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Ultimatum to the Kyokujitsun People

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The following statement was broadcast across Prussia, published in 15 languages and repeated on both radio and television during every news spot:

Generalfeldmarschall Welkin Gunther walked to the podium, adorned with the Prussian Military Command Emblem.


"Greetings citizens of Prussia. I speak to you today, of a grave threat against our nation. It does not specifically come from a single existing nation, however, the threat remains clear.

In the era of the Second Nordlandic Reich, when Bruno Zamoyski administrated these lands, a large group of refuges from the now defunct Dai Kyokujitsu Teikoku were allowed to settle in present day Danzig. These men and women, behind the backs of the Prussian peoples and their governments have formed a militia and naval complement, something that cannot be condoned by the Prussian people of their representatives.

It is with great regret that I must now order all Kyokujitsun peoples be deported from the Prussian domain. As the Kyokujitsun peoples are of a defunct state, they are to be ordered to attempt entry into Dai Kyokujitsu Teikoku's closest successor state, Yamato. If they do not gain entry, Prussia will negotiate with neutral nations to harbor small populations of the Kyokujitsun peoples.

All militia members and sailors are to immediately report their arms to the nearest Prussian military post, and be processed for deportation.

If any Kyokujitsun peoples resist or do not comply with our generous offer of a peaceful and seamless transition of residency from Prussia to Yamato or another state, after one week they are to be arrested, processed, interred and forcefully deported to whichever state the Prussian government seems fit. If the militia or naval forces attempt to resist, the response will be crushing.

Your refuge status will be officially revoked after one week from this moment. Making you illegal immigrants and in possession of a foreign armed force within European domain.

Thank you, and have an excellent day."

He walked from the podium, not allowing the large group of press infront of him to ask questions.


Four Carrier Fleets have moved to seal off the Gulf of Danzig and are prepared to escort Kyokujitsun craft away from European waters.

Eight divisions of Armor, Armored Infantry, Mechanized Infantry, GROM special forces, Air Calvary, Military Police, Infantry and Marines, respectively, have been deployed in Danzig and in heavily Kyokujitsun areas with the following objectives:


Assist in the disarmament of Kyokujitsun Militia forces

Assist in the evacuation of the Kyokujitsun Civilian Population


Project force to discourage a rebellion

Prepare for the defense of the city Danzig if needed.

Orders came down the line to GROM commandos, they were tasked with monitoring Kyokujitsun ethnic and political leaders. Collecting intelligence on Kyokujitsun movements, temperament and be within close range to arrest leaders if events went sour.

Prussia was ready for anything.

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It is unfortunate that this had to happen. Since it was a Kyokujitsun who helped broker peace between TEC and the former Nordic Reich countries, but when one becomes a threat to the people of Europe they must be moved to a place where they can do no more harm.

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"Although we believe the Prussian government has reasons to be rather skeptical of the Kyokujitsun People at home, we most definitively do not believe that the act warrants the expulsion of a whole ethnic group out of a nation. We'd reckon, however, they'd all be better out of the nation as a whole, given they'd be highly susceptible to discrimination and exclusion."

"Viniland, as usual, is open to anyone, including Kyokujitsuns that wish to move to a peaceful, liberal democracy and wants to build a better life and a stronger country."

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It is unfortunate that this had to happen. Since it was a Kyokujitsun who helped broker peace between TEC and the former Nordic Reich countries, but when one becomes a threat to the people of Europe they must be moved to a place where they can do no more harm.

"Broker peace? That diplomat was a Nordic apologist and nothing more. Someone who has no right to interfere in European affairs whatsoever." -President Uberstein.

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We regrets that the situation has led to this, but will accept any Kyokujitsun who wish to join the pre-existing Kyokujitsun community in The Nation of Selenarctos.

Edited by iKrolm
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France would like to offer any Kyokujitsun expelled from Prussia a place of refuge in our Mediterranean department of Pyrénées-Orientales. That area had become depopulated in recent years, and autonomous Kyokujitsu settlements will be allowed provides that the primacy of French laws and sovereignty are respected.

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France would like to offer any Kyokujitsun expelled from Prussia a place of refuge in our Mediterranean department of Pyrénées-Orientales. That area had become depopulated in recent years, and autonomous Kyokujitsu settlements will be allowed provides that the primacy of French laws and sovereignty are respected.

Then no Kyokujitsu settlemens will be made, if they have to follow laws and sovereignty.

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Then no Kyokujitsu settlemens will be made, if they have to follow laws and sovereignty.

The French judiciary respectfully disagree with our esteemed colleagues from overseas. Retention of ultimate sovereignty by France does not preclude autonomous settlements, it merely places restrictions on these settlements on the international scene. Legally, if the Kyokujitsu does take up the offer then a new law will be passed designating specific areas where French legislation will not be in effect unless otherwise provided. An example of this exception is the French Constitution, which will always apply over all territories where France remains sovereign.

In effect the Kykojitsu settlement will be able to govern itself and receive representation in Paris, within limits. Unless of course you mean such restrictions are too repugnant for the Kykojitsun People, in which case the government of France will express our deepest regrets.

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In effect the Kykojitsu settlement will be able to govern itself and receive representation in Paris, within limits. Unless of course you mean such restrictions are too repugnant for the Kykojitsun People, in which case the government of France will express our deepest regrets.

You've hit the nail on the head.

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"The Racial Policies of Old Nordland have found root in the fertile soil of Prussia."-De Luit.

"Laughable. Shall I send a few hundred thousand refuges to form their own army on your soil? Shall I send dignitaries who attend multi-national talks and have themselves identify as a diplomat from your nation? The Kyokujitsun have--sadly--overstayed their welcome. There is no need for their status as refuges to remain as the Yamato-successor state is well capable of maintaining their population, good will, and hard working ways."

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"Laughable. Shall I send a few hundred thousand refuges to form their own army on your soil? Shall I send dignitaries who attend multi-national talks and have themselves identify as a diplomat from your nation? The Kyokujitsun have--sadly--overstayed their welcome. There is no need for their status as refuges to remain as the Yamato-successor state is well capable of maintaining their population, good will, and hard working ways."

"I would remind young nation of Prussia that the Marchar as a people whole-heartedly adopted the Kyokujitsun as their sister people, with a large minority even forming what the Clans of the Marchar have recognized as a "blood-clan", the "Fuyo". And in the days that we possessed a nation outright, we did not only accept thousands, but millions of refugees from DKT, and allowed them limited autonomy, to the benefit of our nation and their people. Perhaps Prussia should make inquiries into recent history.

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"I would remind young nation of Prussia that the Marchar as a people whole-heartedly adopted the Kyokujitsun as their sister people, with a large minority even forming what the Clans of the Marchar have recognized as a "blood-clan", the "Fuyo". And in the days that we possessed a nation outright, we did not only accept thousands, but millions of refugees from DKT, and allowed them limited autonomy, to the benefit of our nation and their people. Perhaps Prussia should make inquiries into recent history.

"And perhaps the Marchar should make inquires into common sense? Forming an army that is completely supported by an refuge status ethnic group--with no citizenship or right--without notifying their host nation is indeed an act of war. The Kyokujitsun are lucky that their armed forces were not dismantled by force at the first realization of it's formation.

This all springs from a sentiment across Europe. No foreign militaries in Europe, No foreign meddling. Something that the Kyokujitsun people and their representatives have done to exhaustion."

Edited by Brian Reimer
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