, I'd just like to remind folks that aggression against Soviet Union based on their membership in this treaty will not be tolerated.
None of those persons are members of Red Dawn, and they can hardly be construed to represent the views of any larger group. You're reaching for a threat that doesn't exist.

Interestingly enough, my post didn't say "aggression against Soviet Union from Red Dawn". Though it is fascinating that you're so vehemently denying an accusation I didn't make.

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False Statement.

It just so happens you side with the people that have similar ideologies as yourself. Highly unlikely its coincidental. Spineless? You have clearly never seen King Death II in action pissing on anyone he can find just read any thread hes posted in (if you doubt me I can provide plenty of examples). Furthermore, the attacks on Solidarity Alliances they brought on themselves and a good portion of them came from outside the red sphere. Though I'll forgive you as its apparent you have no idea what your talking about.

For the record I've failed to see anyone directly have issue with SU. The issue isn't entirely with the bloc its the alliances within it and the way they conduct themselves.

I scanned through 18 pages of bullying and taunting, and I've taken no side. You may have misunderstood my criticism. I am saying that I find the tone and volume of the mockery to be unnecessary, but I neither support nor condemn this new Red faction known as "Solidarity." Outside of making sure that one particular Red alliance lives up to its surrender terms, I have no interest in that sphere's internal squabbles.


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Or, put another way, we don't take kindly to threats, implied or indirect as they may or may not be, on our protectorate or on the protectorate of one of our closest allies.

You know maybe you should have advised your protectorate better and kept them from this mess. They are small and have no idea what they are doing so it is hard to blame them for this public farce. You all however should have known better. Telling them it is a bad idea to join this bloc, that offers nothing other than antagonizing all the other red team alliances and ties to a hated alliance who has a leader that has a history of public failures that does not even meet the definition of what a red team alliance is by the very treaty he created, should have been a no brainer. Your suppose to be looking out for them.

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Just because we are a smaller/younger alliance doesn't mean that we are stupid and don't know what we are doing. The International does advise us on issues when they fill it's needed but when it comes to our enternal matters or matters relating to the Red team it doesn't really concern them. As for "Solidarity" we are giving it a shot, if it turns out to not be a good thing in the long run we will withdrawl from the bloc. I don't see the reason to turn this issue into a big melodrama, all that shows is the immaturity of alot of people here on Bob. The Soviet Union minds it's own business and doesn't interfere in other alliances affairs unless it involves one of our close allies. You don't know us and have no right to make a judgement call like that. This bloc is something we decided to try out....We are NOT Anti-NPO and we are not Anti-RD. We a close freinds and allies of SWF and we decided to go along with them in this bloc to see where things go. We don't know UED all that well but the SWF do and they so far seem to have good relations with them. As stated above if things do not go well we will leave the bloc.

As far as threats go I haven't seen any "direct" threats towards the USSR but there have been many antagonistic remarks towards the bloc and more specificly KDII. However I don't see them as threats...INT is just showing concern because they are our protectors and they shouldn't be hated on for that.

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You know maybe you should have advised your protectorate better and kept them from this mess. They are small and have no idea what they are doing so it is hard to blame them for this public farce. You all however should have known better. Telling them it is a bad idea to join this bloc, that offers nothing other than antagonizing all the other red team alliances and ties to a hated alliance who has a leader that has a history of public failures that does not even meet the definition of what a red team alliance is by the very treaty he created, should have been a no brainer. Your suppose to be looking out for them.

Some of your information is inaccurate. Just an FYI. ;)

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Starting already NPO?

Subject: Red Senate Unity Communique

Message: Comrades of the Red Team,

Sorry to bother you, but Vote Millionario of Malone, Kingdom of Dark, or Biff Webster of Wagglefka, for senate!

For over 4 months, the alliances of the Red Dawn Treaty have protected your Red Team trades and ensured that Red remains a stable and active team. Red Dawn has offered opportunities to seek trades and organize trade rings on the Red Dawn forum: http://cn-reddawn.com/. Red Dawn, have been critical with keeping up the tradition of protecting of Red Nations from raiders and thieves.

However, a band of alliances calling themselves "Red Solidarity", are attempting to isolate the Red Senate and bring war and instability. Their lack of regard for the Red Team is seen in their refusal to sign into the Red Dawn treaty due to the cries of their puppet masters. Their attempt to break the Red Senate apart WILL NOT succeed so long as every Red Nation does their part.

Vote for Malone, Kingdom of Dark, and Wagglefka!

For Peace, Strength, & Prosperity

Bring war? Puppet Masters? I lol'd.

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War: 2 a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end <a class war> <a war against disease>

War is a term with particular connotations even if its denotation has, in this case, been...whitewashed. Accusing someone of plotting war is also a well-known and often-used tactic to isolate, threaten, and then attack them. Fascinating.

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When have we ever said we wanted a war/conflict?

The message was unnecessarily inflammatory, the "war" and "puppet masters" part was just a bit over the top. Whoops! :awesome:

Although, it's pretty obvious that your goal is to destabilize the Red Team. The rest of it was spot on.

Edited by Straylight
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The message was unnecessarily inflammatory, the "war" and "puppet masters" part was just a bit over the top. Whoops! :awesome:

Although, it's pretty obvious that your goal is to destabilize the Red Team. The rest of it was spot on.

I want SO bad to disagree with NPO, but it pains me to agree (quick, someone nuke this post from orbit!)

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Well. This thread was losing steam after being bashed for eighteen pages you post something that will keep it going longer. After losing the first eighteen it would seem you'd want this nightmare to be over....what do you do? Fan the flames......your logic never ceases to amaze me. Also, you'll have to do much better then a silly in-game pm.

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