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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Oh, i completely forgot Vladimir said that. If he said it, then there is no set answer as Vladimir never really makes sense.

Don't worry, Vladimir did not say that. Villien said it and then Vladimir agreed in the most sarcastic manner possible, making reference to Cortath's secret formula that turned kittens into gold.

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I assume you're referring to the fact that the NPO and GATO were originally allies, just as the NPO and the Legion were originally allies; but if I've misspoken then please correct me. But is it any surprise that both GATO and the Legion would find themselves allied to the NPO yet again, after the "structural changes" mentioned above? As Tom Litler has already pointed out, there is a difference between an alliance entered into willingly, and an alliance entered into while under occupation at the point of a gun (i.e., viceroys).

There are many, many names missing from both GATO and the Legion these days. It's so easy to say that GATO and the Legion have returned to their roots when the names of those who represented all that they had become are now gone. So has neither alliance accomplished anything then, all these years?

It is good to see acornia back among the list of GATO nations. But I have to wonder why das girl delayed her return until this point in time.

First off, I am sorry for deviating from the OP's topic, and also I must state that I am not making my opinion public about all of this. I am neither supporting nor hating on the NPO here.

What I meant is that the ideals/goals/mindset of GATO is much more similar to the original GATO than it has been for a long time. Exactly? No, but close. And yes, GATO and the Legion have both accomplished much. History has been developed and resolve strengthened. However, what I mean is that the atmosphere, the feel of GATO is one of an alliance that feels free and able to live up to its motto "Strength in Unity, Honour in Justice."

We have a PIAT, but I would not say that I feel "allied" to the NPO.

The fact that GATO and the NPO were once allied is irrelevant now, with the NPO breaking its treaties (something Ivan has freely admitted now), but that is in the past and truly has no importance now. Believe it or not, GATO is not defined by our interaction with the NPO.

To sum up: Essentially, my point is that saying current GATO members cannot speak for the old GATO is ridiculous. HELLO! Das IS the old GATO, then there are QUITE A FEW OF US who were around before Chris_Kaos, Walford, and the like.

Edited by Sir Sci
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Regret yet that you started this war?

You can stop trying to play the pity PR move. NPO can pay these terms while under terms so stop trying to say you cant.

Also your still forgetting that fun fact that running to the boards never makes things better.

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Don't worry, Vladimir did not say that. Villien said it and then Vladimir agreed in the most sarcastic manner possible, making reference to Cortath's secret formula that turned kittens into gold.

The Standartenfuhrer said it almost a year ago:

[18:46] <Dilber|dinner> Ironically, it's kinda hard for us to do so, cause the creator of it is vlad

[18:46] <Dilber|dinner> heh

[18:46] <Dilber|dinner> Francoism is technically what vlad says

[18:46] <Doitzel> I feel like I'm the only one who gets that sometimes, heh

[18:47] <Dilber|dinner> heh

[18:47] <Dilber|dinner> no

[18:47] <Doitzel> outside the Imperial staff, that is

[18:47] <Dilber|dinner> It's a good code to follow

[18:47] <Dilber|dinner> but it's always been flexible

[18:47] <Dilber|dinner> It pretty much boils down to "honor and what's good for pacifica"

Something else in the above that you will notice is the Imperator Emeritus’ complete disrespect for Francoism as it is. He puts it completely as the creation of a single individual, the one who has always and will always justify anything and everything the reigning party within the New Pacific Order perpetrates: Vladimir. It is true, of course, that at each crisis Vladimir was always there to offer assurances and explanations that no matter what happens, the Imperial Staff that he is a part of was in line with Francoist ideals.

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Another big difference in Karma's terms: No decomming wonders.

You might want to expand that list to include the lack of: Viceroy, eternal war/tech farm, secret terms, removal of gov't, E/P/ZI of any member

Im sure i missed a few

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Don't worry, Vladimir did not say that. Villien said it and then Vladimir agreed in the most sarcastic manner possible, making reference to Cortath's secret formula that turned kittens into gold.

WHAT?!?! Kittens turned into Gold???? I must harness this power!

/me goes off looking for the almighty statue of the golden kitty.

Wait a minute...liez!!!!!

Vladimir always has something to say about it.

Fine, I'll take your 'sarcastic' answer as your official stance ^_^.

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You might want to expand that list to include the lack of: Viceroy, eternal war/tech farm, secret terms, removal of gov't, E/P/ZI of any member

Im sure i missed a few

How would you know about secret terms? :P

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You might want to expand that list to include the lack of: Viceroy, eternal war/tech farm, secret terms, removal of gov't, E/P/ZI of any member

Im sure i missed a few

Don't forget limiting their nuclear weapons to 13 with out a time limit.

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You can stop trying to play the pity PR move. NPO can pay these terms while under terms so stop trying to say you cant.

