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The Moldavi Doctrine

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without reading all 28 pages

You're just saying you're going to bandwagon in any war you see is profitable.. right? because that's exactly what it sounds like

It doesn't say that at all. A lot of people projecting in this thread though.

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kzoppistan, really now? If you honestly think this is a PR stunt you have not been keeping up with CN, remotely, over the last few months. the current political environment clearly needed this, evident by many individuals posts....

Hail the Sith 0/

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So does this make NSO the CN world police now?

Yes. Sheriff Moldavi has nice sound to it, doesn't it?

This declaration is a joke. People do what ever they want to either further their power or attempt to block those who wish to limit it, and they call it acting in the name of 'justice'. Every person is the hero of their own play. The only constraints on people's action is the limit of their own power in contrast with another's. So the NSO need an announcement to tell the world that what ever they do, as long as they are acting in the name of 'justice' (ie: what ever furthers their interests), it's ok by right of this flimsy 'doctrine'?

Conclusion: PR fail

Reason: Attention whoring by stating the obvious.

Probable Future Outcome: Hailing sheeple who clap like stupid monkeys now and later find themselves obstructions to NSO's ambition will end up not liking this 'declaration' much.

Cultural Impact: Negligible. Is NSO an up-holder of norms or an over-turning of norms? Neither, they pander to the people by flip-flopping. They've already proven that when faced with losing popular support they'll cave in to pressure to fit in.

Advice: Actually try some thing revolutionary.

You're silly. You also display a terrible lack of comprehension skills or knowledge. But mostly you're just silly.

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Yes. Sheriff Moldavi has nice sound to it, doesn't it?

You're silly. You also display a terrible lack of comprehension skills or knowledge. But mostly you're just silly.

Oh my, I'm flattered you find me so amusing.

Now, do you have the ability to defend your doctrine from it's obvious lack of substance?

Edit: Redacted. No longer interested in pointless mental masturbtion.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Oh my, I'm flattered you find me so amusing.

Now, do you have the ability to defend your doctrine from it's obvious lack of substance?

Edit: Redacted. No longer interested in pointless mental masturbtion.

Well your post was just wrong and recycled a handful of points others have tried to make over and over again throughout the thread, so there didn't seem much point in arguing over it.

Edited by Heft
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Well your post was just wrong and recycled a handful of points others have tried to make over and over again throughout the thread, so there didn't seem much point in arguing over it.

Actually, Heft, there's nothing really to argue over since your previous post puts us in perfect agreement:

You don't guarantee or create rights by writing them down, you do so by exercising and protecting them, which may or may not involve writing them down.

Which pretty much encapsulates my observation that this declaration is superfluous as people will do what ever they can get away with and justify it how ever they can. To reiterate the point I made back when it was almost as fresh as a summer breeze 14 pages ago:

Greasing the political wheels of legitimacy with self-created publicized "permission slip" pre hoc whatever war furthers their power. Also, PR move.
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Actually, Heft, there's nothing really to argue over since your previous post puts us in perfect agreement:

Which pretty much encapsulates my observation that this declaration is superfluous as people will do what ever they can get away with and justify it how ever they can. To reiterate the point I made back when it was almost as fresh as a summer breeze 14 pages ago:

In this case it was deemed prudent and reasonable to put this in writing and clearly and firmly state our position and potential future intentions. Words and actions are not mutually exclusive, and can often be complementary. We don't think this was superfluous, obviously.

I would pay to see Ivan Moldavi attempt a curtsy.

Attempt? The Dark Lord succeeds valiantly and gloriously in all endeavors.

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In this case it was deemed prudent and reasonable to put this in writing and clearly and firmly state our position and potential future intentions. Words and actions are not mutually exclusive, and can often be complementary. We don't think this was superfluous, obviously.

So does by publicizing this stance and attempting to shore up the legitimacy of non-treaty related aggressive action indicate designs to conduct a non-treaty related war by NSO in the near future?

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So does by publicizing this stance and attempting to shore up the legitimacy of non-treaty related aggressive action indicate designs to conduct a non-treaty related war by NSO in the near future?

So what you're saying is, we are planning on entering into a conflict someone else starts (presumably on the opposing side) in the near future? We're good, but we're not clairvoyant (yet).

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"You don't guarantee or create rights by writing them down, you do so by exercising and protecting them, which may or may not involve writing them down."

Which pretty much encapsulates my observation that this declaration is superfluous as people will do what ever they can get away with and justify it how ever they can.

The purpose of the Doctrine is to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent.

So tell me now, what are you doing? To me, it seems that your current endeavor is to reject descriptive knowledge in general. And I don't understand that. Of course the document didn't create rights, it merely helps to describe them- so people who don't already understand them and so that those who would deny us them are forced to recognize them. Consider that your logic would invalidate all treaties- after all, treaties don't create bonds between an alliance. It merely writes them down and ensures that folks who aren't aware of them are made aware of them. In fact, your logic invalidates most all written knowledge on the grounds that what it describes precedes the description itself. For example: "A description of a steam engine that declares to the world how it works? SUPERFLUOUS, THE STEAM ENGINE ALREADY EXISTS SO THIS DESCRIPTION DOESN'T MATTER." Or for the more obvious analogy: [ooc] A Declaration of Independence? What madness! Why talk about rights if they exist anyway and why declare that they're attempting to become independent if that's obvious as well.[/ooc] And I suppose this means that you take issue with the whole of philosophy as well.

Oh well, enjoy your blanket indict of descriptive knowledge. But before I finish with you, I'd like to point out that the posts of the likes of hyperion in this thread prove that this sort of descriptive knowledge, this sort of Doctrine, have at least some purpose. Evidently, not all folks think it to be obvious and not all folks believe those rights exist. So if it makes you feel better, perhaps you could think of it as a public service announcement

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So does by publicizing this stance and attempting to shore up the legitimacy of non-treaty related aggressive action indicate designs to conduct a non-treaty related war by NSO in the near future?

"By jove, I will not rest until I can paint this simple announcement of common sense policy on alliance sovereignty as something sinister!"

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