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How much of your RL persona makes up your CN character?


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I find it nearly impossible to be mean to people in real life; I couldn't bring myself to say half the things in real life that I say to IC enemies. Other than that, in terms of personality in general, I wouldn't say there's much difference.

Edited by Moridin
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That too. I don't talk like this in RL. Really, I don't. :P


That is a relief, you'd sound like an idiot saying your name after everything you had to say. :v:

As for how much of my RL persona makes up my IC character. I don't really do characters although the persona in-game would be a more extreme version of my RL persona. I tend to be quite blunt and direct in both realms.

Edited by Tygaland
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My basic ideas and principals are shared with Xanatos, but our personalities branch out.

Where I may have difficulties approaching new people or voicing my ideas, Xana is more than capable of making conversation. Things that I am able to type up for Xana when in character would be to formal or strict for me to talk like in real life. Things such as this separate us. So aside from minor details, inside we are the same person.

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Drostan is somewhat based on the flippant and often reckless Mark Antony character but with more interest in politics/philosophy. The idea is that his carelessness with speech often conceals a clever motive for acting so outlandish. He is not afraid of disgrace and in fact is prepared to use it to his advantage if need be. Though he takes ethical questions seriously he often expresses a bemused attitude that betrays his true conviction. I would say that this is an element of my persona in real life but it is much amplified in Drostan.

I am lucky (though not always as sometimes you want it to) because my real life persona does not show through much at all in online communities. That's great for role-playing games (except that my online personality can be a real jerk) as I don't have to watch too carefully. I had a lot of trouble with the IC/OOC lines when I first joined the boards because I found the Vox pseudo-philosophy tl;dr posts really annoying and didn't really care about the in-game politics much. Though it is getting better with time as one would expect.

I am much more rigorous and close-kept with my tl;drs in real life (aka my essays). I am more cocky in real life than I am in CN since I joined this game only a year ago and its history goes back for several. It's funny because the distinction between my IC and OOC persona are clearly there but they are more difficult for me to self-analyze than I'd have thought. Though in that post about which forum poster type you are I think I gave a good break-down of my forum persona.

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There are marked differences between my character in the game and real life. The sense of humor is about the same, though here I'm a bit zanier.

My political beliefs are about the same, in that that I rarely see things as a personal issue, more so that everything is a giant chess board.

The difference? In real life I am a complete and total !@#$%^&. Here I am much more level, measured, and positive. In fact, people seem to like me. In rl I'm much more prone to punch you in the throat. I'm also equipped with criminal tendencies and a complete lack regard for any authority or most people's feelings or property. While IC I try to be a benefactor to society and encourage everyone to their greatest potential, in rl I am a quite the misanthrope with a healthy disdain for most people.

I suppose games that have rp offer the chance for people to act out the hidden selfs. I guess my hidden self is actually the good doppleganger. And may the gods have mercy on his soul if I ever catch him in rl.

*edit: What? You can't say !@#$%^& on here? Really CN?

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Rather than Locke being an extension of me, I am an extension of Locke. He's an extension of a persona I've had since childhood, and has actually affected my development a great deal more than many real life factors. :P Changes that Locke experiences tend to filter back into me, rather than the opposite. I suppose Locke is a sort of aspiration for me, in that light.

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No offence intended, but I've always wondered about that convention, too, Bama. I've heard of sigs on these boards, and on my alliance board I use one ('Signed, Qaianna'; I've not brought that over here due to concerns about size). Is that the general gist of what you do?

Yeah, pretty much. I started doing it a long time ago on another forum, and it just became a habit. Probably couldn't stop if I tried. Hope I never have to reroll, I'd inevitably -Bama myself. :P

You don't finish every statement by saying "hyphen Bama"? :P

Believe it or not, no. :v:


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