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MO is looking for treaties

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your doing this all backward like.

you should find which alliances are like yours in mindset.

go visit their channel. get to know them and after you are friendly for a while and develop a relationship then ask them for a treaty.

Treaties are the ultimate in diplomacy. It is saying we are close enough that we are willing to take a bullet for them and they will take a bullet for us. not just some piece of paper with some words on it.

Now go back and do it right.

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yes but this inform the bigger alliances that they can come on our irc get to know us as we get to know them.

As John pointed out, that's completely backwards. You have to make the effort to get to know other alliances if you want relationships. And as he said, IRC is a great way to do it. Get to know people. Put out the effort. It's sound advice.

Sense......This OP makes none

What an appropriate comment from a Sith:



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Working towards new treaties is great, but you will probably find that you will have more success in checking out specific alliances which you think will be a good fit and then making the effort to get to know them. They could be a good fit because they are close to you in the treaty web already (ie. they are allied to your allies) because they have a similar ideology to your alliance, because you have some friends in the alliance, or any number of other things. But the point is that all of the aforementioned reasons for getting to know an alliance are preferable to 'I saw a topic in Alliance Politics saying that they wanted allies'. Frankly, doing it this way makes you look kinda desperate and is not a recipe for success.

Oh, and good luck! :)

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Working towards new treaties is great, but you will probably find that you will have more success in checking out specific alliances which you think will be a good fit and then making the effort to get to know them. They could be a good fit because they are close to you in the treaty web already (ie. they are allied to your allies) because they have a similar ideology to your alliance, because you have some friends in the alliance, or any number of other things. But the point is that all of the aforementioned reasons for getting to know an alliance are preferable to 'I saw a topic in Alliance Politics saying that they wanted allies'. Frankly, doing it this way makes you look kinda desperate and is not a recipe for success.

Oh, and good luck! :)

I knew their was a good reason to come into this thread! You my friend have a awesome avie

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1) Find a protector.

2) Grow under them and let them teach you the ropes.

Thats not hard, is it?

They already have one, GATO.

Speaking of which, have you gone to GATO about your issues? Surely they could help.

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Lol. You should know better than this.

I just find it ironic becuase people who know who you are won't give you a treaty, and everyone else doesn't know you well enough to give you a treaty (except GATO).

Good Luck nonetheless.

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