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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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shush there's always been a lot of Polar lovers, even in present day. Is there tension? Yes of course, but the love still exists.

Don't make me log dump on my own alliance ;)

I'm going to ask for a dump, cuz in Polaris, the closest we have to lovers of Pacifica (excluding closet lovers) are commiserates. Also, if this hits two hundred pages...CN has reached quite a point.

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It might shock you, but some of us value our history (good and bad), our communities and some of us learned the hard way that cutting and running serves no one well. Paying massive reps is kind of irrelevant really, stat whoring is not of any interest to me. If I can keep my alliance intact, I will pay whatever it takes within reason to make that so.

The NPO is faced with something different here. These terms are not reasonable in their eyes (the 14 day war term for example). That compromises their community and it is something I understand.

The main negotiations in our surrender terms related to who could pay, not what had to be paid. An equal burden for all if far more desirable than random assumption of responsibility based on a peace mode status or an infrastructure point. Let them pay the terms, make it as hard as you like, but let them demonstrate their community by assuming the burden across the alliance and by allowing those most responsible for the situation to contribute directly... or not, but I think this mess needs to end at some stage before it becomes a 200 page farce.

Reposted for truth

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Is this seriously still going?
Yes and when it is finally over nothing will have changed.
This thread could dissapear and nothing of value would be lost

These type of posts are entirely unnecessary. It can be discerned that this thread is "still going" by the fact that there are continued posts in it; if you have something to contribute please do so but otherwise simply do not post.

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That's pretty easy to do, don't post horrific stuff on the OWF.


That was prior to Great War One. Great War Two started because GOONS waged unceasing war with Farkistan because it existed and when the League/LUE decided that GOONS did not have the right to decide which alliances should exist or not, the NPO and Initative crushed them. Also, TotalFarkistan.

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shush there's always been a lot of Polar lovers, even in present day. Is there tension? Yes of course, but the love still exists.

Don't make me log dump on my own alliance wink.gif

I'm going to ask for a dump, cuz in Polaris, the closest we have to lovers of Pacifica (excluding closet lovers) are commiserates.

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

Edited by muffasamini
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And this is why there are still a lot of Pacifican/Polar mancrushes. You cannot ignore history and community ^_^

So, where were you when the NPO setup and left Polar to die and have valued members of its community torn away by the NPO's own command? Where were you then?

There was once true brotherhood between "The Orders". Then GW1 ended. Some learned slow and some learned fast, but eventually everyone save a few insane NPO members (apparently) understood the truth.

Edited by RandomInterrupt
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Never seemed to bother the NPO before.

To set an example for others?

Now this sounds like the NPO of old, yes karma may be the right name after all, what went around does seem to be coming back around.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

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GATO ended up being under a NPO viceroy for about a year which gutted their government and set up a pro NPO puppet government and would have been disbanded if it was possible.

Not quite. GATO's government was disbanded for a while but it was put together almost exactly the same as it had been with almost exactly the same people running it. Those people were not and are not pro NPO, but don't forget that GATO's government wasn't anti NPO before that war either.

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just wondering but whos getting these reps ?

if the amount is the same posted here.

I would imagine it would be those at war with NPO. Which iirc is most of C&G/LEO/VE among others.

Edited by Frozenrpg
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Karma intends not to repeat the mistakes made by the coaLUEtion during the First Great War.

Say the situation and the scenario of this war is the same of GW1 is just a not inteligent thing. NPO is far more damages than in GW1 and Alliances who are fighting NPO did not suffer considerate damage. Also there is no chance of NPO rebuild as fast as they did in GW1 so I think there is no need to use this poor excuse.

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It might shock you, but some of us value our history (good and bad), our communities and some of us learned the hard way that cutting and running serves no one well. Paying massive reps is kind of irrelevant really, stat whoring is not of any interest to me. If I can keep my alliance intact, I will pay whatever it takes within reason to make that so.

The NPO is faced with something different here. These terms are not reasonable in their eyes (the 14 day war term for example). That compromises their community and it is something I understand.

The main negotiations in our surrender terms related to who could pay, not what had to be paid. An equal burden for all if far more desirable than random assumption of responsibility based on a peace mode status or an infrastructure point. Let them pay the terms, make it as hard as you like, but let them demonstrate their community by assuming the burden across the alliance and by allowing those most responsible for the situation to contribute directly... or not, but I think this mess needs to end at some stage before it becomes a 200 page farce.

