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Return of the Reich

Otto Verteidiger

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The Government of New Crete is in no position to influence these events other than to offer our words of support. We say to the people of Texas that it is a good thing you are fighting to protect your lands. Do not allow these petty tyrants an easy go of it. The Government of New Crete condemns the actions of the Confederacy of Mexico and calls upon their immediate withdrawal from the border and that they pay reperations for the lives they've cut short in this mad grab for power.

As for the former rulers of Texas, you had your day and you ran away from your responsibilities like a bunch of gutless cowards. You have no rights to these peoples and the fact that you were offered a chance to appear on the ballot and you refused it is even more telling. Instead, you hide behind the skirts of larger nations expecting them to do your dirty work.

You and your lot disgust us and we'll not be allowing any member of this former government or family within our territories. Such an encroachment will be met with the immediate penalty of death.

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This was the moment they had been waiting for the situation came to a point where there was only one way to solve it, the sword. With the general mobilization Marines could be quickly transfered to their Landing Ships and national defenses were all activated. While no homeland attacks were expected you always had to be sure. The initial taskforce would only consist of 3 Aircraft Carriers, 4 Submarines of which none Nuclear but all with a full arsenal of Cruise Missiles, 4 destroyers and 5 Cruisers the landing ships would follow once the shore was secured meanwhile the transport planes were prepared to launch. The naval taskforce departed their harbors going for Texas mostly through Allied waters.

**Classified Message to All Allies**

Requesting permission to base an invasion force and several Squadrons in friendly territory close to the Texan border

"You do know that you are now at war with Viniland, as per their guarantee of Texas' territorial integrity? Unless you back off, of course.

Additionally, I a note to Verteidiger: You are deluded if you truly think that you can force these people under your rule. If you do so, you are no better than a tyrant and belong into the deepest pits of hell."

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Yes, operation is underway. We are preparing to provide increased support to Texas, including military intervention if needed. The Navy certainly can assist your forces into getting to Texas.


In response to the Imperial Union’s declaration of war against Texas, an additional 50,000 troops were being mobilized to be deployed to Texas, bringing the number to 90,000. The task force, named the Special Expeditionary Force Texas, was augmented by another ten ships (destroyers, cruisers, and submarines) and five squadrons of interceptors and fighters.

Edited by JEDCJT
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"Carthage sees our own position in the Reichs' - having to fight for our sovereignty and rule of a land that was all too apparently was ours. While we may disagree with some words spoken by them, the goal is just and comes close to our hearts. Carthage pledges military, economic and material support for the Reich and the Imperial Family."

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"It seems the world supports aristocratic imperialism instead of democracy. Should the Imperial Family come into power, I have the entire Parliament behind me when I say we will not recognize them as a legitimate nation." -President Uberstein.

Classified: OTH Radar systems are online and the Finnish airforce has started defensive patrols.

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"If the Cochin Royal Family chose to escape every time we faced mortal danger, we would never have lasted for the 900 years of our history. By running away from their responsibility, the Verteidiger Imperial Family has forfeited any right to rule over their nation.

With power comes responsibility. If you find yourselves unwilling to bear the responsibility you are unworthy of wielding the power."

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We have troops deployed along the gulf coast in Mississippi, and Alabama. 
We have transport helicopters on standby to assist in transportation, 
but we'll be relying on New England transports to transit heavy armor from Mobile, Alabama,
 and Fort Featherston, Mississippi. Deploying 1st Division down to Fort Featherston from Theater 1. 
Awaiting pickup when provided.

Good luck.


1st Division redeployed to Fort Featherston, Mississippi, along the gulf in Theater 5. FRA airforce deployed to Featherston, and will commence defensive patrols along the shoreline upon arrival. Blitz and Arrow awaiting pickup by Naval Forces of New England, transport helicopters being fueled to cross the gulf into Texas.

Reservists called up into two divisions of 32,000 soldiers, deployed along theaters 4 & 5, forts l-q along the eastern border of Alabama


For Texas defense:

116,000 INF / 2,640 ARM

First Division (|Marshall)

(92,000 INF / 880 ARM)

Fifth Brigade "Arrow Brigade" (Bock)

(12,000 INF / 880 ARM)

Fort Bailey

Fifth Brigade "Blitz" (Lee)

(12,000 INF / 880 ARM)


45 Fighter wings (F-22)

5 Bomber wings (B-52, B-1 & A-10s)

Edited by Germanic Republic
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This was the moment they had been waiting for the situation came to a point where there was only one way to solve it, the sword. With the general mobilization Marines could be quickly transfered to their Landing Ships and national defenses were all activated. While no homeland attacks were expected you always had to be sure. The initial taskforce would only consist of 3 Aircraft Carriers, 4 Submarines of which none Nuclear but all with a full arsenal of Cruise Missiles, 4 destroyers and 5 Cruisers the landing ships would follow once the shore was secured meanwhile the transport planes were prepared to launch. The naval taskforce departed their harbors going for Texas mostly through Allied waters.

**Classified Message to All Allies**

Requesting permission to base an invasion force and several Squadrons in friendly territory close to the Texan border

Message to the Imperial Union.

We hereby grant Imperial Soldiers unrestricted military access to Mexican lands and waters. We request a detachment of Imperial Soldiers to supplement our offensive into South Texas aswell, to deal a decisive blow to the Texans.

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"The Empire withdraws any and all support for the American Reich, after discussion, we have concluded that the behavior of the Reich was irresponsible; as Cochin has indicated. We instead support the new Texan government which has taken responsibility where they failed. We are still considering what, if any, additional action will be taken at this time. If the American Reich succeeds in oppressing the legitimate government, we will not grant them recognition and will see them as an occupying force."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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We find it disturbing that Tahoe would allow a new government to rise, only to turn around and say it deserves to be squashed in favor of bunch of filthy aristocrats who abandoned their people.

