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Declaration of Solidarity

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Well, I'll made a statement now, in order to clarify my stance.

First of all, unlike it may seem, I'm no NPO-hater. I happened to be in the opposing block in the last war, but that's hazards of the game. Enough about it.

I suppose the NPO's policies have always been inspired by a willing to strenghten the Red Sphere. Another issue is if those policies have been positive to that end. The protection of the unaligned certainly was, it attracted many people to the safe shelter of the Red Sphere. The Moldavi doctrine, on the other hand, was not. It produced an indentification of the Red Sphere with the NPO, wich led to it's stagnation. The Red Team fell a lot behind the numbers of other Teams that aimed for a multi-polar stance.

Ultimately, the protection of the unaligned was doomed to failure. Other teams imitated it, but couldn't stand to it. The NPO could because it held an hegemony in Planet Bob, but that would change as soon as this hegemony ended. And it did. As soon as the Karma War started it was clear than the hegemony of the NPO was gone, if nothing else by the fact that most of their allies pulled back and only reluctantly finally fought.

The damage of the raiding plage would have been somewhat reduced, through not mostly prevented, if when the Karma War started, the NPO had warned the unaligned and encouraged them to join of form alliances for their own protection. That was not done. It's pointless to arge that the Karma should have prevented it. No one prevented tech raiding of unaligned in other teams. The Red Team was just put on even terms with the others.

But that's now the past, and we can't change it. So let's move forward.

Since the end of the Karma War, I think that the NPO, by will, by necessity, or forced by the events, has made some positive changes in their policies regarding the Red Sphere, that I belive are good to strenghten it. However, I don't think it's positive that the NPO seeks a protagonism in the formation or migration of new alliances into the Red Sphere. Most of the people that like to be in the Red Team and that like the NPO, are already in NPO. So that's not the way to go. You already did your part by creating a big and strong red team alliance. Now let other birds to fly on their own, and let's see where they settle.

I belive that this Solidarity initiative is something positive for the future developement of the Red Sphere. And the NPO should aknowelde it, despite the obvious anti-NPO sentiment it distilles. Those animosities are product of the many wounds opened by the events that happened all those years, and will take time and very determined efforts to close. Humilliating, harrassing and laughingh at them is not the way to go.

The Red Dawn failed to satisfy some, this new initiative may satisfy them. Unity right now is not possible, and it's doubtful it will be in the near future, in the form of an unified block like Red Dawn or Solidarity, or whatever the like. But there are other ways. Let's see how it all developes. Adapt the purpose of coexistence in the Red Sphere to the course of events, and not the other way around.

That's the view of someone that is and has always been member of the Red Sphere, through not in a Red Sphere alliance. NPO was the only choice back then, and I decided not to join for my own reasons. Joined a nice alliance. Being member for almost two years. Never left the red team, through. I like the idea of taking a role in the building of a new red team alliance, but I can have only one nation, and I owe too much to my comrades to leave them.

And that's all I have to say.

Edited by Krashnaia
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You talk a lot.

As far as I can tell, unity, or at least basic cooperation and cohabitation, has already been achieved among all relevant parties on red.

Pot calling the kettle black?

As long as you arent on red sphere, your talk is irrelavant.

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This is because everyone is entitled to an opinion and MKers are free to voice them. Business is business, though, and if one of our members has some unpopular opinions vis-à-vis leftist alliances, that doesn't mean that MK dislikes you or has any feelings on whatever it is that is going on here.

Dont bother, we already have MKs official postion regarding Vens post.

Edited by Fadeev
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Id like to Apologize to the Mushroom Kingdom for my comments earlier in this thread. It was miscommunication and misunderstanding.

As for the rest of this thread

Personally I find the propaganda messages being PM'ed to red team nations in game as "funny". They are not coming directly from NPO as some believe but NPO members are sending them out when NPO is not a member of Red Dawn. Naturally i can see why some are concerned

So the real question is who is trying to instigate a conflict here and why?

Naturally many will point the finger at NPO but lets not jump to conculsions so quickly. CoJ has a seat on the Red Team senate if I'm not mistaken so does another alliance that is apart of Red Dawn. I'm not tyring to start trouble here and I'm not pointing the finger at NPO, CoJ or anyone else...All I'm trying to do here is shed some light on the subject at hand. Someone or some people are obviously wanting to stir up trouble when their doesn't need to be any. The members of Solidarity had every right to form this bloc just as the members of RD had their right to form theirs.

As for the Soviet Union, well I personally wasn't involved in many of the talks regarding forming Solidarity. Mainly becuase while they were going on I was busy working on finilazing the Warsaw treaty. Had I been invovled and forseen this sort of reaction I would have probably voted to keep the USSR out of it. But what is done is done and we stand by our agreements with our friends and allies. We will not be threatened or intemidated by anyone. We are not ANTI-NPO and have made that clear to them....

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We dont limit free speech in our alliances unlike others.
The Moralist Front shall be governed, first and foremost, by its Congress. All members of the Moralist Front, hereafter referred to as "citizens" shall have the same voting power in all legislative matters, including, but not limited to the passing of resolutions and portions of the Constitution. No actions shall be taken by any agents, either foreign or domestic, to undermine the rights of all citizens, these being the freedom of speech and freedom of association.

