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Embracing our Black Brethren

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As Salamu Alaykim,

It has been said that the cybernations community is like a deeply healthful and sustaining vegetative soup. It’s true. I heard NCC say that once. In further reflectification on this parable of knowledge, we have decided that the Black sphere is like the okra in this soup. It is crunchy, healthy, spicified, nourishable, and appealing to the senses. Like a fine lotion, this okra is alluring on its own, but when you combinificate the essence of the black with the deep deep soul of purple, you get a resultifiying combination of diversification and beauty that delights the senses, rejuvinifies the soul, and fills the bowel with said soup.

Brothers and sisters, pray with me:

Embracing our Black Bretheren

This treaty be significated and agratagiously commisurated upon in good faithifications, with intentions so pure as to only buildify a foundation of friendship, coThe Series of Tubestion, and mutual respectication, between Nemesis and SLCB (Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes). Both signatorally engaged alliances will laboriously work together to pursue a better future putting diversity, coThe Series of Tubestion, diplomacy, and peace before aggression. Dig?

Section I: Sovereignty:

We have learnified from our historically described accounts that in the signing of this treaty both Alliances will remain Independent, and retain their Sovereignty. All brothers are created equal and will maintain their equilification. Furthermore, we all watch the sheep. Dig?

Section II: Non-Aggressification:

Static: Don’t start none, won’t be none. Dig?

Section III: Respect:

This is a mutual brotherhood but sisters are included too. To further extole these virtuosities, we demand the equality and just treatification of the people. By the people, for the people. Power to the people. All the people are the children of God and we demand that they are treatificated appropriately. Dig?

Section IV: Information:

What we know makes us stronger. All known knowifications will be communified to the other side. Anyone who communificates information to any outside authorities gets they balls cut. Dig?

Section V: Mutual Defense:

Front on one, you get beef from all. Dig?

Section VI: Review and or Upgrade

We acknowlegify that it is in our best interest to diversify and grow our love. Dig?

Section V: Withdrawal:

Brothers: we need to remind you that this is not an acceptable form of birth control. You want out? You give 48 hrs notice. Dig?

Section VI: Shoutouts:

Brothers: we need to remind you that the word that's really steppin out is, and always shall be WOO for YAWOO. Dig?

Signed for SLCB:

General Schrodinger

General Ogodai

General Nutty Carrot Cakes

Signed for Nemesis:

draov - triumvirate

Yawoo - triumvirate

daggarz (interim tri)

And now, I must further extole the virtues of my colon. Yeah, that's right.

tl/dr?; We've gone there: We're not going back.

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Hang on, let me get this straight.

Governments consisting of NCC, ogodai, Daggarz and Schrodinger all went into a MDP?

Bloody Hell.

I would love to be at this post treaty party. I would imagine theres so much lulz, trolling, sex, 4chan, troll sex and drugs going on there to make it a wild night.


p/ Nemesis

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