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[23:22:42] <RyanGDI[GDI]> Sileath, $%&@ off and send peace to my members.

[23:22:56] <RyanGDI[GDI]> Without cancelling them 7 minutes later.

[23:23:13] <Sileath[tF]> lol

[23:23:17] <Sileath[tF]> !@#$ happens when you party naked

[23:23:19] <Sileath[tF]> where's my reps?

Strong words from a guy in lol peace mode.

"Sileath, $%&@ off" is the traditional planet Bob greeting for you nowadays, isn't it?

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Its truly a shame that these two alliances couldn't make peace with each other and prevent war from happening. The use of diplomacy is clearly fading from a lot of alliances these days and that's a shame, but I hope that a quick end is in sight for both parties. Justitia wishes both parties luck in their endeavors and an even speeder end.

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Its truly a shame that these two alliances couldn't make peace with each other and prevent war from happening. The use of diplomacy is clearly fading from a lot of alliances these days and that's a shame, but I hope that a quick end is in sight for both parties. Justitia wishes both parties luck in their endeavors and an even speeder end.

well RV attempted to but tF did not seem to want to. Thus far tF has lied at least on two occasions, attempted to get one alliance to backstab their treatied partner, and have in general made themselves look like massive failures on all levels.

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Its truly a shame that these two alliances couldn't make peace with each other and prevent war from happening. The use of diplomacy is clearly fading from a lot of alliances these days and that's a shame, but I hope that a quick end is in sight for both parties. Justitia wishes both parties luck in their endeavors and an even speeder end.

Pardon me, but we just pulled the Family's knife out of our back. What makes you think we want to go back to them for more?

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[23:22:42] <RyanGDI[GDI]> Sileath, $%&@ off and send peace to my members.

[23:22:56] <RyanGDI[GDI]> Without cancelling them 7 minutes later.

[23:23:13] <Sileath[tF]> lol

[23:23:17] <Sileath[tF]> !@#$ happens when you party naked

[23:23:19] <Sileath[tF]> where's my reps?

Strong words from a guy in lol peace mode.

Perhaps we should mention how long you were in peace mode to prevent being killed recently?

If RV is right, then the Family has some explaining to do.

Edited by Griff
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Does it seem to anyone else that tF are writing some pretty big cheques, cheques that someone is going to have to cover when this blows up in their face? I am watching this brave new world develop and to be honest, I prefer something different.

RV might be bat-!@#$ crazy, but every now and again he will be right. I believe this is such a time.

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Pardon me, but we just pulled the Family's knife out of our back. What makes you think we want to go back to them for more?

Hence why diplomacy failed RV...I don't blame you for not wanting to go back, I wouldn't want to. Its a shame that it happened in the first place. Trust me, I've been tech raided and its nasty business. The problem is that peace negotiations broke down in the way that they did and that should never have to happen.

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Does it seem to anyone else that tF are writing some pretty big cheques, cheques that someone is going to have to cover when this blows up in their face? I am watching this brave new world develop and to be honest, I prefer something different.

RV might be bat-!@#$ crazy, but every now and again he will be right. I believe this is such a time.

Oh I fully agree with you on this one Grub.

This should of been done an over with on day 1 or 2 of this taking place. Those running The Family have lost a few respectability points with me on this one.

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Does it seem to anyone else that tF are writing some pretty big cheques, cheques that someone is going to have to cover when this blows up in their face? I am watching this brave new world develop and to be honest, I prefer something different.

RV might be bat-!@#$ crazy, but every now and again he will be right. I believe this is such a time.

I agree with this dear Grub. I am wondering if MHA is watching this and what they are thinking seeing as how i took them for a much, much better alliance than how the Family is representing MHA to be. And yes, a Protectorate's actions reflect greatly upon their Protector.

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I agree with this dear Grub. I am wondering if MHA is watching this and what they are thinking seeing as how i took them for a much, much better alliance than how the Family is representing MHA to be. And yes, a Protectorate's actions reflect greatly upon their Protector.

I have the greatest respect for MHA. They are incapable of doing the wrong thing.