*Private to TX*

We are willing to sell weapons and equipment to Texas on a delayed payment plan.

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"The Empire withdraws any and all support for the American Reich, after discussion, we have concluded that the behavior of the Reich was irresponsible; as Cochin has indicated. We instead support the new Texan government which has taken responsibility where they failed. We are still considering what, if any, additional action will be taken at this time. If the American Reich succeeds in oppressing the legitimate government, we will not grant them recognition and will see them as an occupying force."

Just as the Dragon Empire has betrayed the Mexican people once, they've decided to betray the friendship and trust of the Reich. The Empire is nothing more than a two faced, back stabbing organization and I hope all nations consider this before entering into any deals with them.

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We are on our way.


After preparations, the Special Expeditionary Force Texas sailed from Guantanamo Bay and headed in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico. Landing ships escorted by cruisers and destroyers sailed toward Mobile, Alabama, and Fort Featherston, Mississippi. They were to pick up the forces of the Federal Republic of America and ferry them to Texas. When the Special Expeditionary Force arrived at Texas, they were to be brought to the Texan border to help the Texans repel the invasion; they were also to be stationed alongside the coast to repel a coastal invasion.

The objectives of the Special Expeditionary Force, in addition to safeguarding the independence and sovereignty of Texas and ferrying the FRA forces, were to form a “protective line” alongside the Texan coast. Each ship was to take a position several miles off the entire Texan coast at specific intervals; they were to serve as a deterrent to any invading force. If the invading forces were deterred, good. If not, well, New England will have a grand time blowing them out of the water. The New Englander Navy was to work together with the Vinilandese Navy.

If the Confederacy failed to withdraw their invasion within the time period allotted by Viniland, then the Special Expeditionary Force was to mount a full-scale land and sea invasion of the Confederacy.

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The Empire responds by dropping the large chunks of ownerships the corporations they had purchased in the CFNA on the open market.. relieving them of a sizable chunk of obtained equity value and the individual shares in the hands of thousands of public/private investors.

Carthage responded by buying what the Empire had dropped and more.

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OOC: aurrgh, quotes in original posts make it so harder to respond <_<

"We're afraid we receive no such message."

As are we.

This was the moment they had been waiting for the situation came to a point where there was only one way to solve it, the sword. With the general mobilization Marines could be quickly transfered to their Landing Ships and national defenses were all activated. While no homeland attacks were expected you always had to be sure. The initial taskforce would only consist of 3 Aircraft Carriers, 4 Submarines of which none Nuclear but all with a full arsenal of Cruise Missiles, 4 destroyers and 5 Cruisers the landing ships would follow once the shore was secured meanwhile the transport planes were prepared to launch. The naval taskforce departed their harbors going for Texas mostly through Allied waters.

We thank The Imperial Union with the utmost gratitude for their support. May your military might show through.

Additionally, I a note to Verteidiger: You are deluded if you truly think that you can force these people under your rule. If you do so, you are no better than a tyrant and belong into the deepest pits of hell."

I will force no one to do anything.

"With your nation being in a very similar position as us, we shall support you in your endeavor and hope you retake the lands that belong to you."

Thank you for your support.

"Carthage sees our own position in the Reichs' - having to fight for our sovereignty and rule of a land that was all too apparently was ours. While we may disagree with some words spoken by them, the goal is just and comes close to our hearts. Carthage pledges military, economic and material support for the Reich and the Imperial Family."

We thank Carthage for their support, we are in your debt.

"The Empire withdraws any and all support for the American Reich, after discussion, we have concluded that the behavior of the Reich was irresponsible; as Cochin has indicated. We instead support the new Texan government which has taken responsibility where they failed. We are still considering what, if any, additional action will be taken at this time. If the American Reich succeeds in oppressing the legitimate government, we will not grant them recognition and will see them as an occupying force."

Do not speak when you don't know your standing, I suppose.

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I will force no one to do anything.

"You will thus not attempt to overthrow the democratic government of Texas? You will thus emigrate legally into the country and merely try to get a governmental office, instead of forcing your kingly reign onto both the country and populace?

If so, everything is fine."

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"The Citadel remains neutral in this affair." - Ryn Atrevier, H.M the King

"The Aristocratic state has my personal support." - Thomas Devereaux, Duke of Nelson

Edited by iamthey
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I will force no one to do anything.
"You will thus not attempt to overthrow the democratic government of Texas? You will thus emigrate legally into the country and merely try to get a governmental office, instead of forcing your kingly reign onto both the country and populace?

If so, everything is fine."

"The Austrians speak our own sentiments. By invasion, you are attempting to force them into your way of thinking. Withdraw your bid for power, or withdraw that statement...unless you want to be a hypocrite."

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Just my five cents; which also happens to not contradict the ruling.

There is a difference between "controlling" chrises citizens and making propaganda that makes it seem like there is a popular uprising. The US during the first revolution in Iran, paid a bunch of people to go out in the streets and riot; then pictures were taken from the ground so that back in the US it looked like there was a legit revolution going on. In reality it was just a military coup with the illusion of popular support. Since no nation in this game is truly omniscient or has any objective clue what is going on in Texas besides Chris everyone just has to operate under the assumption that the misdirection/propaganda may be true for objectively denying it would be metagaming. Thus to all of us IC it is effectively no different than if he was actually controlling chris's citizens.

Edited by iamthey
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