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Yay Mets and Francesca versus The Sweet Oblivion: Declaration of War


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God !@#$@#$ damn, Hell Scream. You're awesome.



On an unrelated note, TSO is about to surrender to the mighty force of Francesca and that other guy.

Edited by Hell Scream
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God !@#$@#$ damn, Hell Scream. You're awesome.

To call his posts awesome is like me telling him to drop his AA, come for us instead of asking the reverse or any assorted unlikely scenario. Fact is he is happy with his AA and it being there to protect him. Same as we're unlikely to sacrifice our nations by making the very useless action of atacking Hell Scream. Not that I actually know the guy.

His whole act now is useless and plain chest thumbing.

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To call his posts awesome is like me telling him to drop his AA, come for us instead of asking the reverse or any assorted unlikely scenario. Fact is he is happy with his AA and it being there to protect him. Same as we're unlikely to sacrifice our nations by making the very useless action of atacking Hell Scream. Not that I actually know the guy.

His whole act now is useless and plain chest thumbing.

Sir, if you're suggesting that I care about my well being, or if you're suggesting that I need my alliance's protection, I recommend you take it back, for it is a great lie.

I am anything but a coward or a liar.

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:lol1: - You realize you act like a 10 year old girl standing behind her big brothers, hurling insults in the direction of someone she doesn't like, hoping to see a bully fight on the playground, and giggling all the while.

This thread is full of lulz if nothing else. Gripping repartee though is certainly lacking.

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:lol1: - You realize you act like a 10 year old girl standing behind her big brothers, hurling insults in the direction of someone she doesn't like, hoping to see a bully fight on the playground, and giggling all the while.

This thread is full of lulz if nothing else. Gripping repartee though is certainly lacking.

Where are my "big brothers"?

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Where are my "big brothers"?

and ZING!!!..... I guess that one went right over your head there Hell Scream. Get yourself some coffee, and come back when your a little more coherent.

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and ZING!!!..... I guess that one went right over your head there Hell Scream. Get yourself some coffee, and come back when your a little more coherent.

Hahahah, you misunderstood what I meant. Please re-read what I said and attempt to try and understand what it actually meant.

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I know that I am not an attention whore, I know that I always act in step with my conscience, which is strange because I have rejected morals.

Please. :rolleyes: Your video says it all - "they will remember the few, who stood against the many." You think you're a savior for planet Bob and you desperately want to be remembered in a good light.

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Hahahah, you misunderstood what I meant. Please re-read what I said and attempt to try and understand what it actually meant.

I fully understood YOUR meaning. Did you understand mine?

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Yeah and when Polaris finally stood out against the Hegemony what happened? It too got rolled. Penkala's argument is that removing Polaris from power helped free Planet Bob. How? Do you honestly think TOP and the rest of the Hegemony sitting in their ivory towers cared about Polaris harming the likes of GUN/NADC/FIST? Perhaps they had some ties indirectly to the alliances that were rolled, but I can sure as hell assure you the main reason the likes of Gre and TOP attacked Polaris was purely for a grudge.

And then CnG? What of them? If you say the WoTC helped to make Planet Bob free then look at the war in its entirety. Many alliances subjected to harsh terms just for obeying a treaty. Like MK, TDSM8 and GR. What did they do to deserve such harsh treatment? You think this was freeing Planet Bob of its evils? Please, it merely put another alliance down while those who entered the war reaped the benefits.

And MHA? Well remember when you guys objected to the noCB war and assured us your support in the upcoming conflict then ended up preemptively hitting Genesis? Way to make a stand, MHA. As Grub said, "When it comes to doing nothing, MHA are the guys for the job."

And you hate Sponge so much, then complain about the stagnation of Planet Bob. If you hate boredom than don't complain when someone gives you something to be excited about or brings war to your doorstep.

Also, Fran, this may be a bit OOC but can you not use the term, "die" even in an IC sense? It gives me terrible feelings.

You're wrong. Polar 'stood against the Hegemony' only because the Hegemony was attacking them, not out of some desire for freedom. Stop trying to twist history, I understand you're upset you were rolled, everyone would be, but Polar was doing the same stuff NPO was and deserved to go down. Gre and TOP attacked because your gov was literally threatening them. Stop being dense. I certainly agree with you regarding the terms to MK, TDSM8 and GR. But again, you're trying to redirect to anything other than the fact that a regime who often used hegemony-like tactics was replaced by a much better acting government, hence more freedom.

Just stop dancing and take my argument head on or concede defeat. My argument, just so you don't address something else again: NpO would roll alliances and use Hegemony tactics, and after the war, they no longer did so. Therefore the war helped increase freedom across the planet.


If you want a piece of TSO so much then join Fran and attack them, you coward.

I am anything but a coward or a liar.

