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Recognition of war

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By the time I got here, no such thing was left. ;)

Of course my perception of your alliance has affected how I judge what you say, my mind is that of a human after all. What, exactly, has fueled this perception? The things I've seen come from your alliance, which is rather uniform. I cannot recall a single post from an NSO member that hasn't fit this perception, though I'll be the first to admit, I have not seen that much of the OWF as of yet.

It's bizarre that people think they can just wave away their laziness like this. "I have a very strong opinion based on what I've read. I've hardly read anything, but that doesn't matter... ... AMIRITE?!" Keep it up and you'll have a grand career in the social sciences.

It's a toss-up as to whether it's arrogance, stupidity, or entitlement that leads to these kinds of situations.

Edited by Zombie Glaucon
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I knew Anthony would cause a war at some point.

Comrade Mussolandia has been taking care of filth and bad jokes for years now. This won't be any different.

Please refer to my signature so that you may apologize for your grave misrepresentation of the facts.

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Please refer to my signature so that you may apologize for your grave misrepresentation of the facts.

Congrats, but you've just revealed you're playing people off against each other for your entertainment. :P

Sounds like something [ooc]Sidious[/ooc] would do, Jedi.

Edited by Griff
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Well, perhaps a bit of commitment from both sides would be a suitable remedy. :D

You know you talk about civility and then you swear for a lot of your posts... I don't know about you but I don't consider that civility and I consider that hypocrisy at most. The amusing thing is RAD and NSO both have basically agreed to terms, you don't see them taking shots at people, anyone who is debating is actually not the two parties at war anymore. There was a debate but as soon as people started arguing about morals and about whether it was right or wrong, it went off track.

It doesn't matter because we're side parties, it is clear this won't go beyond NSO and RAD. RAD messed up, NSO is doing what they want and you have the current situation. They're making the best of it and according to NSO, it will only go a week. We all know this yet I find it ludicrous that people are going on about morals... the whole thing makes me head hurt and other people are just making themselves look horrible.


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Your RAD war opponents can post a message you sent them, too. You have to learn the ropes of the OWF before you are made into the fool, as then there's basically no going back in the eyes of this community..

Oh the irony! It hurts!

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Please refer to my signature so that you may apologize for your grave misrepresentation of the facts.

How dare you compare yourself to Anthony? He's a master of deception. Your Jedi tricks may have worked on a ginger, but they won't work on me.

Good luck in your filth purges, and thanks for the kind words

No, thank you. I'm digging your grave right next to LUE's. You'll be in good company ^_^

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Because that's what a friendly rivalry looks like (when it comes to "lolbrown" anyway), not that I expect you to know that. And not to mention, I don't even know who did those "Pink Attacks" on their channel because I didn't take part in them since I had no idea they were going on. I may have heard about it, but seriously - I don't care lol. If some other guys from Pink wanna do that, that's there thing then. If you're so upset about it, maybe you should help NSO in solving that situation because complaining to me about it won't do any good since I wasn't involved.

It was an explanation. Why you would think I am upset about it and should do something about it I dont know. Besides, something is already being done about it. I suppose RAD can thank their IS buddies for instigating that "friendly rivalry" as you call it. To have such a rivalry that generally takes both sides considering it a friendly thing. I dont think you guys understand that at all. You just do what you want and then afterwards say it was all in good fun and was friendly no matter how the other party felt about it.

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i just want to say that everyone says RAD is getting what they deserve but the only punishment that i have gotten was getting caught off guard and thrown into anarchy. NSO did not have a single war last night at update and i taunted my guy into getting someone else to declare on me. the only attacks on me today have been from CMs and Aircraft. i have one question for the NSO people that are reading this thread

Why are the people attacking me turteling? we are 1/6 your size and i cant get a decent fight

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When someone breaks into your home, you break their kneecaps, find their family, their friends, everyone they ever knew and $%&@ them up, right? No. Your analogy is as crap as this CB. and the people from Fostbite trying to pretend they support it.

This is cute. So now instead of debating people like myself you've decided to state that we don't actually believe what we say we believe? How pathetic is that? Very pathetic.

Perhaps you need to realize that some of us DO believe that the NSO is in the right here, and you either need to accept that or continue to live in your magical land where everything makes sense and people that don't agree with you must be pretending.

Thanks for agreeing with me on the CB though.

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i just want to say that everyone says RAD is getting what they deserve but the only punishment that i have gotten was getting caught off guard and thrown into anarchy. NSO did not have a single war last night at update and i taunted my guy into getting someone else to declare on me. the only attacks on me today have been from CMs and Aircraft. i have one question for the NSO people that are reading this thread

Why are the people attacking me turteling? we are 1/6 your size and i cant get a decent fight

It seems the other 72% of your alliance is fighting a decent fight then.