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This is one of the most pathetic things I’ve seen, and I’ve been around since the planet formed.

Seriously, this is as bad as NPO attacking during peace negotiations. Except you decided to go a step farther and go back on negotiations. I’m glad we all get to see what sort of alliance tF really is.

You're just mad at us because I didn't join BTA :awesome:

These threads are some great entertainment.

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Does it seem to anyone else that tF are writing some pretty big cheques, cheques that someone is going to have to cover when this blows up in their face? I am watching this brave new world develop and to be honest, I prefer something different.

RV might be bat-!@#$ crazy, but every now and again he will be right. I believe this is such a time.

Oh, you elegantly-spoken son of a gun.

It's true, though. It's damn-near risky to pull a stunt like this, and I too have to wonder if MHA would condone these actions. Or Sparta for that matter.

Would you?

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I have the greatest respect for MHA. They are incapable of doing the wrong thing.

I could not agree more with a post than I agree with this one.

Interesting to hear you support attacking of other members of an alliance due to a dispute with one, Master-Debater.

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I agree with this dear Grub. I am wondering if MHA is watching this and what they are thinking seeing as how i took them for a much, much better alliance than how the Family is representing MHA to be. And yes, a Protectorate's actions reflect greatly upon their Protector.

tF and MHA have a MDoAP I believe.

tF and Sparta also have a MDoAP.

But I also am curious as to what they are thinking right now. Going back on an agreement like this is not a good thing to do and reflects very poorly on the alliance going back on it. Not to mention this entire thing could have been solved on the first night if Sorum would have just ended the war. Personal hate apparently outweighs logic and wise moves. Though we have seen moves like this from Sorum in the past so honestly I can say I am not surprised something like this has happened.

You're just mad at us because I didn't join BTA

These threads are some great entertainment.

Pfffftttt :P

Wherever you went you knew I’d still be your friend. I had high hopes for tF. Some of my oldest friends are in tF so when I see moves like this I am saddened that they would be a part of it.

Interesting to hear you support attacking of other members of an alliance due to a dispute with one, Master-Debater.

tF attacked 50% of an alliance, you don’t expect other people to respond and hit back?

Edited by Master-Debater
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If RV is right, then the Family has some explaining to do.

They're trying to lawyer their way out of this. Their new story is that there was never a formal peace treaty signed, thus nothing was agreed. The logs are there though. If that doesn't look like a resolution to you, then what does one look like?

Also, I was given the impression that Tanis had the authority to speak for the Family. Again, logs.

[22:41] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> Does anyone mind if another tF member comes in here

[22:41] <%RyanGDI[GDI]> Of course not.

[22:41] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> Ok.

01[22:41] <@Rebel_Virginia> Your alliance is effectively sponsoring him by protecting him from the consequences of his actions.

[22:41] <%Lennox> Go ahead

01[22:41] <@Rebel_Virginia> No argument here.

03[22:41] * Tanis[tF] (rogerledbe@coldfront-D08DF427.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #thesitdown

03[22:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tanis[tF]


Following a slew of Family members joining the channel:

01[22:48] <@Rebel_Virginia> Would I be allowed to inquire the purpose of all these people?

[22:48] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> They wish to sit in.

[22:48] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> Is that a problem?

03[22:48] * BlackjackCF[tF] sets mode: +o Tanis[tF]

[22:48] <@Tanis[tF]> what ever, but umm, yeah

[22:48] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> Sorry about that Tanis

01[22:48] <@Rebel_Virginia> Well, I would like to know if you merely wish to shout us down?

[22:49] <@Tanis[tF]> no

[22:49] <@Tanis[tF]> I asked for them to be devoice

01[22:49] <@Rebel_Virginia> Then it may be wise to put limits on who will be speaking.

[22:49] <@Tanis[tF]> me and BJ

[22:49] <@Tanis[tF]> for us

01[22:49] <@Rebel_Virginia> Good.

[22:49] <~BlackjackCF[tF]> Note how they dont' have voices


Looks to me like Tanis did have the authority to speak for the Family, or so it was made to look.

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