Then do something about TSO yourself. Oh wait, you *are* a coward who likes to hide behind an AA and call others out.

Edited by Penkala
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I don't actually give a damn whether you think I want attention. I'm departing from Planet Bob after this is over.


Also, you joined an AA 3 days ago and declared on behalf of that AA on TSO, while there is someone else on your AA that has been there for 100+ days. Who is the other person and does he/she acknowledge you as leader ?

Edit: this man speaks the truth

Please. :rolleyes: Your video says it all - "they will remember the few, who stood against the many." You think you're a savior for planet Bob and you desperately want to be remembered in a good light.
Edited by leprecon
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OOC: The entire paragraph quoted above is clearly and completely OOC. The fact that you just casually coughed that out here tells me all I need to know about how well you separate IC and OOC. This in turn tells me that your reroll is very unlikely to be anything other than *your reroll* despite any protestations however sincere to the contrary and I find myself in the distasteful position of agreeing 100% with their decision to deny your application full stop. I would do the same.

OOC: It was OOC because they made it OOC: or did you not notice that? The only reason I became MegaAros again was because they forced me to reveal who I was. It is also not OOC if you consider that in my IC works, I have explained that I do believe in reincarnation and the ability to maintain memory of it. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

I had no intention of ever being MegaAros again. In my application I did mention I was a reroll only because of Pacifican history of verifying these things and because my answers were obviously too knowledgeable for a person who had only been in the game for a couple of days.

But yes: Go on and state that even though the NPO also has a horrible track record of separating OOC and IC (as demonstrated in the other Francesca thread, as well as them assisting in the stomping of NoV), that they were completely just in using that to condemn me.

I was championing against OOC things before I was ever in Vox. You have no idea what you're talking about and the fact that you honestly think that you know anything of my stances is only an embarrassment to your own character. I have always maintained the line of OOC/IC. Granted, I think some IC things are really, really stupid, but never have I ever used an OOC action for IC actions.

Besides none of this even implies anything about what I would have done had a been a member of NPO. Go ahead and think you can tell the future from a couple of my posts though.

Fran swore an oath to the MCXA, asked for and was given the confidence of the alliance and the security clearances appertaining thereto, then proceeded to violate the oath and the confidence, by her own admission. She is therefore not only scum she is almost a platonic ideal of scum. The fact that she happened to do it in the service of a genuinely good cause - to bring down a regime of global terrorism - might have pursuaded me to minimise that, but even minimised by the best that one is never going to sound good. But with what she has done after? Give me a break.

Good riddance to the ruler, and sincere condolences to her victims whatever their nationality.

I still don't see the difference between that and De Profundis. Doitzel was given the trust of NPO and he broke that in an attempt to save NpO. Despite this, people believe now that he was in the right. He not only minimised the distrust he receives, he even seems to have gained trust amongst a lot of this community. He was a high ranking NPO member who had trust within that alliance as well.

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they are pretty loosely tied seeing as how MCXA under the leadership of what is now TSO bailed on Polaris for a sweatheart deal with NPO. then they bailed on their own alliance as well when they realized that they were going to end up getting rolled for being allied with NPO. If TOP's number ever comes up i fully expect TSO to bail on them as well. So it sorta has relevance to thread b/c it helps shed light on how pathetic of an alliance TSO is.

i must confirm the blue to be true and a current HC at that time i was involved in the discussions of leaving BLEU as a stipulation to enter 1V.

MCXAs pre-war stance was that we were tired of being the NpOs meat shields in all wars.

they entered war without 1st consulting the MCXA and always handed the MCXA the largest targets while keeping the less dangerous targets for themselves.

^^^ this was the longer term MCXA govt propaganda while i was in high council and i bought it even though i only heard the pre-war stance info through tso/current MCXA long time govt members as this happened during my month of service as HC. so i cant confirm if the non blue test in my reply is true or was just propaganda with no weight but i admit i blindly followed as i found NpOs actions at that time worrisome and was actually ridiculed before talks of war against the NpO for having these feeling but that all disappeared leading up to the BLEU war.

to be fair i was all for the protection of 1V but i was also on record of not trusting the NPO based on their past actions as well.

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i must confirm the blue to be true and a current HC at that time i was involved in the discussions of leaving BLEU as a stipulation to enter 1V.

Thank you elborrador for that wonderful account of things.

TSO was not, nor have they ever been in a position to "bail" on Polaris sine it's inception, to be factual. The statement in itself is certainly false.

(btw - I do know the truth regarding this, and there is much there that would need to be corrected. Not in this thread, or any other thread will that be forthcoming, at this time.)

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Thank you elborrador for that wonderful account of things.

TSO was not, nor have they ever been in a position to "bail" on Polaris sine it's inception, to be factual. The statement in itself is certainly false.

(btw - I do know the truth regarding this, and there is much there that would need to be corrected. Not in this thread, or any other thread will that be forthcoming, at this time.)

