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A Sincere Apology from RAD to NSO

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Congrats on peace.

I also shake my head at this very embarassing, one-sided apology. I couldn't and I can't on the other hand be bothered to "do something" about all of this, other than maybe trying to remember it for the future, thus I will not concern myself overmuch.

I'm also glad that some people could use this stupid war to at least develop some inter-alliance friendship and respect. Those that are trying to continue the conflict beyond its resolution, on the other hand, well...

If it were obvious that I was a true Sith then I wouldn't be, right?

I like your style. One would have hoped that you had joined the community of CN long... Oh, wait.

Goes back to lurking :popcorn:


Edited by jerdge
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Edit: He apologized so this isn't necessary.

I really do wish Internet Superheroes were part of this little fight considering you guys are heavily responsible for the tense relations between NSO and pink that caused this little rumble in all reality. Go on talking tough now that your friends in RAD took the hit fully that you should have partially taken.

You so tough.

Says the guy trying to provoke them but not willing to give them their 'justly deserved' war.... really, now.

Edited by Penkala
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The lolbrown incidents were not a factor in the decision to go to war.

Is it just me or is 5 or 6 people from one sphere spamming about their sphere a common event in CN? If NSO and WAE went over into #rad and went "LOLPINK LOL WAE IS WAE COOL JOIN NSO" I wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly. This is something that orange sphere has done in the past, aqua sphere has done in the past, etc. It's nothing to get riled up about.

It shouldn't even deserve the term "incident" next to it. That is a bogus way to inflame hate and propagandize the situation.

Edited by Tron Paul
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Is it just me or is 5 or 6 people from one sphere spamming about their sphere a common event in CN? If NSO and WAE went over into #rad and went "LOLPINK LOL WAE IS WAE COOL JOIN NSO" I wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly. This is something that orange sphere has done in the past, aqua sphere has done in the past, etc. It's nothing to get riled up about.

It shouldn't even deserve the term "incident" next to it. That is a bogus way to inflame hate and propagandize the situation.

dude, what have you come to expect from them? seriously..

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Is it just me or is 5 or 6 people from one sphere spamming about their sphere a common event in CN? If NSO and WAE went over into #rad and went "LOLPINK LOL WAE IS WAE COOL JOIN NSO" I wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly. This is something that orange sphere has done in the past, aqua sphere has done in the past, etc. It's nothing to get riled up about.

It shouldn't even deserve the term "incident" next to it. That is a bogus way to inflame hate and propagandize the situation.

No, it's not common. You mention three spheres (out of 12) where some of the membership have at some point done this, infrequently. That leaves nine spheres where it's not even infrequent.

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Is it just me or is 5 or 6 people from one sphere spamming about their sphere a common event in CN? If NSO and WAE went over into #rad and went "LOLPINK LOL WAE IS WAE COOL JOIN NSO" I wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly. This is something that orange sphere has done in the past, aqua sphere has done in the past, etc. It's nothing to get riled up about.

You just reminded me of something i was supposed to arrange!

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