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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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At the moment there are 177 nations that would be responsible for the reps (if I read it right anyone above 1000 tech at the time of terms is on the hook for the reps) and anyone that joins after or crosses 1000 tech isnt responsible. Correct me if I am wrong.

If there was the 14 days of war and the attackers are coordinated then you can do 100 tech damage a day (80 from nuke 1.5 from CM and 2 from each ground). That would mean that there are only 52 nations that could pay off reps.

Basically it could be seen as a time value of money. Obviously if there is no 2 weeks of war then you have 3x as many nations that could pay reps and thus 3x the amount coming in every month.

This is all based on the assumption that as soon as terms are signed those nations are on the hook for the full amount.

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So you expected your enemies in the GATO-1V war to have 100% out of Peace Mode?

This is something that has been quoted time and time again as one of the reasons for this war. I know the Karma is the new Hegemony has been played and played again. But does 10% really make a huge difference? Also if I am wrong if they didnt come out of peace mode under that then their nation was on the hook not the entire alliance.

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pretty much sums up what is happening to Pacifica ...

NPO:ouch my booty hurts from da shhhpankings .. no more... I give you cheeseburger..

Everybody: Too Bad I don't want your cheeseburger

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* Imperial Counselor: Frawley, Bakunin's Dream

* Economic Affairs: Lord Strider

* News and Propaganda: Z'ha'dum


I thought these guys all became "Retired" Imperial Officers a month or so back.

Emperor Ivan Moldavi

Imperial Regent Vladimir

First Alliance Council - Black Adder - Lord Valentine - Koona - Vladimir

First War Council - Dilber - Karpathos - TrotskysRevenge - The Mighty Pump

Second Alliance Council - Electron Sponge - Lord Valentine - Mussolandia - The Mighty Pump

Second War Council - Dilber - Karpathos - Sei Pistole - TrotskysRevenge

Third Alliance Council - Moscovy - Rysonia - Sei Pistole - John Kirkland

Third War Council - The Mighty Pump - Dilber - TrotskysRevenge - Karpathos

Fourth Alliance Council - Rysonia - Moscovy - Electron Sponge - Nosedondekistan

Fourth War Council - TrotskysRevenge - Karpathos - Mussolandia - John Kirkland

You know what's vaguely amusing?

All the people colored red have found themselves at odds with Moo's government publicly at one point or another in the past year and a half, and all those in blue have left the game.

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To continue my point if you go back to page 3, Hawkenstein. Posted the math and he said at the time there was 181 nations. It is now 17 or so hours later and 4 nations have gone below 1000 tech.

May I suggest you accept the terms asap or these numbers will continue to drop to a certain point. Time is on our side.

All this thread has done is reinvigorate our resolve. Plus, banging our heads against the styrofoam wall based on a few verbal meatshields' posts.

(waits for Alterego to ask/state that resolve=disband NPO)

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This is something that has been quoted time and time again as one of the reasons for this war. I know the Karma is the new Hegemony has been played and played again. But does 10% really make a huge difference? Also if I am wrong if they didnt come out of peace mode under that then their nation was on the hook not the entire alliance.

10% of NPO is ~73 nations. That is a fair amount of nations right there. And you are correct on that last sentence, however, NPO also threatened to keep those nations at a permanent state of war.

EDIT: Addition to sentence

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Karma lied.

Yeppers. Yet were supposed to trust that after their round of wars on us they are going to reduce our peace terms to something managable? Somehow I think thats a lie too.

Edited by muffasamini
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Karma continues to display how little they are concerned with bringing peace and stability to Planet Bob in favor of complete and total obliteration of an alliance they have already defeated. I think the following lines from The Patriot pretty much sum up their attitude (HINT: Karma is Cornwallis):

O'Hara: But my lord, you've taken the field!

Cornwallis: Now we shall take their spirits.


Did you just join us during the war? I'm asking because I'm not aware if you know your own alliance is part of Karma...

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Terms look about right. Little soft.

@everyone quoting archon - Lets look at all the other alliances that have surrendered. NPO is an exception, they will have to pay for past wrongs. Terms have been easy for almost everyone.

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Mehh IMO karma can do as it likes. Cause they are the winner. And the winners hand out the terms.

As long as the "THIS IS THE END OF AN ERA" and "WE WILL NOT GIVE DRACONIAN TERMS" BS stops. Cause nothing will change, The position of NPO will be taken over by TOP or some other alliance.

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@everyone quoting archon - Lets look at all the other alliances that have surrendered. NPO is an exception, they will have to pay for past wrongs. Terms have been easy for almost everyone.

and the fact that that Archon's post was addressed at the NPO? :awesome:

Edited by KingSuck
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I've been thinking, and while my original reaction was 'hey those terms are pretty friggin high', NPO did start this war, and is it really fair to compare the reparation amounts imposed on alliances attacked to alliances that attacked aggressively and lose?

This is the first war in years where the aggressor of the war was defeated. Uusally you see NPO come and rain fire and brimstone on a poor victim and then ask for massive reps after destroying theri victims. Here we have the big bad aggressor actually losing and the massive reps are being imposed by their victims and those who were obligated to defend t hem.

Reps should be higher, you shouldn't have attacked OV and now you will pay for your actions. Karma are not evil oppressors they are simply holding NPO accountable for the war they started. NPO could have easily not attacked OV they chose this and now they want to try and gain pity in an attempt to weasel out of their consequences.

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