Also your still forgetting that fun fact that running to the boards never makes things better.

never said we couldnt. We can pay theses terms. What we cant to do is accomplish that silly side clause. Change the side clause to something logistically sensable, and we'll pay the terms.

Running to people on IRC wasnt working, whats left?

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By that you mean you quoted MK having to get rid of their first strike policy, something that no other alliance had. Or GATOs perma war that wasnt enforced. NAAC having to destroy wonders when like a total of 10 nations had them.

Remember this is not the full reps. This is just monetary and 2 other condition reps.

Stockholm Syndrome much? As another poster stated, unfortunate.

How merciful of you, not to enforce perma war against GATO. Almost as merciful as putting them under a viceroy for the better part of a year. What was the matter? Was declaring on them due to a spurious CB, and then forcing all of their banks out of peace mode just too taxing for you? Or were you too busy with the perma war you were already enforcing against FAN?

Wonders were a much more significant game advantage back when the NAAC was still around. So forcing 10 of them to decommission those wonders isn't the trivial matter you want to make it out to be. Seems to me that the NPO should be forced to decommission all of its military wonders, maybe that will help you understand things from the other perspective.

As for MK's first strike policy, it was a legitimate war tactic. Nukes are a feature of warfare on Digiterra, and they are meant to be used - not just rust away in their silos. And this BS about having to wait 24 hours before launching them needs to be done away with, seriously.

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Im not hiding

I'll vouch for this. The Admiral has had a good war. I think I took about 12 nukes from him alone.

Admiral dude, If I ever become nuke capable and go rogue, I'm crashing your party. B)

Actually, I doubt I'll ever go rogue. Not my style.

You believe me right?. :ehm:

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note: I haven't read all of the previous 167 pages, so this may have been addressed.

Apparently many missed our announcement with our May Report that our ZI list was cleared. We have no PZI lists, or even a ZI list; we never practiced what many call EZI.

It appears that the cow has been so surrounded by his own BS that he has begun to believe it himself. If NPO didn't practice EZI then spearo would never have been on a NPO EZI list. If spearo was not on a NPO EZI list then NPO would have had any reason to accuse CIS of harboring a spearo reroll. If NPO had never accused and threatened CIS, then the alliance might have stuck around (even though I was pushing for disbandment before NPO's hissy fit). If CIS had stayed around, Zocane and Kas Mage and palls would never have rerolled a bastardization of CIS. If Zocane and Kas Mage never rerolled the bastardization of CIS, I would never have recreated a nation. Therefore, if NPO didn't practice EZI, I would not be writing this now.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. Instead the cow decided to come after an alleged reroll that had nuked some NPO banks in what NPO claimed was their previous nation. If that's not a case of EZI, then I don't know what is. Also, I'm sure there are others that NPO has EZIed that the cow can't seem to remember because his simple brain is so muddled with his own BS. "Divine" or not, the bovine has gone back to his simple ways of chewing cud and pissing in the same lake he's drinking from. Maybe it's time that moo-cows returns to the simple life of the pasture and give up his "divinity"

The rest of the terms be as they may, it won't change the fact that the cow is a deceitful liar.

Edited by George The Wild
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None of this is actually going to change the reps NPO will get, right?

It's certainly not going to make them any more lenient, which was the hope behind this little "pity me" PR stunt.

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what the hell? 109 110 pages in one day?

you all do realize it's Saturday...in summer...right?

This. There's no way I'm catching up on this, especially since I can surely predict with stunning accuracy how this topic played out anyway.

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There is a difference between harsh terms and impossible-to-meet terms.

NPO's terms would still be the harshest Planet Bob has ever seen with or without the 90% war-mode shenanigans.

Good fricking lord. What did the NPO do to you guys anyway? That must be a helluva re-education camp they set up in the Legion.

"The harshest Planet Bob has ever seen?"

I don't see Moo being expelled and perma-ZI'd.

I don't see the NPO being forced to move to new forums or new IRC channels.

I don't see a viceroy being imposed.

I don't see indefinite tribute.

I don't see perma-war for year after year.

Do you really want me to go on?


How about forcing the NPO to decommission all military wonders and military improvements as a condition for accepting peace, and then refusing to protect them against tech raiders even though it would be a violation of the peace terms? Better yet, how about declaring war upon the entire AA after they've paid off their reps for a spurious reason? Say, maintaining too high a percentage of soldiers. But of course I'm just making all of this up.

How about forcing the entire alliance to disband, and then perma-ZIing all the former members? Just making this one up to.

Edited by Azhrarn
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Good fricking lord. What did the NPO do to you guys anyway? That must be a helluva re-education camp they set up in the Legion.

"The harshest Planet Bob has ever seen?"

I don't see Moo being expelled and perma-ZI'd.

I don't see the NPO being forced to move to new forums or new IRC channels.

I don't see a viceroy being imposed.

I don't see indefinite tribute.

I don't see perma-war for year after year.

Do you really want me to go on?

Did an alliance really accept all those terms?

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