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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order


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Woah woah woah, where did all this Founder business come from?

None of my scripts come even close to doing this.

I also have no reason whatsoever to even try hacking a founder password.

What is there to get from kicking someone? A good feeling? Ha, no.

I'd never try to hack someone because it's certainly an OOC attack and I'm not that kind of person. People who know me know that I am 99.9% of the time IC and that .1 is when I'm talking to them about OOC natured things as we're friends.

If you're kind enough to ask Sup4l33t3ki11a or whatever his name is and Gopherbashi and FinsterBaby, I was using a "/bslap" script that was aquired through FiremanDave which uses the command /slap $nick which I then put into a script. I was then messing around with it by slapping random people such as Gopher and Finster, they would most likely be able to account for this. I was also in the channel know as #franwub slapping Sup4 and in query with him trying to get the script to work.

All this time I was working on a slap script, and then I was randomly disconnected (I'm yet to find out why) and when I came back my nickserv had "J is not a known code" or whatever it usually says in mass amounts. Then it let me join a few channels I hadn't been in for a while which was a surprise. I then quickly typed in /remote off which turned my scripts off left IRC again and came back. Then all was well and I went AFK to go to the store and pick up items for the day.

So, I wasn't around during the attempt, I didn't have the tools to do it, I didn't have the motive to do it.

Lovely how I'm strung up for lashes when I have absolutely no idea, I wasn't going to reply until I saw all this Founder password crap, that's just going over the line right there because I would never do such a thing.

Edited by Ursarkar E Creed
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To be fair to Ursakar, if I had the ability to hack passwords, I would totally hack someone else's password and then use his acc't to hack for more...

I'm going to go with the crowd though and assume NpO knows what they're doing. They generally do. At any rate, Ursakar had this coming regardless.

Blood! carnage! Kill! :wub:

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Woah woah woah, where did all this Founder business come from?

None of my scripts come even close to doing this.

I also have no reason whatsoever to even try hacking a founder password.

What is there to get from kicking someone? A good feeling? Ha, no.

I'd never try to hack someone because it's certainly an OOC attack and I'm not that kind of person. People who know me know that I am 99.9% of the time IC and that .1 is when I'm talking to them about OOC natured things as we're friends.

If you're kind enough to ask Sup4l33t3ki11a or whatever his name is and Gopherbashi and FinsterBaby, I was using a "/bslap" script that was aquired through FiremanDave which uses the command /slap $nick which I then put into a script. I was then messing around with it by slapping random people such as Gopher and Finster, they would most likely be able to account for this. I was also in the channel know as #franwub slapping Sup4 and in query with him trying to get the script to work.

All this time I was working on a slap script, and then I was randomly disconnected (I'm yet to find out why) and when I came back my nickserv had "J is not a known code" or whatever it usually says in mass amounts. Then it let me join a few channels I hadn't been in for a while which was a surprise. I then quickly typed in /remote off which turned my scripts off left IRC again and came back. Then all was well and I went AFK to go to the store and pick up items for the day.

So, I wasn't around during the attempt, I didn't have the tools to do it, I didn't have the motive to do it.

Lovely how I'm strung up for lashes when I have absolutely no idea, I wasn't going to reply until I saw all this Founder password crap, that's just going over the line right there because I would never do such a thing.

Is this more corruption I smell? Is the NPO the same alliance it was before? Is the NpO becoming corrupt? The lines are being drawn..

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If you're kind enough to ask Sup4l33t3ki11a or whatever his name is and Gopherbashi and FinsterBaby, I was using a "/bslap" script that was aquired through FiremanDave which uses the command /slap $nick which I then put into a script. I was then messing around with it by slapping random people such as Gopher and Finster, they would most likely be able to account for this. I was also in the channel know as #franwub slapping Sup4 and in query with him trying to get the script to work.
[23:29] * Gopherbashi slaps FinsterBaby[iRON] around a bit with a large trout

[23:30] * Ursarkar slaps Gopherbashi around a bit with BOFH excuse #165: You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish (from most tunefs man pages)

[23:30] * FinsterBaby[iRON] runs Gopher over

[23:30] <Gopherbashi> I like Ursarkar's better

[23:30] * Ursarkar slaps Gopherbashi around a bit with BOFH excuse #107: Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

[23:30] <FinsterBaby[iRON]> me too actually. lol

You're referring to the above, I suppose?

Edited by Gopherbashi
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Woah woah woah, where did all this Founder business come from?

From Coldfront IRCops ... who have access to the actual logs of what you were doing (or at least, what Ursarkar was doing ... that's you, a script you wrote or were using or someone you allowed to use your account).

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If you're going to skip an entire thread about a decision my allince has made and post ridiculously stupid comments at the end I am going to call you on it. Admittedly he went back and re-read and then edited his comments but I still stand by what I said. Six pages isn't all that difficult people.

I edited them before you replied.. long before you replied.

Also, I don't like NpO at all. In fact, I wish them death.

nah, I'm kidding.. but seriously, who cares? The point is you guys should do as you wish with him if he tried to brute force a channel takeover.

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I edited them before you replied.. long before you replied.

Also, I don't like NpO at all. In fact, I wish them death.

nah, I'm kidding.. but seriously, who cares? The point is you guys should do as you wish with him if he tried to brute force a channel takeover.

Three whole minutes! And it doesn't change the fact that you still posted ridiculous comments before even bothering to read the thread, which is what I was incensed about in the first place ;)

And thank you, I agree!

