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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Let me clear it up for you.

1. NPO is a creature of habit. So much so, as it turned out, that laying a trap for was all too easy even when allies were screaming at them behind the scenes like Admiral Ackbar.

2. NPO ended discussions to settle the matter peacefully with OV and proceeded to set up an overkill attack on them with TORN. For reasons I will set aside for now, one last push was made at a negotiated settlement, though it's pretty clear that NPO already had their mind made up. Their presence at the negotiation table was a courtesy to those who claimed they wanted to resolve it, nothing more.

3. Without question Karma was ready to strike as soon as an opportunity presented itself (lord knows I sat around in IRC talking about it enough... <_< ). The OV incident was that opportunity.

4. That NPO sensed the trap too late and then tried to back out of the war quickly (so quickly they forgot to tell TORN) did them no favors.

So that's what got us here. Blaming NPO for the war is a bit like blaming Gen[m]ay for the Unjust War/GW IV.

Aw well now look, that explanation solved it all. Of course I must believe you at your word. What was that Rebel Virginia quote again? I honestly have no true idea what the truth is other than negotiations broke down and I never will and no one will delude me into thinking I may have known.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"I do believe that they make a left, a new path to follow."

Actually, two wrongs do not make a right because two movements of 90 degrees in any direction turns you around and sends you backwards down the path you just traveled. Just from a different direction. Exactly what Karma's doing.

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Read my sig. No comms with Schattenmann.

I've got an Emperor and a Coucnillor in this thread saying NPO wants to work with new Red AAs while banning their leaders from their IRC channel. I've got another Councillor and an Emperor saying they still want to protect unaligneds, while a MilCom calls my efforts to do so repugnant.

Good luck, NPO. You're welcome in #CoJ, and at the Roseum Venalicium.

Hell hath no fury like a Schattenmann scorned. Stop pretending this is a red issue.

edit: o/ Francesca

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"There is always a master, and a slave, over time, the slave revolts and the roles are reversed, and after time, they are reversed again, until a third party gets involved, overall, a double helix forms."

I don't much care for your example. I will always stand up for what I believe in, regardless of what "role" I am in.

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I am not reading 61 pages before I respond to this.

There is such a thing as honoring a treaty with an ally you don't agree with and bowing out when offers have been made. The level at which you and TPF are taking this attachment to the NPO has now reach ridiculous levels. You yourself have not denied that NPO deserves what they are getting and yet you sit here and feign outrage. Mhawk if you knew what was best for you and your alliance you would accept the rumored hands of goodwill that have been extended to you after almost 2 months of war.

If the NPO want's to dig their grave thats fine. There is no reason to make TPF, an alliance that in my eyes has made amends for past transgressions, go to that grave with them.

We can't help it we have honor and dignity, aren't cowards or traitors and do not abandon those we have made promises to in their time of need. We have this thing called integrity.. and is the one thing Pacificans still have left to be proud of if anything else. Again.. John 3:16 and John 15:13. I and my brothers will gladly burn together.. would yours?

I respect Mhawk for sticking to his principles and his friends.

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The terms, while certainly high, are acceptable to my eyes. It has been said before, but I'll say it again - proportionally, NPO has forced tougher terms on alliances before now. But no matter what you may say about Karma as a whole or that we are hypocritical and becoming the thing we are fighting, at least we can say that we do not wish the destruction of the NPO.

We all know how the NPO has operated in the past in that regard, don't we?

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I don't think rehashing the past is helpful. What's done is done. Right or wrong, Karma WON. NPO has acknowledged as much. No matter how either party has behaved in the past, the best thing now would be to move forward honorably. To do otherwise is to build up an abscess of resentment and bitterness that will fester and throb until it bursts forth in the next big war. Why not just clean and dress the wound properly now to prevent that from happening?

Edited by Jorost
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I don't much care for your example. I will always stand up for what I believe in, regardless of what "role" I am in.

"However, it is the way of the world, there always has to be a superior and a inferior power, denying this only makes your point moot in regards two 'two wrongs don't make a right', as it is pretty much reflecting the same thing."

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I thought the terms were very generous. So generous if fact that NPO really should accept them. NPO, you have held alot of people down in this game. You have caused people to quit playing, you have torn apart whole alliances. You have forced alot of alliances to disband.

If it were left up to me, you guys would be treated the same way you treated FAN for the past 2 years. And if that werent enough, I would treat you the same way you treated NAAC and force you to disband. BUt my reasons wouldnt be out of greed or for political purposes. My reasons would be to teach you the lesson of karma. You go around spreading bad ju-ju and now your upset that the peace terms arent to your liking. Deal with it. Suck it up.

Karma, your terms for NPO are very light in my eyes.

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"However, it is the way of the world, there always has to be a superior and a inferior power, denying this only makes your point moot in regards two 'two wrongs don't make a right', as it is pretty much reflecting the same thing."

My point is that people don't fit neatly into your "superior" and "inferior" power structure, rendering your point useless.

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