We don't limit freedom of speech. Our members just know when to speak (i.e. when they know what they're talking about) and when not to speak (i.e. when they don't know what they're talking about). You should try to instill the same discipline in your members.

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So why don't you quit being a NPO lapdog and get a personality?

Come on, I'd hardly call myself a fan on the Sith, but is that the best you can do? I recommend trying the "Cult of Ivan" or "Too Enamored of Themselves" approach. You'll sound marginally less ridiculous.

We dont limit free speech in our alliances unlike others.

It's clear that you aren't limiting stupidity, either.

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Id like to Apologize to the Mushroom Kingdom for my comments earlier in this thread. It was miscommunication and misunderstanding.

As for the rest of this thread

Personally I find the propaganda messages being PM'ed to red team nations in game as "funny". They are not coming directly from NPO as some believe but NPO members are sending them out when NPO is not a member of Red Dawn. Naturally i can see why some are concerned

So the real question is who is trying to instigate a conflict here and why?

Naturally many will point the finger at NPO but lets not jump to conculsions so quickly. CoJ has a seat on the Red Team senate if I'm not mistaken so does another alliance that is apart of Red Dawn. I'm not tyring to start trouble here and I'm not pointing the finger at NPO, CoJ or anyone else...All I'm trying to do here is shed some light on the subject at hand. Someone or some people are obviously wanting to stir up trouble when their doesn't need to be any. The members of Solidarity had every right to form this bloc just as the members of RD had their right to form theirs.

Huh, ok. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but the Red Dawn talks were started with the ultimate aim of an all-encompassing Red unity treaty. Your Solidarity brothers walked out of the talks (and for ridiculous reasons, I might add). Don't pretend like Red Dawn is some sort of conspiracy to steal the Red team from you guys, you were given ample time and encouragement, and then some, to join with us for an economic unity treaty. The fact that Red Dawn went ahead was testament more to the genuine friendships forged during the negotiation process than a particular desire to control the Red team at your expense.

As for the Soviet Union, well I personally wasn't involved in many of the talks regarding forming Solidarity. Mainly becuase while they were going on I was busy working on finilazing the Warsaw treaty. Had I been invovled and forseen this sort of reaction I would have probably voted to keep the USSR out of it. But what is done is done and we stand by our agreements with our friends and allies. We will not be threatened or intemidated by anyone. We are not ANTI-NPO and have made that clear to them....

I don't believe you.

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So let me get this straight, what have we got here?

Well we got a bunch of spoilt, sadistic guys with there heads shoved so far up their own @#$% that they are starting to see double, and guess what?

They are terrified, OMG they are peeing their little panties.

Well sir, I for one am laughing myself silly, you and your little friends carry on with your hollow threats and insults, cause we ain't going anywhere.

You gotta learn, the world ain't yours, we all gotta play nice, so stfu and accept it

In b4 internet tough guy

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So let me get this straight, what have we got here?

Well we got a bunch of spoilt, sadistic guys with there heads shoved so far up their own @#$% that they are starting to see double, and guess what?

They are terrified, OMG they are peeing their little panties.

Well sir, I for one am laughing myself silly, you and your little friends carry on with your hollow threats and insults, cause we ain't going anywhere.

You gotta learn, the world ain't yours, we all gotta play nice, so stfu and accept it

In b4 internet tough guy

What are you even talking about? :psyduck:

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So let me get this straight, what have we got here?

Well we got a bunch of spoilt, sadistic guys with there heads shoved so far up their own @#$% that they are starting to see double, and guess what?

They are terrified, OMG they are peeing their little panties.

Well sir, I for one am laughing myself silly, you and your little friends carry on with your hollow threats and insults, cause we ain't going anywhere.

You gotta learn, the world ain't yours, we all gotta play nice, so stfu and accept it

In b4 internet tough guy

In after destroyed credibility.

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Huh, ok. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but the Red Dawn talks were started with the ultimate aim of an all-encompassing Red unity treaty. Your Solidarity brothers walked out of the talks (and for ridiculous reasons, I might add). Don't pretend like Red Dawn is some sort of conspiracy to steal the Red team from you guys, you were given ample time and encouragement, and then some, to join with us for an economic unity treaty. The fact that Red Dawn went ahead was testament more to the genuine friendships forged during the negotiation process than a particular desire to control the Red team at your expense.

I don't believe you.

Red Dawn was put together around the same time our alliance had just formed. We didn't know about it and most of them didn't knwo about us.

I don't care what you believe.

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So let me get this straight, what have we got here?

Well we got a bunch of spoilt, sadistic guys with there heads shoved so far up their own @#$% that they are starting to see double, and guess what?

They are terrified, OMG they are peeing their little panties.

Well sir, I for one am laughing myself silly, you and your little friends carry on with your hollow threats and insults, cause we ain't going anywhere.

You gotta learn, the world ain't yours, we all gotta play nice, so stfu and accept it

In b4 internet tough guy

First in before yourself in Digiterran history?

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What are you even talking about? :psyduck:

I am not sure he even knows. Maybe he is mad his and that other new alliance got suckered into this public face palm by King Death guy and nobody bothered to give them a heads up before it happened. I know I would be mad and ranting if I was in that alliance right now.

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