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Can't Touch this Protectorate

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Can't Touch This Protectorate

Article 1: The Untouchables (hereafter known as TU) and Nueva Vida (hereafter known as NV) sign this protectorate as a symbol of friendship above all else

Article 2: In the case that either TU or NV comes under attack by an aggressor, then the other party is obligated to come to the attacked party's defense.

Article 3: Nelchael is sexy and so it shall be known

Article 4: If either party needs help monetarily or in any way not defined by this treaty, then the other party will assist in any way that they can.

Article 5: After 30 days, this treaty will be under review

Article 6: If either party wishes to cancel this treaty, there will be a 96 hour waiting period

For The Untouchables,

wootmeister, Triumvir of War

ShadowPhoenix, Triumvir of Internal Affairs

King William IV, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

For Nueva Vida,

Nelchael, Emperor

Gebiv, Lord of War

Hizzy, Lord of Brotherhood

Space Ghost, Lord of the Interior

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Let it be known that I was forced under duress to sign off on Article 3 of this treaty.

Additionally, I'm proud to have a small part in bringing this lovechild into the world, and I have very high hopes for it. I've always enjoyed working with King Will, and I'm confident that this team will make The Untouchables into an awesome alliance.

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For the record I will be touching your protectorate, everywhere.

King William IV has informed me that he likes your touching, so you may continue to 2nd base unless they say "No".

Good Luck, although I have a passionate dislike for most protectorate deals. Hopefully this is a profitable deal, most aren't but you guys always find the dime in the dozen.

I know, and I understand your reasoning, but I'm pretty proud of our protectorates' track records. And with this good of a group founding an alliance, I think we'll have another beautiful success shortly. Then again, I still feel like a proud father every time I talk to anyone from GLOF or SSX, so I could be looking through rose-colored glasses B).

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I know, and I understand your reasoning, but I'm pretty proud of our protectorates' track records. And with this good of a group founding an alliance, I think we'll have another beautiful success shortly. Then again, I still feel like a proud father every time I talk to anyone from GLOF or SSX, so I could be looking through rose-colored glasses B) .

I feel the same way every time I see a Nueva Vida announcement. ^_^

Good Luck with this Nelly.

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you guys always find the dime in the dozen.

The dime in the dozen? lol Completely not the right figure of speech hahahaha

I'm not gonna lie, when we first signed that NAP with The Legion, I was a little weary about getting too close to those Legionnaires, but as time passed, we found ourselves chatting more and more, and King Will turned out to be a pretty cool dude after all.

Being chosen as a protector for this new alliance is quite an honour, and I look forward to seeing them spread their wings and fly.

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Neat :D

o/ NV, if sucking were awesome yall would do a lot of it! Especially Nelchael.

I've had a few bottles of Nueva Vida Tequila tonight, so I have no idea wat you are saying, but stilll :wub: you

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I was so happy for a moment when I saw the flag. I thought PUKE was coming back.

Then I read the treaty.


and then you were still happy :)

congrats NV. TU has some great protectors

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