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Statement of Friendship


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The number of times you contradict yourself to make the NPO look bad is astounding.

I don't see how I contradicted myself. I told you to stop telling me to get over my grudge, and drop the act. You replied with that clever signature thing from the Karma war. I replied with a "I don't think that fits..."

I'm not seeing a contradiction, but you can feel free to show me.

The hell are you talking about?

And how many alliances have you ruined now?

Name one? You act as if you have knowledge of what I've done in CN. I don't think we've ever met.

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You guys do a fine job without Starfox's help. Or have you forgotten how your war started so quickly?

Well, to be fair, everything Starfox does is redundant and already performed by individuals much better at those tasks than he is.

But...uh...gratz on having friends, Invicta?

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Name one? You act as if you have knowledge of what I've done in CN. I don't think we've ever met.

zero. And that was the point. I was just noting that for all the effort you put into damaging an alliances PR...you aren't very good at it ;)

Well, to be fair, everything Starfox does is redundant and already performed by individuals much better at those tasks than he is.

But...uh...gratz on having friends, Invicta?


Did he die in a car crash?

No clue, someone just told me he died.

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You're right. All former Karma alliances will henceforth decree censorship requirements for their members. Opinions will be outlawed in due course so that all members can be suitably educated in a unified and comprehensive ideology that encompasses the viewpoints of former Karma leadership and justifies their every action in the name of justice. Now if only we had a dead guy to name it after.
This is a great idea. Thank you for your continued professionalism.
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Did you mean to post this on the NPO forums? Because I don't think anyone here really cares...

I care, and, judging from the number of positive responses from people outside of NPO/Invicta, quite a few others do as well.

You can speak for yourself, e.g. "I don't care," but do not assume that you speak for anyone else.

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I care, and, judging from the number of positive responses from people outside of NPO/Invicta, quite a few others do as well.

You can speak for yourself, e.g. "I don't care," but do not assume that you speak for anyone else.

I support your supporting of a kindred spirit.

All that stuff about your "Kiss of Death" is pure rumor and innuendo, nothing concrete at all.

At least most of the stuff Pacifica touches turns out well in the end...Shame about GGA though.

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I care, and, judging from the number of positive responses from people outside of NPO/Invicta, quite a few others do as well.

You can speak for yourself, e.g. "I don't care," but do not assume that you speak for anyone else.

I'm not convinced you or anyone else cares. It's just not possible.

The 9 Pages so far say otherwise.

Heh, the nine pages of people saying "wtf is this !@#$?". Right.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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I support your supporting of a kindred spirit.

All that stuff about your "Kiss of Death" is pure rumor and innuendo, nothing concrete at all.

At least most of the stuff Pacifica touches turns out well in the end...Shame about GGA though.

I like the "Kiss of Death" thing, it works well with my AA :)

I think the main kiss of death I did was leaving NSO, since last I heard, you guys don't really have an IA department.. far cry from when I was head of NSO IA and I was *this close* to taking over the whole alliance :D that was a badass department.. except for the Academy, which was cursed lol.

Love ya too Chron.

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I'm not convinced you or anyone else cares. It's just not possible.

Of course I care, I like NPO quite a bit.. you know I used to be a member, and stay in contact with the NPO IO's regularly.. I can probably say I don't really care about Nordreich.. that's not a diss, not like I dislike you too much, just that I'm somewhat indifferent to your affairs as I don't see you as relevant.

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Of course I care, I like NPO quite a bit.. you know I used to be a member, and stay in contact with the NPO IO's regularly.. I can probably say I don't really care about Nordreich.. that's not a diss, not like I dislike you too much, just that I'm somewhat indifferent to your affairs as I don't see you as relevant.

I'm still not convinced. It's just not possible.

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In regards to judging Invicta by the company they keep, I'd say that is not only accurate, but quite prudent. I must applaud the steadfast nature of your friendship, but when the majority of the world dislikes you for being friends with NPO, then perhaps it is not the rest of the world that has erred, but you?

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In regards to judging Invicta by the company they keep, I'd say that is not only accurate, but quite prudent. I must applaud the steadfast nature of your friendship, but when the majority of the world dislikes you for being friends with NPO, then perhaps it is not the rest of the world that has erred, but you?

I could cite many examples of instances where a majority of the population has supported asinine and/or inhumane actions, but I can pretty much just sum up my response as "loldemocracy."

Keep it real Invicta, don't let the haters try to tell you who your friends are.

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Well, to be fair, everything Starfox does is redundant and already performed by individuals much better at those tasks than he is.

What have you done on your own to be speaking like this? You've needed me for everything you've tried, and you've successfully bailed on everyone without notice every time. You are the definition of reliability. Weren't you acting like my friend just a couple days ago? Funny how fast you flip on people. I bash your alliance a couple times, and express my dislike for it, and you begin attacking me and everything I did in the past. You didn't have a problem with it when I was busy bashing the NPO instead of NSO. How fake.

