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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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I, for one, am eagerly anticipating round two. Please do not disappoint, Pacifica;)

I fear you've miscounted there, old friend. In any case, the journey to the next round is the fun part—even if it does mean I'll have to get my head comfortable between a boot and the mud somewhere along the way once more.

Well, cheers to the present.

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I fear you've miscounted there, old friend. In any case, the journey to the next round is the fun part—even if it does mean I'll have to get my head comfortable between a boot and the mud somewhere along the way once more.

Well, cheers to the present.

Oh shush, you:P

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We might have made it even more rough but I think it quickened the results. The major holdout probably would still be kicking and screaming like PC.

Heh, it's amusing to see someone so misinformed and unknowledgeable about the situation continue to talk, almost as if the sound of one's voice is far more important than anything else. Perhaps the petulant child could instead gaze into the mirror and see who really is kicking and screaming?

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Heh, it's amusing to see someone so misinformed and unknowledgeable about the situation continue to talk, almost as if the sound of one's voice is far more important than anything else. Perhaps the petulant child could instead gaze into the mirror and see who really is kicking and screaming?

Oh please, you assume because someone was not in the room that they do not know what was going on. Unless you wish more to come to be known about just whom was the person holding up the process for so long I sincerely suggest you hold your tongue on trying to slander what I posted.

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Maybe it was part of the terms that the person this whole thing started over got to make the final hammer blow to the nail? Ironic, donchathink?

I don't see that anywhere in the posted writ of surrender.

All I see is an alliance once again showing a distinct lack of honesty when things didn't go their way.

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I find it very telling that the NPO's leadership did not have the fortitude of generative organs to announce their surrender themselves.

But perhaps I'm being too harsh on them. This is only the third time they've faced such a situation. Twice before is very few chances to become accustomed to it.


Karma wanted to post it. And you should learn to count; you're off by 1.

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The issue that TPF put friends before infra and defending their ally until the end? As opposed to you know, the issue of an alliance starting a war then bailing on all their allies, because that alliance is definitely worthy of being your ally (talking about TORN, obviously)

You have no credibility.

It'll be fun to see LUE MK get curbstomped and your beloved ally TORN back out after a day. I look forward to that.

I like how the reps go up for TPF because of the time they spent in the conflict. You reward their honor with your pettiness. See above about how I look forward to your alliance's destruction.

It's funny that you seem to think that posts like these do anything to help TPF.

TPF was sticking with its friends, but in an aggressive war that they had a part in starting. Having held a MADP does not give a get out of jail free card, a MADP is basically a merger of foreign policy. The terms will reflect that.

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Oh please, you assume because someone was not in the room that they do not know what was going on. Unless you wish more to come to be known about just whom was the person holding up the process for so long I sincerely suggest you hold your tongue on trying to slander what I posted.

You know absolutely nothing of what went on in the backchannels. Your agenda is transparent and your posts full of spin, if not utter !@#$%^&*. The only thing you're good for is highlighting either your ignorance or your deliberate omittance of the facts. Perhaps you should actually learn to read and talk to others before commenting, though I doubt such a thing is within your capabilities. And for someone so completely out of the loop to claim I'm slandering him, oh that's rich. Surely a ex-NPO nobody who gets at best second hand information knows absolutely everything, including the opinions and words of our allies and others on the NPO front? Though, I'm sure the person you're referring to will find it highly amusing that you're implying he has as much power as you say he does.

Edited by Big Z
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It's funny that you seem to think that posts like these do anything to help TPF.

TPF was sticking with its friends, but in an aggressive war that they had a part in starting. Having held a MADP does not give a get out of jail free card, a MADP is basically a merger of foreign policy. The terms will reflect that.

I am unaligned, I am not an ally of TPF, my posts are not aimed to help TPF, my posts just express my opinion.

For this MADP, TORN had one with NPO, which is why they attacked together. TORN got a get out of jail free card because they bailed out of the war after one day and are allied with you. In case you forgot, TORN actually started this war, TPF was just being a good ally and helping NPO interrogate a spy.

These terms against NPO are indefensible when TORN has been a party to all of these supposed accusations, but their cowardice in the face of war has earned them white peace and allegedly a whitewash of the traitor tag they have earned.

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You know absolutely nothing of what went on in the backchannels. Your agenda is transparent and your posts full of spin, if not utter !@#$%^&*. The only thing you're good for is highlighting either your ignorance or your deliberate omittance of the facts. Perhaps you should actually learn to read and talk to others before commenting, though I doubt such a thing is within your capabilities. And for someone so completely out of the loop to claim I'm slandering him, oh that's rich. Surely a ex-NPO nobody who gets at best second hand information knows absolutely everything, including the opinions and words of our allies and others on the NPO front? Though, I'm sure the person you're referring to will find it highly amusing that you're implying he has as much power as you say he does.

Oh my, did I get to you or what? Your wheels are spinning full force to roll out the insults on me. Funny how many people who were in the thick of it had alot to say about your illustrious leader Xiphosis and how much of a hardliner he was at keeping peace terms from being reached. Even saw some logs about how he wanted to destroy the NPO.

If he didnt have any power, why did he have to open up a new forum thread in the Karma forum asking everyone for their current opinion on the new peace terms put forward? Why all the focus on him if he didn't have that big of an affect on holding back negotiations?

Edited by HeinousOne
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o/ Karma

Glad to see peace being reinstated on Planet Bob!

It was a great fight and in the end I actually see a different NPO than I did when it started, a changed and more diplomatic NPO!

o/ The NEW Pacific Order!

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And thus, the last dollop of justice was served in the Karma War. May these last few months and next few months serve as a reminder eternal of what happens when too little humanity is show by the dominant power toward the smaller powers for too long.

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Oh my, did I get to you or what? Your wheels are spinning full force to roll out the insults on me. Funny how many people who were in the thick of it had alot to say about your illustrious leader Xiphosis and how much of a hardliner he was at keeping peace terms from being reached. Even saw some logs about how he wanted to destroy the NPO.

If he didnt have any power, why did he have to open up a new forum thread in the Karma forum asking everyone for their current opinion on the new peace terms put forward? Why all the focus on him if he didn't have that big of an affect on holding back negotiations?

Everyone likes to feel important.

Even the irrelevant. Sileath is living proof of this fact.

Perhaps Xiphosis was simply trying to rally support in some ill-conceived bid for dominance? Clearly he failed if this surrender agreement was reached.

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