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On this episode of 'The IRON Kegger'

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Great reviews. +1 Krash.

Not a beer man myself, but I've been told to stay away from Olde English. My stepdad told me every time he drinks it, he blacks out, wakes up in the morning on some strangers lawn with a tooth in his knuckle.

That sounds like something you wouldn't be able to keep me from. :v:

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Well, I liked the previous one better, but I guess I can't complain. Mixing it up a bit never hurts, after all.


So how long before the IRON-Fark afterglow MDP?

In the spirit of the times (OOC: Current movies), I'd think it'd be a Hangover MDP.

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Now this is an :awesome: review. Back in the day Mickey's was the ML of choice on my campus (although the stoners were partial to Strawberry Hill wine .... ummmmm Strawberry Hill and some nice thai stick... ahhh the good old days ... but I digress)

I'm pleased the leadership of IRON realizes this was the single most important article in the peace treaty :)

I look forward to the remaining reviews.

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Dare i ask about the bottle of a-1?

If come over to my spot, this is how we get down for dinner:


Yeah. That's how I get down. Mrs. Krash, Krash's brother and Krash.

And I like peas.

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If come over to my spot, this is how we get down for dinner:


Yeah. That's how I get down. Mrs. Krash, Krash's brother and Krash.

And I like peas.

Yuengling, good

Stella, better

not sure about the one on the right. I'll keep an eye out for it to try since your taste seems ok.

Now onto the food reviews:

Peas...I just threw up in my mouth a little

Potatoes, good

Steaks: One on the right looks WAAAAYYY to done (could just be shadows though), middle looks about right, the one on the left is about how my wife would like it (not burned, but not red)

And how could I forget the decanter... mmmmmmmmm

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lmao king cobra.. That stuff got me hung over like you wouldnt believe. Eff that crap. More into IPAs and stouts now but back when I was into 40s, I was all about the OE Ice 800 and Crazy Horse. Im told both have been discontinued. Sad, my late teens and early 20s had many insane nights attributed to those. The crazy horse was great, Id let them get warm and flat on purpose, great for pounding.


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I daresay, Edward 40 hands should be acceptable. It is the truest way to get to know a 40. When there is one duct-taped to your hands you enjoy several 40s. Genereally you enjoy the first one faster than intended or what is acceptable.

If edward 40 hands is unaccepatable, you sir have no taste. You can even make sure to tape the pinky out for fanciness.

<ooc> It really is pretty funny the see someone doing Edward 40 Hands for the first time, and it really is quit enjoyable.</ooc>

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OOC: Now see, you're bringing back all those old memories of mine working in an inner city convenience store to help pay for college. Cleaning up after the stabbing in the parking lot (dude just had to bleed out all over the front door...). Standing by the knife rack at the deli counter and looking at the knives and the punk across the counter that stole an old man's $20 bill earlier in the day and came back to bust me up for reporting him to cops (he'd never have made it across the counter, I kept the knives sharp). Such good times. Little wonder I quit after several months and got a job at the campus working in the library.

IC: Nice reviews. Needs more Mickey's in the big mouth bottle.


I concur with the needing moar Mickey's sentiment. When I was drinking them they had "Mickeyisms" under the bottle cap.

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Mmm, King Cobra, one of my firsts, too.

But you forgot Steele Reserve, that !@#$ is the bomb.


Ahh Steel Reserve, you magnificently evil drink. Edward Beerhands with the reserve has gotten me arrested, into retardedly unnecessary fights, and countless blackouts. Nice review krash. And damn you malt liquors.

Shiat I take it back, Fark yeah malt liquors.

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