I've never followed anyone though. I just do what I want to do, and say what I want to say.

zero. And that was the point. I was just noting that for all the effort you put into damaging an alliances PR...you aren't very good at it ;)

Okay? I wouldn't really say I'm attempting to damage your PR. I came in and shared my opinion in a very small statement. If I was really trying to hurt you, I'd be far more loud. So yeah, that's retarded.

You act like I've followed you my whole life trying to discredit you. I've never even really acknowledged your existence before this thread, because you are nothing but a shadow of Pacifica. You'll never be anything more.

Edited by Starfox101
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You're right. All former Karma alliances will henceforth decree censorship requirements for their members. Opinions will be outlawed in due course so that all members can be suitably educated in a unified and comprehensive ideology that encompasses the viewpoints of former Karma leadership and justifies their every action in the name of justice. Now if only we had a dead guy to name it after.

It is absolutely helarious that you would speak about not censoring your members from saying their peace here when all the !@#$%*ing towards Invicta and NPO is about censoring them from making whatever alliance statements in the Alliance Announcements that they see fit to make. Oh, but there is a double standard around here, I forgot.

Honestly what was the point of this thread besides, "I love you man, promise we won't drop you in the future like your "allies" did in the last war."

If that is the point that alliance wants to make then what do you care? You obviously have a serious problem with it.

I'm sick of seeing NPO and their friends who didn't go to bat for them crying about ending old grudges.

Come on. You all know you're pissed about the war and terms and you're going to carry a grudge about it too. So drop the act.

Invicta, you're a terrible alliance.

Seriously, when are you not going to !@#$%* and moan about stuff? Your dream came true and low and behold, you are still the same guy. What a waste.

And we needed a thread for that? I mean I'm not going to post a thread thanking Farkistan for being so awesome. I'll do that in private.

Private Channels FTW.

Oh hey look, the new winners are just like the old winners. Trying to decide for everyone what they should announce publically.

I'm still not convinced. It's just not possible.

I'm convinced you care enough to try and make it seem like no one cares even though the pages of this thread are flying by.

What have you done on your own to be speaking like this? You've needed me for everything you've tried, and you've successfully bailed on everyone without notice every time. You are the definition of reliability. Weren't you acting like my friend just a couple days ago? Funny how fast you flip on people. I bash your alliance a couple times, and express my dislike for it, and you begin attacking me and everything I did in the past. You didn't have a problem with it when I was busy bashing the NPO instead of NSO. How fake.

I've never followed anyone though. I just do what I want to do, and say what I want to say.

Okay? I wouldn't really say I'm attempting to damage your PR. I came in and shared my opinion in a very small statement. If I was really trying to hurt you, I'd be far more loud. So yeah, that's retarded.

You act like I've followed you my whole life trying to discredit you. I've never even really acknowledged your existence before this thread, because you are nothing but a shadow of Pacifica. You'll never be anything more.

And you will never be anything more then a disgruntled guy who doesn't know how to accept the fact that what he was hoping for for years actually happened. You don't know how to not be angry do you?

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What have you done on your own to be speaking like this? You've needed me for everything you've tried, and you've successfully bailed on everyone without notice every time. You are the definition of reliability. Weren't you acting like my friend just a couple days ago? Funny how fast you flip on people. I bash your alliance a couple times, and express my dislike for it, and you begin attacking me and everything I did in the past. You didn't have a problem with it when I was busy bashing the NPO instead of NSO. How fake.

Hah, you accusing anyone of being fake, thats rich.

Let me tell ya something, Starfox, I told you, publically, that I was done acting like you're friend. You said you had other ones, so, clearly you dont care to have friends who turn out to be more than mindless sycophants.

As for bailing? Ill concede the point. Im not very reliable, bravo, captain obvious. But I dont try to put on airs and act like Im a big deal when my track record is mostly "hanger-on" and "persistent nuisance". Im honest about what I do, and acknowledge my faults. You're a lot like Sileath in that way.

As far as bashing NSO? We arent the NPO. And as far as I know, Ivan never stabbed me in the back, so maybe I have a higher opinion of NSO than NPO, eh, Starfox? So when you bash my alliance for the sake of a few brownie points and because you're jealous of Ivan's Ego, all of a sudden Im the fake one?

At least we in the NSO have the balls to do more than just go after "Teh Bad dudez" for the sake of looking good. Dont get much "faker" than dressing as the martyr, Starfox.

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You give yourself far too much credit, brah.

I didn;t specify any alliance, just used "an alliance" as a proxy to cover the broad spectrum of alliances you've trolled, without much avail. I believe the appropriate response should have been "lolstarfox." Forgive me for treating you as an average forum go-er instead of the troll you are.

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