Well, good to know that TSO are still playing the "Let's not tell them what we plan to do with the alliance game"

Transparencey ftw right?

Do tell us the truth so we can stop our whining, or will you just ragequit like you did to MCXA?

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Thank you elborrador for that wonderful account of things.

TSO was not, nor have they ever been in a position to "bail" on Polaris sine it's inception, to be factual. The statement in itself is certainly false.

(btw - I do know the truth regarding this, and there is much there that would need to be corrected. Not in this thread, or any other thread will that be forthcoming, at this time.)

just for clarity i hope your not saying my post is false and your referring to tso not bailing.

im not sure what goes on in tso but i absolutely remember the HC discussions about BLEU and 1V.

and again, i was all for it at that time and in hind sight i would do it again with the way things turned out.

but with that same hind sight i probably would have known i was in the wrong alliance mingling with the wrong govt but none the less i would have chosen the same side of the conflict.

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Yeah and when Polaris finally stood out against the Hegemony what happened? It too got rolled. Penkala's argument is that removing Polaris from power helped free Planet Bob. How? Do you honestly think TOP and the rest of the Hegemony sitting in their ivory towers cared about Polaris harming the likes of GUN/NADC/FIST? Perhaps they had some ties indirectly to the alliances that were rolled, but I can sure as hell assure you the main reason the likes of Gre and TOP attacked Polaris was purely for a grudge.

Penkala already tore this to shreds quite beautifully. Sponge took offense at TOPs actions way back in UJW and he proceeded to openly threaten and provoke them over a long period of time. As TOPs ally GRE would of course defend them. Sponge proceeded to openly threaten GRE as well, again, repeatedly, over time. Citadel eventually attacked, sure. Citadel is slow, not stupid.

Many alliances subjected to harsh terms just for obeying a treaty. Like MK, TDSM8 and GR. What did they do to deserve such harsh treatment? You think this was freeing Planet Bob of its evils? Please, it merely put another alliance down while those who entered the war reaped the benefits.

I was in GRE and I dont think any of us approved of that part of it, in fact it strained/hurt our relations with those who were responsible. But as Penkala points out it doesnt change the fact that Sponge had made it a practice to threaten us, publicly. The Citadel operation against Polaris and your 'noCB war' rudely declared by opportunists after our target lists were handed out were never the same thing, no matter how hard it is for some people to comprehend any number larger than 1.

OOC: It was OOC because they made it OOC: or did you not notice that? The only reason I became MegaAros again was because they forced me to reveal who I was. It is also not OOC if you consider that in my IC works, I have explained that I do believe in reincarnation and the ability to maintain memory of it. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

OOC: All text in blue below this is OOC. The one word not blue is the IC response.

If you dont see the fnords they cant eat you. Dont see the fnords!

Exactly what I would expect you to say. You think you can be clever and dissolve the distinction like that, just invent a reason it doesnt apply to you and then expect everyone to let you screw them over again and again. I dont approve of alliances crossing that line but I realise they are forced to exactly because of people like you, so expect no sympathy.

I had no intention of ever being MegaAros again. In my application I did mention I was a reroll only because of Pacifican history of verifying these things and because my answers were obviously too knowledgeable for a person who had only been in the game for a couple of days.

In other words you only told them who you were because they caught you when you tried to sneak in.

But yes: Go on and state that even though the NPO also has a horrible track record of separating OOC and IC (as demonstrated in the other Francesca thread, as well as them assisting in the stomping of NoV), that they were completely just in using that to condemn me.

Saw nothing like that in the other thread. The stomping of NoV was obviously one where I agree with you. But I am not so simpleminded as to agree with everything you say simply because you are clever enough to deduce that a current member of NoR probably didnt appreciate that steaming pile either.

I was championing against OOC things before I was ever in Vox. You have no idea what you're talking about and the fact that you honestly think that you know anything of my stances is only an embarrassment to your own character. I have always maintained the line of OOC/IC. Granted, I think some IC things are really, really stupid, but never have I ever used an OOC action for IC actions.

All I have done is to point out what your own words have revealed in the quoted sections of this very thread. It is enough that if you were an enemy of my alliance and "re-rolled" to escape our military I would have serious problems admitting your new nation as a member. No alliance should be so foolish as to pretend that the average ruler compartmentalises the two as they should in areas where security is directly implicated, and no alliance is under any obligation to admit anyone.

You have even drug me down to your level in carrying on this OOC intrusion across multiple posts. My point is made and I dont intend to respond to anymore of this gibberish here, except to interpret it as episodic bouts of Glossolalia.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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Hell Scream can i convince you to go with her, because really, planet bob could do with a few months without either of you attention needy people causing needless drama just so you feel important.


Who're you and why should we give a damn about you and your opinions?

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