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The middleman is already cut out. Nobody, or very few people use ambassadors for actual foreign affairs. It's not like we're doing a revolutionary thing in no longer having them, we're just eliminating a position that's already obselete.

Edit: I cant spelz gud

I demand that Rakari still come and visit or else!

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Congrats Pezstar on your promotion, sorry to see you leave Lakerzz you were one heck of a MoFA. But I know Pezstar will do a great job. And ooh, nice touch on the FA ideas.

All the best STA.

o7 STA

:P Just to clarify, I wasn't promoted. I've been STA government for about 9 months now. I just stepped into a different role.

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I dont agreed with this either, however best of luck. of course it is done in private chat. but cutting the middlemen out? why?

Nobody is actually being "cut" from anything. Our members are still fully able to visit other alliances and fraternize with their membership, and ambassadors from other alliances will still be welcome on our boards. There simply won't be an organized effort to deploy ambassadors whose positions were purely cosmetic anyway. Actively managing a diplomatic corps was determined to be mostly a waste of manpower (or Pezpower, in this case) for us.

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The middleman is already cut out. Nobody, or very few people use ambassadors for actual foreign affairs. It's not like we're doing a revolutionary thing in no longer having them, we're just eliminating a position that's already obselete.

Edit: I cant spelz gud

it is fine. Just that, getting know another alliance and what we can learn from them. but getting most cut out or all, and one have to all is very heavy burden.

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I agree to disagree...

In real life our ambassadors are a line of communication, but full blown negotiations are done Government to Government...

The real purpose of ambassadors in CN is for alliances to begin to get to know one another, they may not be the power in any way, but they are like the wires for the phones, we still need them...

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I agree to disagree...

In real life our ambassadors are a line of communication, but full blown negotiations are done Government to Government...

The real purpose of ambassadors in CN is for alliances to begin to get to know one another, they may not be the power in any way, but they are like the wires for the phones, we still need them...

Why does everyone have to get to know everyone?

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I agree to disagree...

In real life our ambassadors are a line of communication, but full blown negotiations are done Government to Government...

The real purpose of ambassadors in CN is for alliances to begin to get to know one another, they may not be the power in any way, but they are like the wires for the phones, we still need them...

[OOC] The best way to get to know an alliance is on IRC. [/OOC]

Diplomats are merely a formality, and an unnecessary one at that.

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because... like i said earlier. We learn from each other, improve each other, avoiding mistakes etc.

You really think ambassadors are responsible for that? Just go to each other's IRC rooms if you really want to learn something from an alliance. I do that when I feel like it and I do it in quite a few different rooms. If I was an ambassador I would probably have to focus on one single alliance. Why not just be An ambassador Of your alliance and go talk with people of other alliances? Why do you want to just deal with a single alliance?

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Why does everyone have to get to know everyone?

Not everyone...

but the alliances your Gov feels are important to know.

simple as that.

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I fully agree with this policy and think it's a great idea.

Seriously, when was the last time a basic forum diplomat serve any purpose other than to update a list of government members and relay old news? I'd much rather have people in my IRC channel than have them post a weekly "here's our new treaty" report.

Congrats pez :)

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I'm not sure how a lack of ambassadors will be worse than attacking OV. :v:

That made me laugh...

I like your FA idea. I think it is a very honest approach to FA. Seems like the really involved diplomats end up identifying too strongly with the alliance they serve as an ambassador to, and really lose their ability to give balanced advice concerning the alliance in question. Or they jump ship and join the other alliance all together :) Anyway, good luck.

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Now, let's hope you take the STA's foreign affairs in another direction - and stop enabling the New Sith Order to do as it pleases while it hides behind Frostbite.

Please provide at least one example of this statement, citing specifics.

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Not everyone...

but the alliances your Gov feels are important to know.

simple as that.

Alliances the STA .gov feel are important are already being contacted by other .gov members or other members doing so freely.

I think people aren't understanding the fact that we are not stopping members from communicating with alliances via their forums. If a member wants to go talk to someone in SLCB, for example, he/she may go right ahead. The only difference is that a member won't be assigned to SLCB, they will have to go there themselves. This will ensure that people that are most interested in communicating and maintaining a relationship will go to other alliances' forums. However, if some kind of issue with SLCB comes up, our gov will get in touch with their gov via IRC as has been the procedure for some time now.

Note: Use of SLCB was purely as an example. Hai Molleh.

Edited by lakerzz8
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Now, let's hope you take the STA's foreign affairs in another direction - and stop enabling the New Sith Order to do as it pleases while it hides behind Frostbite.

If you can point out where the STA has enables the NSO to do anything untoward, please do so.

On topic, as Bzelger said, this by no means is a recall of STA diplomats from other alliances. Current diolomats are welcome to remain in their present roles and any STA member wanting to act in that role for an alliance is welcome to do so. We just won't be assigning diplomats.

Embassies on our forum will remain open and diplomats from other alliances are welcome to sign up/remain as diplomats on our forum.

Edited by Tygaland
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