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tLC's way of techraiding: teasing and destroying a nation


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I'm not saying that. I was saying that just spying on some one isn't a techraid. Do you agree on that with me? How could you ever TECHraid, if you don't attack a nation but just cowardly spy on it in an effort to try and weaken it.

And why is that inherently worse than tech-raiding, given tech-raiding kind of, you know, weakens a nation by destroying its infrastructure, killing its soldiers, and taking its technology?

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And why is that inherently worse than tech-raiding, given tech-raiding kind of, you know, weakens a nation by destroying its infrastructure, killing its soldiers, and taking its technology?

Because this time it happened under the cloak of secrecy, and after the act was discovered, tLC started issuing threats, and didn't have the guts to back them.

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What is a tLC member doing with a map of Oktoberfest? I thought you guys were banned from sampling such liquids and were relegated solely to the fine delicacies found in your namesake.

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Because this time it happened under the cloak of secrecy, and after the act was discovered, tLC started issuing threats, and didn't have the guts to back them.

I'm pretty sure Nigras would have started the raid in due time. I can't understand why you are trying to distinguish this from any other tech raid. It's silly considering the fact that because this was so clearly a raid most people felt that it was important for tLC to let Denniswerf go like they'd do in any other raid (which they did). Frankly, Denniswerf is fortunate that he was tech raided before anyone noticed that he was still hiding out on a nuclear rogue AA or this might have gone a bit differently. As a public service announcement, I would like to remind the rest of the world to keep their eyes pealed for the next time someone starts a secret nuclear rogue organization so we can nip these problems in the bud.

Denniswerf, I'm glad you reconsidered going out with a bang for whatever reason. I like it when players decide to stick around. Best of luck in FOK.

Edited by Penguin
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All I see is that you are a rogue nation who attacked one of my alliance mates. You are no a victim here, you are the orchestrator. Get a clue drama queen.

Disagree. He was being attacked via spies, and he fought back. I see no reason that a so called tech raider should be allowed to simply spy away 30M with no risk of repercussion. Of course, I don't see why people think that if they start a normal tech raid that nobody should ever fight back, either.

A tech raid is a war, by definition. You can't tech raid without attacking them. You can't tech raid without damaging them. It's a war.

Some wars have the goal of destroying your enemy as much as possible. Some are less damaging, more a warning than anything else. Some are tech raids. Not every war has the same purpose. Pretending "It's a tech raid, so I'm not attacking them, it isn't a war" is silly. So is pretending that spying away $30M in cash isn't an attack.

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LOL.....could you not pick on my sarcasm?!?? Of course he is a guy, just a guy with the biggest vagina I've ever seen :P And surely you can figure out why I currently have no GC's.....well maybe you are just that dumb considering your perception of what happened.

I have heard rumors that you are the new Minister of Defense of tlC. I mean, come on, even Penchuk had more class than you.

You're funny. You attack someone unprovoked and now you're whining about an unprovoked attack on yourself?

Why are you allowed to do it, but tLC isn't?

I don't get your logic, because how is responding on spy attacks an "unprovoked attack"?

Not really sure how all this went down, but it sounds like tLC are behaving like ungrateful younger siblings. Hopefully someone can put these members in their place.

What Eden said.

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I have heard rumors that you are the new Minister of Defense of tlC. I mean, come on, even Penchuk had more class than you.

I don't get your logic, because how is responding on spy attacks an "unprovoked attack"?

What Eden said.

You're actually missing something on that second statement.

On the 7th of this month I declared war on Oleg Mykhayliv, a guy I spoke a few times with a long time ago. He didn't have any AA (he was ghosting Alpha Omega before) and didn't have any soldiers. Since I think techraiding is for the sake of stealing and not destroying, as a description I used 'Raiders: Stay off Oleg'. I didn't attack him just for the record because I couldn't steal anything from him. This actually isn't related anyhow to this topic, but I guess thats the way DO A BARREL ROLL. 'found' me

This is what Hell Scream is referring to.

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There is one thing about this thread that truly astonishes me... the fact that it's in this forum.

OWF is OOC. This thread is dealing specifically with IC personas, the policies of IC organizations, has been treated as an IC incident from beginning to end, is presently having IC consequences. If there was this much OOC in the Alliances Affairs forum, most of the people posting would've been warned repeatedly. This thread is World Affairs top-to-bottom.

