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How much of your RL persona makes up your CN character?


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I'm pretty much the same in character and out of character. The difference is, in character you can't hear what I'm saying, so you can't tell I'm joking most of the time.

I'm pretty damn loud out of character.

To clarify. My CN character is 100% me, but the part of me that makes up my CN character, isn't me all the time. It's just a part of me, I joke around, I'm loud, I talk !@#$, I like it when people talk !@#$ back to me because I think it's funny (especially when they're good at it), etc. etc. blah blah blah blah blah. But that part of me isnt that big a part of me. People are more complicated and in general, they're a hell of a lot deeper than their CN characters, even if those characters are based upon themselves in the real world.

whatever, right?


Edited by astronaut jones
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I'm not as sarcastic in CN as IRL, because sarcasm doesn't transfer over to text unless you put a disclaimer, which I refuse to do. So I'm just less sarcastic.

Obviously my views are different in RL than in CN, because democracy sucks in CN, so I don't follow it. However, in the real world I'm very much a small government man.

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About 10% of my RL persona finds its way into my CN character. I'm more sarcastic online, more outspoken, and a LOT more silly. I'm actually rather serious offline, and a lot quieter. Offline, I tend to prefer to watch people than to interact with them. :P

My online persona has differences in her life from my own... something a lot of people don't realize until they get to talk to me OOC.

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The differences are few and far between, but one characteristic I can think of that stands out more on here than it would IRL would have to be social confidence. I'm ridiculously shy and withdrawn IRL and have next to no self confidence whatsoever (I wasn't the popular girl in school hehe.). Other than that most of my morals, ideals, and pretty much all of my political/religious views are the same. So I'd say... 85%. I also role play a female wizard/Sith but... ya know. ^_^

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Obviously my views are different in RL than in CN, because democracy sucks in CN, so I don't follow it. However, in the real world I'm very much a small government man.

How's this exactly a difference between your RL personality and CN character? Your RL personality believes that democracy isn't appliable in the conditions prevalent in CN.

Anyways, most reasons people state here aren't actually real IC/OOC differences. If you're roleplaying a midget unicorn wizard for example, that's definately a difference but acting slightly differently can hardly be considered a line between OOC and IC, because it's pretty obvious that people actually tend to act differently in different kind of social situations.

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My IC persona is equal to my own, but in RL I don't care about rules and regulations that much, I am hardly ever serious about something, and I am not the military type, furthermore I prefer a mediterranean life-style in terms of punctuality etc, something I try not to indulge in here. My humor has a sarcastic streak (a strong one) and that really doesn't work here, especially not on a forum (alhtough it comes through from time to time, and sometimes that really didn't work in my favour :P ).

Everything in here is srz bsns, and I am only doing srs bsns.

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Anyways, most reasons people state here aren't actually real IC/OOC differences. If you're roleplaying a midget unicorn wizard for example, that's definately a difference but acting slightly differently can hardly be considered a line between OOC and IC, because it's pretty obvious that people actually tend to act differently in different kind of social situations.

Actually, I think the point is that people don't really RP that well here. Keep in mind on the outside, it's supposed to be RPing national rulers. Thing of it is, CN didn't really evolve into that. I take most of what people post as a gamer playing around and not RP of a head of a nation. My guess is if one is looking for more traditional RP, the CNRP is probably where you want to be.

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Actually, I think the point is that people don't really RP that well here. Keep in mind on the outside, it's supposed to be RPing national rulers. Thing of it is, CN didn't really evolve into that. I take most of what people post as a gamer playing around and not RP of a head of a nation. My guess is if one is looking for more traditional RP, the CNRP is probably where you want to be.

My point exactly, that's why most of the stuff people describe as their personal line between OOC & IC aren't really that. It's just a different situation where the gamer behind the computer screen acts differently; for example, the people who say that they are way more loud "IC" than they are OOC are so just because the social circumstances are completely different, it's not like the gamer is thinking "hey, I guess my character could be quite loud one so I think I could say this and this instead of this and this". That'd be roleplaying and assuming a character.

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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I'd say I'm mostly the same "person" that I am in "real life" although a few of my character traits have been accentuated in the game world. It sounds as if that's the same with most of us. I made a handy quick reference chart to compare my two selves:

CN Character

RL Persona

TaxonomyAptenodytes arcticus

(Arctic Penguin)

Aptenodytes forsteri

(Emperor Penguin)

Diet5-10 barrels of fish per day3-5 servings of fish per dayExercise2 hours of flight practice after work15 minutes of gentle "float"

exercises after work

HabitatArctic/Antarctic; varies with seasons[Removed for privacy purposes]ProfessionTheoretical Ichthyologist, Imperial

Fish Taste Tester

BiophysicistFlight velocity15 km/h4 km/hHeight1.5 meters1.0 metersPredatorsSeals, polar bears, frustrated

alliance members

Door to door salesmen, lenders,

global warming

As you can see, no major differences.

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Im more charming in RL. Still a complete $@! to everyone, but more charming.


I'm not really a potato IRL.

NO WAY! haha

My avatar accurately reflects my RL persona.

.......... So this is what NSO has turned you into huh? haha

For me I am the same in almost every way. I talk better in RL though, it's just hard typing for me though.

Oh and if some people think Ivan III is a terrorist/Coup master/person trying to bring ACF back to life, drop those ideas Ivan will be dead soon so that I don't have a "REJECTED" thing over my head. I know it sounds cowardly but I'm not going to play CN anymore cuz it takes to much time for me.

We, me and Ivan, have very strong opinions about certain people *Me/Ivan looks at LoneWolf2015 and Tehol". And with that, Ivan and I will always hate Lonewolf no matter what ;) it feels nice huh LW? :P

Another major difference with Ivan and I is that Ivan isn't very good with politics now 'n days. I mean, Ivan sucked in some areas (I was away from CN for a long time and came back to CN a few days ago, I guess I was a little rusty. Plus some things have changed since I was last here) and yet I (In RL) am extremely good in politics and I am going to try to be governor of my state when I am a little older.

..... you all know something, we are most likely going to get a warning from the mods for this :P<_<:(

Edit: Forgot to say something, Ivan isn't that great in making mmorpgs lol and yet I am.... odd....

Edited by Ivan III
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the way I act in CN is pretty much the same I act in RL

The only thing is, the 2 worlds don't cross in my mind. I don't take CN into RL, and vice versa. Someone feels different? good for them.

The only difference between my 2 "charachters" is in RL I stab people who wrong me, in CN I plot to nuke them

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