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This is cute. So now instead of debating people like myself you've decided to state that we don't actually believe what we say we believe? How pathetic is that? Very pathetic.

Perhaps you need to realize that some of us DO believe that the NSO is in the right here, and you either need to accept that or continue to live in your magical land where everything makes sense and people that don't agree with you must be pretending.

Thanks for agreeing with me on the CB though.

Its funny how people like that think that no one can possibly disagree with them on this so that anyone doing so must simply be lying and making things up as they go. They want people to respect them and the way they go about things but they have no idea as far as how to adapt that concept to themselves.

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In my time here, I've noticed that 99% of the arguments about fighting prowess are a waste of time. The other 1% were about Walford, which were necessary.

All conversation about Jesus (Hey-Zuse) was necessary.

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This is amazing people that are completely un-involved are whining and complaining.

You only see maybe two member from RAD complaining about the war, but other than that

they are ok with it. I have nothing against RAD, but I have my orders.

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This is amazing people that are completely un-involved are whining and complaining.

You only see maybe two member from RAD complaining about the war, but other than that

they are ok with it. I have nothing against RAD, but I have my orders.

Most people aren't complaining about the war, but are arguing over responsibility. They are two completely different issues.

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Most people aren't complaining about the war, but are arguing over responsibility. They are two completely different issues.

What's their to argue about? Jason attacked Anthony, then went on the OWF and declared.

It doesn't matter if it was one nation or 34 you attack one of us you have to take all of us.

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This is amazing people that are completely un-involved are whining and complaining.

You only see maybe two member from RAD complaining about the war, but other than that

they are ok with it. I have nothing against RAD, but I have my orders.

Right; whining and complaining aka stating their opinion and what they believe. WORDS, man. THEY MEAN SO MUCH!

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What's their to argue about? Jason attacked Anthony, then went on the OWF and declared.

It doesn't matter if it was one nation or 34 you attack one of us you have to take all of us.

What you are doing is exactly what I am talking about. Its not black and white like you are trying to make it.

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What's their to argue about? Jason attacked Anthony, then went on the OWF and declared.

It doesn't matter if it was one nation or 34 you attack one of us you have to take all of us.

And that's where the responsibility part comes in. Don't argue that you are at war because J8 attackedAnthony because it's not. NSO still feels the need to brush any fault of their own off, when it is completely their fault that the war started. Anthony baited into a joke attack, and then NSO rushed into war when they could have avoided it so easily.

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quick question for NSO, this was announced as a 1 week, non nuclear war. I've noticed a few staggers and nukes being spied away. Has the original goal changed?

not a critique, just a clarification request

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When someone breaks into your home, you break their kneecaps, find their family, their friends, everyone they ever knew and $%&@ them up, right? No. Your analogy is as crap as this CB. and the people from Fostbite trying to pretend they support it.

No pretending here. I support my allies. That they happen to be correct is a bonus.

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And that's where the responsibility part comes in. Don't argue that you are at war because J8 attackedAnthony because it's not. NSO still feels the need to brush any fault of their own off, when it is completely their fault that the war started. Anthony baited into a joke attack, and then NSO rushed into war when they could have avoided it so easily.

Regardless of whether or not NSO baited RAD into attacking, RAD had previously declared what was essentially an open war against anyone, and in the thread they said they took full responsibility and consequences for their actions.

Now, NSO obviously did not have to bait RAD into attacking, but at the same time, RAD did not have to accept the bait, yet they did. It should also be known that RAD had one or two opportunities to spit the bait out, to back out of the fight rather than to proceed, but they attacked. Now, you can say that RAD was only joking, that they didn't declare war against everyone, but with every RAD announcement essentially looking and sounding the same, how was anyone to know that THAT announcement was the one that was a joke?

NSO is.. a different alliance. I wouldn't $%&@ with them, personally (and this is really me speaking personally) because they .. don't really play around, and I do. I may be joking in what I do around them, but they're probably not, and they're probably not going to respond in a joke manner. So, if I joke around with them and I get smacked upside the head for it, is it their fault, or is it my fault for trying to joke around with people who don't joke around?

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quick question for NSO, this was announced as a 1 week, non nuclear war. I've noticed a few staggers and nukes being spied away. Has the original goal changed?

not a critique, just a clarification request

The staggering is just a force of habit and the nukes being spied away shouldn't happen too much anymore. I spied a nuke away myself the first night of war accidentally. My target did the same to me so we're even there.

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