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Three whole minutes! And it doesn't change the fact that you still posted ridiculous comments before even bothering to read the thread, which is what I was incensed about in the first place ;)

And thank you, I agree!

I mentioned I was commenting on the original post and the posts directly after that to begin with.. I'm not exactly sure why you may have missed that in your continued commentary about this.

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I find it funny that you are still blaming this on your slap scripts.

If you were truly innocent and had a knowledge of scripting as you claim, you would realize that the very basic commands used in the slap scripts could in no way be mistaken for a brute force attack on certain channels passwords. There is no way a script would accidentally start spamming chanserv with password attempts for just a few select channels. Everyone seems to agree you have a knowledge of scripting, so you would know that its basically impossible for them to accidentally perform a brute force attack.

The amount of blame you are throwing on such simple scripts going 'haywire', is the worst attempt at covering your tracks I have ever witnessed.

At least to me, from your behavior in covering your tracks and poor explanations, that you yourself shouldn't logically believe with your level of knowledge, you seem incredibly guilty.

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I find it funny that you are still blaming this on your slap scripts.

If you were truly innocent and had a knowledge of scripting as you claim, you would realize that the very basic commands used in the slap scripts could in no way be mistaken for a brute force attack on certain channels passwords. There is no way a script would accidentally start spamming chanserv with password attempts for just a few select channels. Everyone seems to agree you have a knowledge of scripting, so you would know that its basically impossible for them to accidentally perform a brute force attack.

The amount of blame you are throwing on such simple scripts going 'haywire', is the worst attempt at covering your tracks I have ever witnessed.

At least to me, from your behavior in covering your tracks and poor explanations, that you yourself shouldn't logically believe with your level of knowledge, you seem incredibly guilty.

Unless he didn't specify/forgot to Specify a target and it slapped the channel....

EDIT: Would you be so kind as to send me a copy of the source code to that modified bot of yours Usarker?

Edited by Liman Von Sanders
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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

I want to see the full source code for that bot before I jump to conclusions.

I've seen people get banned from IRC due to rogue bots.

I am starting to suspect a Rogue, buggy bot.

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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

While that might normally be sound advice, I think that the IRC cop kinda sealed the deal for Ursarkar.

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That gives no evidence what so god damn ever.

It's just him saying he thinks he knows what's going on.

Funny how he didn't wait for me to reply and banned me after 30 god damn seconds after his query.

Seems like a whole bunch of BS to me, but don't worry. I intend on leaving in 10 days when my slots expire.

If I was administrator and you were either stupid enough to try brute-forcing passwords on my network, or incompetent enough to allow someone to do that through your account, I wouldn't be too interested in hearing your "side" either.

Some people shouldn't be on the Internet; in this case you seem to be a member of "some people."

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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

Ursarkar was caught trying to guess many incorrect passwords in the span of a few seconds for our private IRC channel. That action is only consistent with a brute force script. The IRCop said he did the same for NPO channels and that he tried to guess the founder passwords for others. I would also like a rational explanation for why Ursarkar used his dummy polar forum account to find out the password to the same IRC channel three times and then proceeded to query us saying it was a leak and then the next time a lucky guess before he was caught by IP evidence, but sometimes people do irrational things. Trying to "guess" that very same IRC channel's password yet again but this time without that dummy forum account would be a tad more difficult and probably require a bruteforce script of some sort. These actions are entirely consistent with his long history of almost exactly the same irrational offense.

His first explanation was that he had an IRC companion from 9 months ago and he forgot to take our channel off autojoin. That is impossible considering the channels attacked included NPO ones as well and he had yet to join NPO at that time. His second explanation was that he had a slap script that went haywire, but how many slap scripts have a feature which tries to repeatedly guess many passwords for multiple secure channels over the course of a few seconds? I'd wager not many.

Let me reiterate again, just leave us alone and we're happy to leave you alone. I still think you're a nice fellow when out of character but further attempts to crack our security, however juvenile, will naturally result in resumed hostilities. You'll have yet another chance to try not pulling stunts like this in a few weeks.

Edited by Penguin
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Think about this rationally. What on earth does Ursarkar stand to gain by hacking the founder password of #polaris? And furthermore, isn't it an incredibly stupid move to make given that he *knows* they have a zero tolerance policy? And it's not like #polaris was the only channel this happened to. I think there's more to the story, and I'd advise everyone to wait before getting their panties in a twist.

Yes, it is incredibly stupid. When has that stopped him in the past?

And it was not #polaris, it was the NpO private channel, as well as several private NPO channels. Unless you've discovered a method by which a slap script might try to make a brute force attack on several channels in an attempt to gain the founder password, I think we know all the relevant parts of the story.

You are defending someone who has, in the past, shown that he has no objections to lying about his actions by feigning innocence. You are asking us to withhold judgment on someone who has repeatedly tried to hurt the NpO, because for some reason you haven't specified other than vague possibilities of there being "more to the story", you are unwilling to accept the IRCop's evidence that Ursarkar attempted to hack several channels, after said IRCop specifically said that it was impossible a rogue script such as Ursarkar's could cause such an incident.

What evidence could possibly convince you, so long as Ursarkar keeps pleading 'not guilty'?

Edited by Moridin
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As I said I'm not going into it. I'm just commenting on everyone's willingness to accept someone at their word because of a superfluous title. I doubt Ursawhatever is innocent in the slightest, but I wouldn't be shocked (SHOCKED!) if there was more to this story.

Oh Doitzel, is there nothing you won't dissent to?

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