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There is one thing about this thread that truly astonishes me... the fact that it's in this forum.

OWF is OOC. This thread is dealing specifically with IC personas, the policies of IC organizations, has been treated as an IC incident from beginning to end, is presently having IC consequences. If there was this much OOC in the Alliances Affairs forum, most of the people posting would've been warned repeatedly. This thread is World Affairs top-to-bottom.

Best post in the entire thread right here.

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<br />There is one thing about this thread that truly astonishes me... the fact that it's in this forum.<br /><br />OWF is OOC. This thread is dealing specifically with IC personas, the policies of IC organizations, has been treated as an IC incident from beginning to end, is presently having IC consequences. If there was this much OOC in the Alliances Affairs forum, most of the people posting would've been warned repeatedly. This thread is World Affairs top-to-bottom.<br />

I agree except for being astonished... this is par for the course here I am afraid.

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Ah crap i had such high hopes for FB. I hope NpO and STA can counterbalance the fail emerging from tLC and NSO.

Oh that is rich. You know I have to touch on this one.

I won't speak for TLC since I am not a member, but I can tell you that the Sith have enjoyed nothing but success since our creation over 6 months ago. Name a single alliance that has come from nothing and grown faster than we have. You cannot. We are undefeated in battle. (Fun Fact: Doppelganger/Corinan is undefeated in battle spanning his entire Cyber Nations career, from the Citrus Wars, to the Great Patriotic War, 'til now! Un-freakin-defeated! It's true!)

We're pretty much the closest thing to perfection this game has ever seen and you should all thank us and bless the NSO every time you log into your nation. We're the best and most entertaining alliance this game has and you all damn well know it whether you'll admit it or not.

We are here for you! On behalf of the rest of the New Sith Order, you are welcome, Cyber Nations!

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Oh that is rich. You know I have to touch on this one.

I won't speak for TLC since I am not a member, but I can tell you that the Sith have enjoyed nothing but success since our creation over 6 months ago. Name a single alliance that has come from nothing and grown faster than we have. You cannot. We are undefeated in battle. (Fun Fact: Doppelganger/Corinan is undefeated in battle spanning his entire Cyber Nations career, from the Citrus Wars, to the Great Patriotic War, 'til now! Un-freakin-defeated! It's true!)

We're pretty much the closest thing to perfection this game has ever seen and you should all thank us and bless the NSO every time you log into your nation. We're the best and most entertaining alliance this game has and you all damn well know it whether you'll admit it or not.

We are here for you! On behalf of the rest of the New Sith Order, you are welcome, Cyber Nations!

Thank you.

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Oh that is rich. You know I have to touch on this one.

I won't speak for TLC since I am not a member, but I can tell you that the Sith have enjoyed nothing but success since our creation over 6 months ago. Name a single alliance that has come from nothing and grown faster than we have. You cannot. We are undefeated in battle. (Fun Fact: Doppelganger/Corinan is undefeated in battle spanning his entire Cyber Nations career, from the Citrus Wars, to the Great Patriotic War, 'til now! Un-freakin-defeated! It's true!)

We're pretty much the closest thing to perfection this game has ever seen and you should all thank us and bless the NSO every time you log into your nation. We're the best and most entertaining alliance this game has and you all damn well know it whether you'll admit it or not.

We are here for you! On behalf of the rest of the New Sith Order, you are welcome, Cyber Nations!

Me thinks you need to re-size your hat.... :lol1:

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Oh that is rich. You know I have to touch on this one.

I won't speak for TLC since I am not a member, but I can tell you that the Sith have enjoyed nothing but success since our creation over 6 months ago. Name a single alliance that has come from nothing and grown faster than we have. You cannot. We are undefeated in battle. (Fun Fact: Doppelganger/Corinan is undefeated in battle spanning his entire Cyber Nations career, from the Citrus Wars, to the Great Patriotic War, 'til now! Un-freakin-defeated! It's true!)

We're pretty much the closest thing to perfection this game has ever seen and you should all thank us and bless the NSO every time you log into your nation. We're the best and most entertaining alliance this game has and you all damn well know it whether you'll admit it or not.

We are here for you! On behalf of the rest of the New Sith Order, you are welcome, Cyber Nations!

Such sarcasm and wit targetted at your own alliance? How interesting.

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