Unfortunately this well written thought will be buried under endless banter.

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Well you're simply wrong. Your hatred will not let you see the truth, but it is the truth.

Perhaps we will have the chance to prove it to you, time will tell.

What hatred, I am just stating simple facts...It's just that I do it in a truthful and detailed manner compared to most others.

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I'm going to ask for a dump, cuz in Polaris, the closest we have to lovers of Pacifica (excluding closet lovers) are commiserates. Also, if this hits two hundred pages...CN has reached quite a point.

While I won't exactly log dump I'll post a few recent quotes. The connection is still there despite the friction and of course the obvious want for one side to help the other. Honestly the wars actions are somewhat irrelevant towards some long standing friendships.

<Loucifer> Polars are in a hard spot, with treaties to both sides of this war. They are doing the honorable thing and not engaging offensively

* Litha licks Polaris

<Litha[NPO]> Polaris is our brother :P

<Kean[NPO]> o/ polaris

<GoldenAura> Yea i hope we can work stuff out with polar too

Edited by NEWBert
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It might shock you, but some of us value our history (good and bad), our communities and some of us learned the hard way that cutting and running serves no one well. Paying massive reps is kind of irrelevant really, stat whoring is not of any interest to me. If I can keep my alliance intact, I will pay whatever it takes within reason to make that so.

The NPO is faced with something different here. These terms are not reasonable in their eyes (the 14 day war term for example). That compromises their community and it is something I understand.

The main negotiations in our surrender terms related to who could pay, not what had to be paid. An equal burden for all if far more desirable than random assumption of responsibility based on a peace mode status or an infrastructure point. Let them pay the terms, make it as hard as you like, but let them demonstrate their community by assuming the burden across the alliance and by allowing those most responsible for the situation to contribute directly... or not, but I think this mess needs to end at some stage before it becomes a 200 page farce.

This post exactly reflects my thoughts, only using a different argument (which is definitely more than valid). I concur entirely. Good post.

The problem with these terms lays not in the demanding of reparations nor the laying of guilt. I simply feel that the conflict between reparations and this unprecedented 14-day war period is simply not only completely uneconomical but also unethical.

Ask an alliance for money, tech, land, infrastructure, hell, ask them for videos of them singing 'Never Gonna Give You Up'.

But don't ask an alliance to commit suicide to earn peace.

Edited by Harold the Saxon
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So, where were you when the NPO setup and left Polar to die and have valued members of its community torn away by the NPO's own command? Where were you then?

There was once true brotherhood between "The Orders". Then GW1 ended. Some learned slow and some learned fast, but eventually everyone save a few insane NPO members (apparently) understood the truth.

We were squashing MK at the time... I thought I already said this earlier. So this is how it feels like to be rolled...hmm this sucks. Just because NPO leadership chose to stay out of the war with Polar doesn't mean that NPO's membership despised them in some way. In fact it was quite the opposite, but there was nothing we could do(Aside from leaving, which a few did do).

Edited by jimbacher
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You know, i NEVER liked NPO.

But Those terms are the biggest hypocrisy, i have ever had the misfortune to stumble upon.

Alot of us i think truly did our best to believe that karma was just and that what they where hoping to succeed in was true, fair, just and honest.

And so, the Oppressed become the Oppressor. i guess...

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Say the situation and the scenario of this war is the same of GW1 is just a not inteligent thing. NPO is far more damages than in GW1 and Alliances who are fighting NPO did not suffer considerate damage. Also there is no chance of NPO rebuild as fast as they did in GW1 so I think there is no need to use this poor excuse.

Some "victorious" alliances have taken considerable damage; not just against the NPO, but fighting on other fronts as well. For example, I think Ragnarok has taken more damage (approx 33% of it's total score) than any other "victorious" alliance in a war ever - maybe I'm wrong (I'm sure if I am, someone will chime in quickly). VE and FARK have also taken severe damage.

That was partially the fault of members of their coalition, but what's done is done, and they still took huge losses. What was the most damage (in percentage lost of score) that NPO ever took in one of it's victories?

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But don't ask an alliance to commit suicide to earn peace.

GATO, FAN, NAAC, etc, etc.

See, this is the problem you're never going to get around. Everything you criticize Karma for, the NPO has already done, and done worse. Just give it a rest already.

Also, these terms are not going to destroy the NPO.

Edited by Azhrarn
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