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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Pacifica hasnt been an empire since it fell out of grace with the blue colony and let go of the brown and purple one. :P

They still have the Purple Colony(s). They might have lost Green though

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They still have the Purple Colony(s). They might have lost Green though

While I would have agreed on the plural colonies before the war, Im not so sure now. I do know of one Purple alliance will probably jump right back up the skirt of NPO ASAP though and its probably not the one you think Im thinking of. As for Green, I dont really think they were a colony anymore as much as a sick puppy, but I guess they are well on their way to recovery.

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From my understanding of his previous posts... he seems to not actively support or back up the NPO, but just provides his words of encouragement.

Yes that does make sense ;)

Pax Pacifica is finally over and hopefully whatever actions people are pissed off about will be dust in the wind as our own harsh terms will grind us down for the next year.

I seriously doubt that, especially considering the attitude of not only Karma peeps but some of your own comrades in this thread. Only time will tell whether the anger and hate the Order cultivated among a myriad of different groups has been truly sated by this war.


anything for you sweetheart.

nice, good to see that despite the enviroment that constitutes this thread that love still reigns surpreme B) ..at least for some.

Edited by Cataduanes
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While I would have agreed on the plural colonies before the war, Im not so sure now. I do know of one Purple alliance will probably jump right back up the skirt of NPO ASAP though and its probably not the one you think Im thinking of. As for Green, I dont really think they were a colony anymore as much as a sick puppy, but I guess they are well on their way to recovery.

We are monsters. One and all. Taking away the caretakers of sick puppies.

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Hey, let's be honest. It's the best strategic move we've made recently!

There was the time you intentionally sparked a losing war in order to clear away uncommitted members and allies and reinvigorate Pacifica's Body Republic and government with new energy and usher in needed reforms to halt stagnation and prevent a slow death as the alliance rotted from within.

That was quite devious.

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You have taken a very unorthodox approach to reading, my friend. The details you state here only highlight the reasons for not making revenge a primary goal. This logic extends to the countless nations who have ruined themselves in rogue pursuit of vengeance. Though some may have relished the destruction of NPO nations, not everyone felt this way who fought. But what is done is done. My goal is merely to urge people to look toward the future with caution and circumspection rather than firey-eyed hatred. For alliances across Planet Bob, it is a time to focus inward after many of us spent so much time looking and fighting abroad. A heavy price has been paid (is being paid) and I would like to believe that it has not been entirely in vain.

Well I'm not going to stop hating you. Not for a while. :) But the reality is, there's not much that can be done, and by the time / if it can even be, no doubt things will have moved on.

What I'm saying is, I don't think it is top of anybody's agenda's.

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There was the time you intentionally sparked a losing war in order to clear away uncommitted members and allies and reinvigorate Pacifica's Body Republic and government with new energy and usher in needed reforms to halt stagnation and prevent a slow death as the alliance rotted from within.

That was quite devious.

How could we have been such pawns? :huh:

What I'm saying is, I don't think it is top of anybody's agenda's.

I hope not. I expect that while it will take a long time, Pacifica will land on her feet. Just try to make sure you're not crushing anyone when she does.

Edited by Drostan
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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

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